The Ultra Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I really want Sodom, my A3 main along with Karin and Rose

@Dracu I’m not into fan fictions but like the SSF2 tournament idea

Personally i will like it to starts like a tournament to blend into rise rankings to title shot, with a favor on Shadaloo kings according to theyr grade (but placing Vega and Rog on smilar level)
Lose cause instant elimination
On Shadabosses i apply a bit of real fight sports ranking to express theyr “privilege”, at same time keeping theyr “gatekeeper” function, working as walls before reach Bison himself like in the game

  • Bison need 0 wins, being THE Boss get automatically a spot in the Final fight

  • Sagat need only 1 win for the Final, just to defeat the “Tournament Challenger”, then can quick access to the Final, being already the current #2

  • Vega and Rog need only 3 wins for the Final: fight one rising contender, defeat the other sub-boss or who defeated him, defeat Sagat, then can access to the Final

  • Everyone else is “unranked” and need to build a win streak from the bottom to the Final, rising the ranks and going through fuckton of fights

Something like this, took some sore losers from SF1 trying theyr luck again, only to being quickly eliminated at first round again lol


@Cestus_II Ooooohhh. Love the format! Doesn’t really work for me, since I need a lot more fights to complete some character motivations and set-up some other stuff too, but I might go for something like this in Season 3 where I want the SF4 Tournament to reach it’s conclusion, but quickly.

So I’m stealing/keeping this pic for future reference :joy:


You’re welcome :smiley:
Random stuff
-stole some matches from SF2tAM, like Ryu-Fei, Gief-Blanka, T.Hawk-Ken, Sim-Honda… just changed the outcome of some. Ryu getting Rog from a couple of old mangas, Ken getting Vega like in SF2V anime.
Gief-Ryu as Gief back in the days used to hate hadoukens, implying that either Ryu or Ken fucked him up from distance lol

-Wanted to give DeeJay to Guile to keep SF2tAM vibe (as they almost fought there) but wanted give him as W to Cammy, before se get firebuttspanked out of the tourney.
I liked make Guile-Chun though, like even as allies only one can progress from that point
Given theyr motivations will have been an interessing fight story wise

-I used SF1 guys just as filler, almost NPCs, so i picked the less memorable ones (i like Retsu though) that never got into other SF games beyond SF1, just to have them lose.
I still liked chose who give to who, and think the outcome as if i had to bet like i do in actual real life fight sports scenario: odds aside when you know both is cool try to imagine how the fight will go based on style match up

  • Joe is the one that got it worst of the group, just lack the huge technical level he will need to overcome the huge power/weight difference with Honda, who’s twice his size plus surprising quick and technical while at it.
    In his cockyness try to play aggressive sure it’s just another fat dude that will crumble under the first well placed combo of strikes, get same amount of success of a stupid dog attacking an huge angry boar.
    Wake up the day after feeling he got ran over by a truck lol

  • Geki is the most weak in a direct fight, and any ninja illusion tricks fail miserably with a man like Dhalsim. On other hand nothing prepared him for Sim’s crazy yogashit.
    Feeling he’s living a bad dream, his enemy does’nt seem even human… levitating, kicking his face from meters away, teleporting around (actually teleporting, no smoke bombs lol), spitting fire in all ways
    Absolutely one-side show, only thanks to Sim’s gentle soul he end up more confused than actually injuried

  • Lee is the most interessing fight. They know each other moves, experience vs youth. Best performance from a SF1 guy, but sure as fuck he’s no Gen and Chun’s speed, agility and skill quickly show to be too much for him to handle.
    Not much beating, as soon realize has been surpassed, give up and congratulate with Chun for her progress

  • Retsu, lol shit fight for the old man. Skilled fighter, but dude was’nt the best even in his prime and now is 20 years older than that… and not in cool Gouken/Gen secret anime powers way, just older
    On other side Guile is younger, bigger, stronger, faster.
    Retsu instant realize only card to play is that his american opponent will surely get overconfident, trying to finish it quickly with reckless aggression and will be perfect chance to use Shorinj Kempo counters to break his assault… except Guile is nothing like that.
    He offer him no dumb assault, no openings, no overcommitments
    Guile just methodically fuck him up, to the point that a battered frustrated Retsu is the one to reckless attack, only to get KTFO by perfectly timed flash kick to the chin

SF2 generation was just that much better lol


As for me I’m not into a tournament SF2 anymore. I have even said this before, as a personal preference.

Why? because I find it more confusing and redundant if it would exist in the current canon. (My personal preference not saying it should not happen.)

The only tournament In prefer and like to happen is SF1 which I even did a fictional interpretation before and I still do like SF3 to be a tournament.

While SF2 for me is more on team anti shadaloo guys ganging up against Bison and tracking down his henchman across the world that the whole saga end up in the viper aftermath video as the final result.

So it eliminates minor characters and unrelated stuff that can complicate things more.

Im not also a fan of what happened to the KOF destiny tournament, the appealing part of the series was the character back story of terry and the interaction from each other of various fighters along with team ups and rivalry.

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The only problem here is that according to the Q+A sections of the earlier CAP! magazines, Guile did fight Ken at one point with Dr.Light from Megaman implying that Ken only learned that Guile was his brother-in-law after the battle, whatever outcome it had (though I believe Guile would win via shrewd tactics IMO.)


I’ve recently decided to revisit the Vs series and was reminded of how much these games were a huge part of my childhood.

This game in particular gave me countless hrs of fun:

The Neo-Geo Pocket was a rare thing amongst my friends. It was something I ended up with on a whim despite never hearing about it before. When I first saw this, I thought it was fake. I wasn’t convinced it was a real thing until I popped it into the pocket console. The graphics, the characters, content, and the overall presentation made it hard for me to put the game down.

You could choose to fight 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3. You can tag out like the Marvel games in 2v2 only.

The Arcade Mode also had a nice little story to it. Its story followed whichever character you selected first. That means you’d only fight their rival in a 1v1 or the final boss that’s specific to their respective (SNK characters fight Evil Ryu while Capcom characters fight Blood of the Riot Iori) side.

Like most SNK/Capcom games, it started out as a tournament to see the strongest warriors. As we’ve come to expect, there’s usually a sinister reason behind it. When the player gets close to the finals, Bison or Geese will send Vega or Billy to eliminate them. Before that happens, your rival will intervene and knock them out–which leads to a fight.

Geese and Bison formed their own team titled: "B&G Alliance. What they want to do is make the tournament winner into a puppet. The Psycho Drive was able to reawaken the Orochi Power in Iori, as well as reawaken the Satsui no Hado in Ryu. Both are the final bosses of the game.

After winning, you go on to see the ending. Just wanted to make an elaborate post on one of my fav games growing up.


I never had an NGP but I have played this in a phone emulator to be honest.

And I really like this. There was also a mode that you can even used a gun lol something like tekken with item customization.


This is some pretty cool stuff man, you should be proud!

Thanks for posting, these look pretty good!

That’s pretty cool dude. I never got to try the NG pocket or this game, but dang it looks fun and charming! Quite a bit was put into this, thanks for sharing!


The CVS games always had so much more charisma and soul compared to the Marvel games which became really shallow after MVSF.

And since @Doctrine_Dark shared his/her CVS story it time for my CVS2 story. So basically, it was Eid and that meant I got to choose a game of my choosing (as long as it was below £20 :rofl:) so I saw CVS2 and stupidly assumed that Megaman or Bass would be in the game because it’s Capcom so you can imagine how disappointed 9 year old me was when there was no MM character in the game but there were tons of SF characters so that was enough for me(I lowkey thought Yun was a SNK character until I had the internet).

Despite this, CVS2 grew to be one of my most played PS2 games and it helped me gain a stronger appreciation for SF. My mains were K-Groove Sakura, Cammy and Morrigan. It’s still somewhere in the basement room but I haven’t played it in a long time


I think at SF2 point Ken take it, as was supposed to be the best american fighter, winning fhe martial arts Champion title.
Maybe Guile was one of these fights

Same title was won (twice) by Nash, who left it vacant to go fight Bison (and die)
Nash imho was superior to Ken, but was dead back then

Cody is an huge question mark, depend on current narrative lol

Imho it goes like Nash>Ken>Guile

Agree Guile could offer a fun offenseVSdefense fight, but i think capcom will give it to Ken more often than not

I think is about both Ken being better than general perception and Guile being good-but-not-great, even the current in ASF seem to offer that vibe (about Guile)

Wich make sense after all, Guile is first a soldier and after a fighter… actually it’s even amazing he somehow managed to be into SF league without suck

Now if it was Nash…

PS: i liked how in SF2V anime Guile school the shoto bros, but mentality wise they act kinda younger, more in line with SFA Ryu/Ken

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Think its stated somewhere cody is stronger than ken. Maybe he didnt enter all american tourney like ken because he didnt want to be bound by rules and such that would be in such tournaments

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And i tend to agree with, Cody it’s kinda like Capcom’s Terry Bogard, he’s not the protagonist of the current main series (Kyo being KoF face) but he was the Hero of a classic one, they keep a special aura for him

I also remember that joke SFA beach/summer art piece with Cody smashing Ken’s head into the cocacola machine just to get a free can LOL

While just for fun make think that Cody could just straight bully Ken (at least young SFA one) for a silly thing like a can lol

Yeah, my guess too being a rough area guy Cody just learned martial arts just to improve his street scrap skills, with zero fucks for tourneys, trophies and shit like that

Actually i can totally see Cody watching unimpressed a tournament guy doing nice technique shit and think he will last 2 seconds in MC streets as he let himself open multiple times to get suckerpunched or does too fancy stuff LOL

Also during Ken’s title run i think Cody is doing his jail time

Btw just as fun list my USA tier list will be something like

C.Viper (gadgets)
Poison (SF4)
DamnD/C.Viper (no gadgets)

G is the giant “?” mark there
He’s american or “Lincoln” is only a gimmick?
Where he stand in food chain, he may even be “Boss level” and go to take #1 lol

Another possible high is Tom, knowing that Gill injuried him does’nt say much… actually may mean he pushed Gill more than many others

I would also put Cody above Ken level. Cody is a wrecking machine and a franchise main character.


I nearly agree with that list but I believe Guile would beat C.Viper even with gadgets.


Honestly I think the whole tier below her could take her down.

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I think is just hard rank her, ultimately i got her higher than i wanted mostly because her gadgets are an insane power up
I got in mind the anime with her destroying Cammy and holding her own vs Ryu at first, canon or not gave the vibe of what kind of power-up she get

I was tempted to leave only “no gadgets” version on the very bottom tbh, but considering all her concept is built on use gadgets to be SF level it will have been kinda unfair lol, so i’ve listed both versions

That scene was fucked up. As a woman and mother, she should be a shamed of herself. She nuked Cammy’s baby maker and her baby feeders. WTF man.


Her suit was made by SIN right? So she probably doesn’t have an upgrade for it anymore.

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For all it’s offensive capability. There is no indication that it enhances her ability to take a punch. Sure it improves her speed and agility but one punch from Rog would put her down hard.

@Daemos I’ve wondered about that. Even if the CIA had the ability to improve it, I doubt they’d let her keep it. They’d send it to R&D for study. My hunch is she just never handed it over to them.