The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

“Filter” just mean next time dont let a japanese sketch of a black character as a monkey reach the internet

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Besides, I need to be assured every now and again that Capcom are still the lovable racist fucks I grew up with.

I grew up in a weird period where Street Fighter was dead and Capcom were crapping out Battle Network game after another so…


Light it up, son…light. It. Up.


@Shockdingo Did you do that edit?

@Daemos The early 00’s were great… If you weren’t a SF fan. Better than the 90’s fight me

You clearly never heard of CvS2…

You will pay for your ignorance!


I don’t think CVS2 is as good as everyone says it is, 7/10 for me IMO. The music is as early 00’s as it gets though.

Hah nope, that was in the G discord.

Oh wow i actually thought it was a Bison costume not a monkey. (I didnt zoom in on it).

CVS2 was well played than other fighters in its time before any evo moment became internet sensation. It was the last successful capcom fighter in it’s release before the rest got it’s spotlight.

Don’t forget flowtron. Best of the best.

What’s left with flowtron prediction?

Anything else that we should expect?

Everything had never had any missed so far. That even Jin was included. If that was the very last.

I was wondering what’s with the mech version is, it’s like divided into 2 categories the full cyborg(gief) and mechanized body parts(juri and fang).

I have a strange feeling that we won’t get new single player modes this time and 2020 or 2019 will be its final season. I hope not.

Watching Maximillian’s Ken retrospective really struck me with how long Street Fighter has been a part of my life and how important and influential it’s been all the way from SFII to the modern day, especially with the massive spike of my interest with the Alpha series spinning out of the animated movie (one of my favorite movies ever).

Hell, I think I drew as much Street Fighter in that time period, drawing on sketches from my Brady game manuals as I did Ninja Turtles back in the day and that is A LOT of drawing.


I feel like I just read myself, seriously!


At least in G vitiligo sufferers now get some SF rep!

It’s amazing you came out a SF fan at all lol. I remember those times too they we’re really weird. SF actually showed a lot of promise in the early 00’s with SFEX 3 on the PS2. CvS2 was awesome and definitely a solid game with the best fighting game announcer ever. But wow yea congrats on growing up in the SF dark ages and making it out a SF fan.


That was a sad time that it was KOF solely doing the kicks each year, props to SNK they were playful, risk takers and innovative with 2D game mechanics especially with teams and assist that became inspiration by many fighters like Sammy and etc.

Later Tekken made a comeback after Tag with it’s Tekken 5 which made it’s definitive gameplay solid and adopted staple by latter series.

Despite it’s absence SF with the only release expectation were compilation releases and handheld adaptation with bonuses, Amazingly it begin to re-appear in merchandise like comics and action figures. which contribute to revive the hype.

That time all we can do was speculate, buy merchandise, wait for a compilation release and hope with fake rumors.

How I wish they did release CFA as part of a collection compilation in the future.

Darkstalkers and Guilty Gear crossover was another thing and was legit that never happened but have been in the talks.


Tekken and King of Fighters held things down in that time period


Thank God that Street Fighter is still alive and leading the way in a new golden age for the FGC.

Enough about me, what about the poor souls in my generation who have yet to properly experience SF. Though looking at it, the developers felt like that they did everything with the IP after 3rd Strike and decided to give it a rest.

@The_Shakunetsu There was also that rumour of a DS4 that was going to come out in 2005 with cel-shaded graphics but that rumour faded quickly.

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Speaking of that, I will always be sad nothing more came of this:


Yup it was also in the talks but didn’t panned out well. Because it depends on DS collection target sell which is a bad idea, So we can assume it didn’t hit Capcom’s expectation. (It might be high)

I still dream of a collection of cancelled games either some where demo and HD trailer to be part of a future title of a Capcom collection!!

Props to Arika for the risk and bringing back the EX series.