The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I was glad Blanka didn’t went CFN, but I like more CFN Akuma in how the hair grown (not the hair color). because its not circular and doesn’t makes him look like a flower.

It’s more natural and better looking, unlike SFV’s Akuma hair it looks force to look like something.

the ideas are there and most of the characters are great despite everything, it’s the execution that sucks, Necalli is the worst offender here, just having his hairs locked in animation keyframes would have made him much better, at least aesthetically, then they decided to make him a jobber storywise too.
Doesn’t help that UE makes everything that doesn’t go for a very specific artstyle (e.g. Guilty Gear, Dishonored) look like plastic and clay
Also the proportions used in the old 2D games and IV don’t really suit this semi realistic look


I believe individual peoples still have soul, capcom as a company completely lost it

Said 99 times, will say one more, considering the overall situation Ono is gold and his work to protect SF as much he could is something that will sadly pass unnoticed by most

Surely capcom stil managed to dump some of theyr arrogant marketing retardness, but Ono managed to keep the house mostly clean

And even considering SFV got dirt by some of newcapcom crap, that’s nothing compared to what happened to all other capcom series



As for Zeku

I like the way they design his character from story and visuals, (not talking of his movesets) I never thought they would ever do a great job of having a master of ninjutsu, age that is hip, classy and cool at the same time.

His character design, personality and behavior definitely says that he is ageless regardless of looks and abilities.

Zeku was not a generic archetype that is a sensei and master template used for years, yet they made a decent iteration of it.

Which series? MH and RE are doing great nowadays

I don’t mind the proportions in general, but I agree that letting the physics engine handle Necalli’s hair instead of animating it properly made him lose a lot of potential visually. A lot of the clipping issues in this game are due to ragdoll effects like that.


they even thought that giving a cape to Ed was a good idea despite all the horrible clipping with a lot of models (like Akuma’s chest being pierced by his clay mane)

MH is a rare case, that probably have to thanks a strong director too

RE doing great if you mean money wise, stilistically blowjobbed whatever marketing trend was doing hot at the moment for years

DMCV visually is another antoniades DMC without antoniades, even if fans clearly spoke against it with theyr wallets

The rest are dead brands

They was one of the (if not THE) king of japanese videogames with great tradition and solid recognizable style, now they just try to suck western dicks for 7.99 dollar$

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oh we talking about aesthetic, kinda agree on that, but what does antoniades mean? The only result google gave me was about a greek surname

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@stronzolo Tameem Antoniades was the director of the DMC reboot.

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I need this book in my life so bad.

Guile got some very cool alt concepts

LOL we risked blond Rashido, remind me a lot Ali in Beyond Oasis 2

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It may be worth noting that the book isn’t a complete collection of concept art. While it contains concept art that hasn’t been posted on CFN, CFN also has concept art that wasn’t used in the book.

The weirdest instance is Cody. The book has so little Cody concept art, yet there are two pieces on CFN that didn’t make it into the book. (Cody wearing a policeman’s uniform over his prison outfit, Cody in blood-spattered prison garb with a bag over his head and wearing a noose)

Somewhat weird are DLC outfit variations. CFN has multiple articles that include numerous variations of outfits for certain characters. The book includes all the variations for some characters, but for others only contains the final version.

CFN has Menat concept art from before she even looked like Menat. So the book doesn’t have any of the concepts where she was a white girl with red hair. Pizza delivery girl, Italian delinquent, stage magician, card magician (the last incarnation would have tried to have killed Rose)…

While it has several discarded Sakura concepts, the book is missing Sakura as a mountain climbing guide.


Elena and Poison


One week away from actual news/s4 announcement!

Can’t give less fucks about the tournament itself lol


Any idea what this is in Zeku back?




Wait kinda doing some googling and the wiki said it’s a like the war god in forgotten worlds, kinda weird for Zeku and Guy to consistently reference it?


I hope I could find a decent resolution of that in Zeku back

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Actually, All About SFZ1 mentions Bushinryu Ninjitsu being a military group 550 years before SFZ1.

From the same book, right? Interesting. I wonder if there’s anything about the Dolls.

Weird that in Nash’s section, they didn’t published Nash’s wounded body after being attacked by the chopper…