The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Not weird at all. The bosses name is Bushin or War God


Wow that kinda surprise me that they worship a video game boss as a god literally.

Interesting coincidentally P2 will encounter Guy in modern day times lol.

So now I wonder is the forgotten worlds version of “war god” a recreation representation of the one they worship or it is the actual one that manifest as the boss in that game. lol

Cool, essentially Bushin Ryu is war ninjutsu

Kinda fitting considering that despite the lack of weapon (ingame) it seem a pretty open face to face style

I mean it seem to avoid lot of indirect classic sneaky/evasive ninja stuff, in favor of taijutsu

Guy on particular is’nt much different from Ryu and his ansatsuken, if we don’t count hado they both rely on straight punchkickyourface martial art, just with different styles

The difference stand out a lot next to Ibuki’s style

Is also worth notice Zeku creating the Striders is starting what is essentially a ninja militar group

Guy-Zeku take on and destroy enemy directly
Ibuki more tricks spy/infiltration style
Claw feel all about sneak assassination lol

Make sense BR are the “warriors” of capcom ninjas

The devs coined the name Bushin ryu from the boss of Forgotten Worlds who’s name is Bushin. Akiman stated himself.


Its on the back of Zeku’s coat to pay homage to that fact.

Well, it was made around 500 or more years ago during times of constant war.



Shadaloo been churning out a Mecha Army I see <3


I’m loving the scans from the book, but I looked at 'Rog and ouuuuuuch the monkey costume alt…someone needs to be smacked for making that.

Speaking of Alts, I liked the cowbow cloak one for Guile, would love to see that one make it in. Also the bomber jacket one would’ve been a nice look also.

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Smacking them would be too kind. I’d say a dozen punches from Anthony “Rumble” Johnson should suffice.


Both Ryu and Abigail looking awesome, will buy

Code Ryu is going to have a thong battle with Urien LOL

X-Kira keep being right, i’m glad he got some believers in this glorious forum

Noticed that too, specially the fact Rog sketches were released and that one was cut lol

Japanese still are naive about approach west


Yep someone needs to be fired for that racist shit. Dudley balrog looks pretty cool tho. Shame he is unlikely to be im this game though I hope Im wrong.

Also Spike Spiegel Rashid is pretty cool. There were better concept designs out there Imo like “Azam-H” design

Balrog and Birdie are literally just stereotypical black thugs when you think about it.

This is Japan, not the most ethnically diverse country so their only probable exposure of other ethnicities come from the media which instills stereotypes. These are the same people who put a Muslim adhan (call to prayer) in a Buddhist temple stage in SFV.

World of difference between making a stereotypical aesthetic and careening headlong into comically racist.

I get that Japan’s not ethnically diverse and can be unfamiliar with some of this stuff, but with Capcom being more global, having more western connections and dealings than in the 90s, I felt like someone on staff would have caught that and been like “uh, yeah don’t do this.” I mean, they’ve got some research to get down western popculture norms and stuff and they did reach out to get feedback on Rashid, so I just figured they’d have some people in the west or with western experience to cover the broadstrokes and cover their asses.

It’s…just so on the nose and hitting the perfect bullseye of racist for a guy who has no real animal connections to be depicted in a monkey costume with dual bananas. I don’t wanna make this a thing, but I’m just…so surprised that they did that. There’s nothing about him, that screams “put him in a monkey suit” it’d make more sense to have him in some buffalo costume or to give this to Blanka who’s whole aesthetic is wildman in the jungle and “I had a super called tropical hazard in SFA3”.


Capcom reached out to Arabs in Saudi Arabia* not white people and I suspect it was because in the extremely tiny Arab fandom, Pullum Purma is very DESPISED.

*UAE, thanks Daemos.

UAE not Saudi Arabia.

To their credit, they never released them. This is just a behind the scenes peak into the minds of the artists and them having fun with different ideas.


They did, they removed it from these

Again, have it in the book is naive more than anything else

Simple reality is they don’t give as many fucks as you do, so they random dropped it there without care much probably

And no, @ruthless_nash they’re not going to fire one of theyr greatest concept designers over a noteveningame forgotten sketch lol

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Hah, good points, I’m just a bit flabbergasted to be honest. It really caught me off guard.

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I just hope that Capcom will be more careful next time when they design costumes. That idea shouldn’t even have made it past the designer’s mind.

Concept design is just like that, flow of ideas, shapes and colors
Audience being invasive does’nt help

Next time they should just filter better what audience get exposed to

I disagree. I think they did a great job so far balancing between the increasingly over sensitive and PC Western world and their quintessentially Capcom racist, stereotypical, albeit well meaning sensibilities.