The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

no gill yet???

Wow Umbrella Falke is WAY better if only because sheā€™s not straight-up Rule 63 Ed


SFV is now free to play of steam and PS4ā€¦

What surprised could we get next? F2P SFV rather than SFV expansion?

The problem with SF ken is the change of majority of the color palette. You can even put Kenā€™s color pallete to Ryu in early SF games and people would confuse Ryu to be Ken because of the majority of reds, but doing the other way around with Ken with Ryu pallete some would still notice it is Ken.

Thereā€™s no problem with Kenā€™s color palette to begin with, itā€™s what makes him stand out to Ryu and the rest of the shoto clones. The issues of Ken being a clone is his move sets to be specific not his appearance to be clear.

Even in far vision looking someone with blonde hair and in red the perception is Ken not Ryu even without distinctive facial features. Thats were they were wrong. Even Max or other Ken fans dislike the change, because Kenā€™s appearance is okay.

What they were successful about changing Ken was updating his movesets.

The successful change in SFV was Dhalsim, Bison, Claw, Sakura, Sagat, Blanka and Karin

Why did this get unstickied?

@DevilJin_01 save us from oblivion! <3


Fun thing i noticed watching the gorilla sketches is that if you watch the concepts of

NeoShadaloo Team A - NeoShadaloo Team B

The final Gorilla design is actually a mix of Gorilla A and FatGuy B (costume)
Same hat and geometric/circle circuit pattern on the belly


Sure thing. Once this thread gets to 5,000 posts either make a new thread or Iā€™ll remind you guys to make a new one. After 5,000 these things start to be just a long scribe any way.


May I suggest ā€œTSISFVST: 3rd Strikeā€ as a title for the new thread? :wink:

Just keep the title similar as possible to the usual, So the previous guys that are not always active but are spectators from the more previous threads would still knows were to look or find their way home, because itā€™s not just ā€œusā€ here :slight_smile:

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@The_Shakunetsu You took those intials literally, didnā€™t you?

Iā€™d like the title to be the same with the addition of ā€œ3rd strikeā€ to the end.

Nah, I didnā€™t, Yet itā€™s obviously too long to complete if it wasnā€™t in initials to begin with. Isnā€™t it?

Ryu Final new cover probably a re-issue


(Complete Blanka section)


The Story Thread is restored to its rightful position and soon enough Iā€™m going to get both this new book and that other one that was released earlier this year.



They absolutely nailed Bisonā€™s SF5 look. Give me some of those ā€œPsycho Stabilizerā€ and Super Villain alt costumes though, and I will take definitely those upwards pointed shoulder pads and arm guards for SF6 thank you.

Man, WTF? Birdie has some of the most bizarre costumes ever. Like those half-nude and Doll designs. I canā€™t unsee them. :confused:

Nice. Get a nice scanner so you can preserve them digitally forever!


The more i watch these sketches, the more i realize jap designers on SFV still have the heart in the right place, i blame everyone else lol

Rashido, Sim and Rog next pls


I still believe this.

The people at the centre of the SF series over at Capcom still have a soul and still have a lot of love for these characters. Somewhere along the way from them to us, something gets lost and muddied but you can see it if you look for it. Capcom did not lose themselves even though they have struggled on the business side in some years trying to capture the attention of younger audiences and western audiences as well.