The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Angry Nun Kolin has to happen.



Wow very great continual post of gems.

Megaman looks like from cartoons


As for G, I really wonder why they didn’t took the opportunity or have a concept referring to this…

Probably this SF conspiracy theory was only popular and widespread in the west


Atleast streamer Julia wasn’t a streamer before Sakura went in SFV. Sakura is better in where she ended up in SFV.

Streamer Ibuki, elena or hinata should be in the future haha


The last time I heard it was Onimusha and there’s a rumored MVC4. (Hoping for Capcom Crossover title that plays like Mahvel)

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Please be Darkstalkers.


Capcom All-Stars, Rival Schools, or Darkstalkers would be the dream.

In all likelihood, it won’t be a fighting game.


Wouldn’t mind it if it was a completely new IP.

Ibuki: Ey, it’s ya gurl Ibuki, what’s good, today I’ll be talking about the top 10 sex positions that will blow his mind and destroy his penis


“Wow, they’re making that?” certainly makes it sound like a brand new IP.

I really wouldn’t mind seeing the RE engine utilized in Capcom’s next big fighting game. That engine is off the charts.


@Doctrine_Dark I think that they should test themselves with new ideas before revisiting their old ones so they’ll have more practice+confidence under their belt. Besides we haven’t really had a BIG Capcom IP since Okami a decade ago.


I know Dragon’s Dogma was a pretty big IP for them some yrs ago. When Capcom’s output was on shaky grounds, DD was one of those games that convinced people that Capcom still had what it took to make good games. Seen a lot of people asking for a sequel to that.


Then Capcom surprise us with a new racing game? a horse racing game, I remember snes had many pachinko and horse racing games, or worst a train operating game lol

I don’t mind if it’s a tcg game but I preferred it for mobile gaming.

Or a new a wrestling game…



Can we get a translation for the Akuma baby sketch? Is it Ryu?! :smiley:


Wait, if not from Ed and Falke’s section, where does that picture of the Gorilla came from? I mean, from which book?

I think that the text is too small. Maybe a bigger scan?

Is that gorrilla and little girl gonna be the Ferra/Torr of SFV?

Not sure, the one who posted it just said “the new Street Fighter book”.

It is worth noting that Iggy over at MadMans Cafe has posted summaries of some of the text in How to Make Capcom Fighting Characters. Some of it is pretty interesting, if not amazingly useful.

Decapre and Juri were going to be in the original release of SFV, rather than Cammy and Zangief? Capcom decided to swap Cammy for Decapre due to the fallout from USF4, which in turn caused them to swap Zangief for Juri, since they wanted a Russian character in the game (and Decapre was originally said Russian.)

Juri’s moveset was altered so much because they’d planned to make her one of the original roster, and those characters were designed under the strictest restrictions.

They made Laura because they wanted a Brazilian representative that wasn’t Blanka, but also wanted to avoid using Sean because he was so similar to Ryu and Ken. Erhm… Laura had to cut out the seat of her pants because her butt got bigger when she exercised? (As the art scans show, Laura’s outfit by release received the same black body suit “edit” job that Juri’s outfit received.)

At one point, they’d considered making young Zeku be Sodom? Nash was going to have elastic limbs like Necro and Twelve? To make Ken even less like Ryu, they considered making him Evil/Brainwashed Ken?

There is a section titled “Why Honda doesn’t show up”? Answer: They decided there were already too many Japanese characters. Apparently the Abel, C.Viper, and Oro appearances in story mode were not meant to be teases for future characters, but rather thrown in just because there were so few SF3 and SF4 characters planned?


Very very interesting find Baines!

Thanks so much for the scans, hmm, wow, Blanka has some interesting looks going on. What’s with all the fuzz ball stuff? Was he covered in moss, or are they retconning the chlorophyll explanation and saying he’s mutating? He looks almost lionline in one picture. I’d love to know what is being said about his hairier SF5 look.

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Interesting thoughts,

Nash with elastic limbs, there’s still future for Nash in latter games. I hope his consciousness manifest on a Twelve soldier because of by passing a certain area of making a twelve clone.

Meh on Brainwash Ken, Ken is already exceptional. I don’t mind Ken SFV moveset to stay the same for the later SF. I like his new tatsu. The only thing I would like to change is the stance on his hadouken. And I would like him to return to his previous alt karate gi design than what we had in SFV.

Thanks Baines and Doctrine for sharing amazing stuff

Here is Iggy’s post


I was very disappointed by the book at first, because it was advertised as a book about how Capcom creates fighting game characters, and how they translate 2D art into 3D, but it ended up being “how they created SF5 characters” and “look how pretty the 3D models of SF5 are”.

But one I got over the initial disappointment, it’s a very solid book about SF5. Many artworks are already on the internet, some are not (blonde Rashid?!), and a lot of interesting anecdotes.

  • The first concepts
    They tried photorealism (there’s a hideous render of a Ryu that would look ready to join Mortal Kombat), some sort of 3d movement, and then moved to what we have now and the gouache-esthetic.
  • How they picked the first 16 characters:
    Ryu and Chunli are going to be there, because those don’t change.
    Then, 3 criteria:
  1. since the game is popular worldwide, we need characters from around the world, and not too many from the same nationality.
    This lead to Rashid, Necalli, or Birdie. The British candidate was the last to be decided in the original document, and was a battle between Dudley and Birdie (Birdie won because they wanted a comical character). Originally, Juri and Decapre were in the base game, but USF4’s marketing disaster happened, and Cammy replaced Decapre, which meant 2 British characters and zero Russians, so Gief replaced Juri.
    I suppose Claw’s presence is due to this, since it was obvious he was picked at the early stages of the project, before the game system settled, and they’ve been scratching their head trying to find something to do with him ever since.
    They wanted a Brazilian character, but not Blanka because they know Brazilian people are not keen on him (they had decided early on that Blanka would be in season 3 though, to make up for it). They created Laura instead of using Sean, because:
  2. no clones
    No to Sean, no to Decapre, let’s stuff Dan in the shop menu, and de-clone Ken as much as possible.
  3. close-combat first and foremost; decrease the importance of projectiles.
    Hence projectiles like Nash and Laura’s that are used to get closer, or Sim and FANG’s projectiles going up instead of forward. Poor Juri is a victim of that, since her SF4 version had so many projectiles and they took them all away, and replaced them with that low shock-wave that allow to pressure and run forward. Unfortunately, she was pushed back into the season that added Guile and Urien.

These rules were stricter for the first 16, and then allowed for exceptions to add later Guile, Blanka, Gouki and all the Japanese and American characters later (or Falke and her weapon who was designed as an exception to all the rules). Cody was also decided early because he would fit well with the V-system, having either a knife or a pipe. When they talk about Blanka being on the roadmap, they do add that they decided against Honda because that would be too many Japanese characters, but then acknowledge he’s very popular (is he?). The title of the section is “Why Honda doesn’t show up”… I want to believe they took him off the list of candidates unless the game gets support until 2025. Rufus, Abel and Viper are also listed as characters that either didn’t fit with the game’s philosophy or design choices. I’m really curious to see if that will hold in the future seasons… Abel, Viper and Oro’s appearances in the story mode were not teases, but actually the opposite: “there’s very few SF3 and 4 characters in the game, so let’s put more of them in the scenario”.
I also want to believe they don’t talk about Fuerte because they forgot about the character’s existence, not because he can still show up later.

They had decided to add a ninja that would change between two modes like Gen. They first thought of Guy, but didn’t think he would work well with a second mode, so went to Zeku. The “young/old” idea was decided pretty easily, but they hit a roadblock trying to find what would make each form special and enticing. They even had the idea that when Zeku becomes young, “surprise! He was actually Sodom all along!”. The idea of making him the first Strider came quite late, but then the character felt complete so they went with it. I’m amazed that they state officially that the kanjis in Zeku’s moves are a direct reference to CANNON DANCER. I thought there was bad blood between Capcom and Nishii? Good to know that’s not the case.

Sakura’s new designs has two pages of boring stuff on how “yep, that’s Sakura”.

Each character’s original creator has a little blurb… but when it’s Akiman, the blurb is actually taken from the SFxT’s artbook! I guess he ran out of interesting stuff to tell about Ryu and Chun-li’s origins.

To show their commitment to de-cloning Ken as much as possible, the designers started by drawing Ken naked. Surprise: his name is not the only thing he shares with Barbie’s husband. They explored the idea of making an evil (hypnotized/satsui possessed) Ken the default version, to make him stand out even more from Ryu, but decided against it.

Nash was supposed to have elastic limbs, like Necro and Twelve. But that would have made him a weirdo, and that really didn’t mix well the “tragic dark hero” angle they were taking, so they reworked his moves to be an antithesis to Guile.

They had a lot of fun redesigning Birdie. Examples include another white punk to go back to SF1, a hobo-zombie infused with psycho-power, some outrageous queer design with leather/spikes/leopard patterns on top of a mini-short that’s almost bursting open, and then a super weird Decapre cosplay. There’s a reference I don’t quite get: his CA, where he rope-jumps with his chain, is “a revenge over the cancellation of a certain fighting game”. Is it related to CFAS? Or something even more obscure?

I’m ashamed it took me until 2018 to learn that Dhalsim’s yoga nonsense is actually a reference to… Zeppeli’s zoom punch and his own hamon nonsense. WHAT.
His redesign ideas are all horrifying, from Indian nouveau-riche, weird ascetic with a literal bird nest on his head, to actual yoga practitioner with the clothes modern people wear when doing yoga. They thought about giving him a super that made him grow two extra pair of arms… It’s a miracle we ended up with that fantastic redesign.
Surprisingly, they show that his 3d model’s skull is modelled under his turban. I don’t think he has any version where he’s bare-headed yet, though?

Mika’s color palette is inspired by Lisa from Last Bronx (WTF), and her mask and general fun attitude from Yatterman 2. She is popular among the staff, and one of the first characters to have been chosen for the game (because they felt that it was unfair she never appeared in any important spinoff after her game). They also love female pro wrestling, which explains all the characters they created for the CFN portal.

Zangief was decided very early to retain his original design, so the designs are more gag/alternate ideas that went nowhere (there’s a weird Rasputin wrestler idea with his chest hair styled into a skull, and a “Mykonos vacations” version with green beard, disco glasses and the chest hair styled into a star). The main discussion was about the musculature, and they decided against SFZero, and aimed for something between 2 and 4.

There’s a series of costumes for Dictator that are very literally Napoleon. Apparently, back in SF2, the artist wanted to have him do weird arcane circular moves with his arms when standing, but that wasn’t possible with the memory they had. So he kept his idea and used it… when he drew Magneto’s idle animation a few years later. SF5’s arm animation is basically what his first idea for SF2 was.

Necalli’s original concept was to be a new Gouki, but instead of being “the mysteries of Asia”, he would be “the mysteries of pre-Columbian America”. They admit themselves they had a lot of trouble to settle for the design, and honestly, there’s not a single of the varied drafts that looks any better than the mess we ended up with.

Some concept arts for Rashid are weird (one is basically Ryu with floaty clothes, and one is some random blonde guy because Blonde Fighter 5 was already a thing). They also had a lot of trouble to design him, because even after they had decided to go with the light caricature of an Arabian character, they decided he would be the main character of the story, so they had to have him a light-hearted, modern hero, so they decided his main colour would be white. But then, they had to adjust the contrast with Ryu’s white (one symbolising tradition, the other youth).

They had to age Karin up a bit, but they didn’t want to change her design too much since she hadn’t appeared in a long time. However, her hairstyle is so distinctive that they could venture quite far from her original clothes while still keeping her recognizable. In the end, they settled with a sort of business suit the super-fashionable and young head of a multi-billion company would wear. Apparently, she has a cherry blossom-jet fighter because why would she not have her own private pink jet fighter.

Laura’s initial idea was quickly decided once Sean was set aside. Brazilian jujutsu meshed very well with Street Fighter’s core concept. They wanted to give her electric power as a reference to Blanka, but they couldn’t have an actual professional martial artist generate electricity from her body, so they worked on her haircut to have it generated by… some kind of static energy as she quickly passes her hand through her hair? It makes sense in the SF universe (I also love her hand animation before launching her projectile, so I won’t criticize too much). They spent FAR TOO MUCH TIME discussing how much ass she was going to show, because… Apparently, Brazilian women’s butt get larger when they exercise, so they had her cut off the back of her training pants so her butt cheeks would have more space when she does an effort. #CitationNeeded #OnlyInJapan #CarelessRacism #Idon’tThinkThatPartWillBeOfficiallyTranslated.

As the last of the base characters of the game, FANG’s treacherous nature was supposed to show even in his betrayal of the core concepts: cheating long-range moves, and keeping his nationality hidden. He’s a body type that never appeared in SF as well as a direct homage to old kung-fu movies, and the realisation of the poison-type archetype that could have been the last character of Third Strike (it was either Remy or a poison-type guy)(it’s not the only character like that: G existed since SF4, or at least they were working on a “fighting president concept” since SF4.). They also recycled design ideas from “a rejected character from a certain other fighting game”. They decided to have Chiba as his voice actor from the beginning, and decided his weird murderous-clown persona around Chiba’s voice.

OK, it’s late now, I’ll do the DLC characters another day!


Interesting notes…

  1. since the game is popular worldwide, we need characters from around the world, and not too many from the same nationality.
    This lead to Rashid, Necalli, or Birdie. The British candidate was the last to be decided in the original document, and was a battle between Dudley and Birdie (Birdie won because they wanted a comical character). Originally, Juri and Decapre were in the base game, but USF4’s marketing disaster happened, and Cammy replaced Decapre, which meant 2 British characters and zero Russians, so Gief replaced Juri.
    I suppose Claw’s presence is due to this, since it was obvious he was picked at the early stages of the project, before the game system settled, and they’ve been scratching their head trying to find something to do with him ever since.
    They wanted a Brazilian character, but not Blanka because they know Brazilian people are not keen on him (they had decided early on that Blanka would be in season 3 though, to make up for it). They created Laura instead of using Sean, because:

So Decapre was considered a replacement for Cammy, That means Decapre would be seen in the later games as well, plus her NPC characters was well designer already.

  1. close-combat first and foremost; decrease the importance of projectiles.
    Hence projectiles like Nash and Laura’s that are used to get closer, or Sim and FANG’s projectiles going up instead of forward. Poor Juri is a victim of that, since her SF4 version had so many projectiles and they took them all away, and replaced them with that low shock-wave that allow to pressure and run forward. Unfortunately, she was pushed back into the season that added Guile and Urien.

Bad idea making projectile worst… the poster boy. Ryu suffered a lot from this…

Dhalsim changes on projectile was interesting and a good change that fit’s fire breathing same how and it’s usually upward. While for Fang it wasn’t something impressive or interesting.

Rufus, Abel and Viper are also listed as characters that either didn’t fit with the game’s philosophy or design choices. I’m really curious to see if that will hold in the future seasons… Abel, Viper and Oro’s appearances in the story mode were not teases, but actually the opposite: “there’s very few SF3 and 4 characters in the game, so let’s put more of them in the scenario”.
I also want to believe they don’t talk about Fuerte because they forgot about the character’s existence, not because he can still show up later.

Another revelation here, that’s probably the same case with Sakura but eventually made it because of her being the most request and being one of the highest in the POLL remember,

Sakura and also take note that clone character which they tried to avoid.

So probably that’s why ROSE is indeed coming because of how intentional she is her design was hidden in SFV and so is that means No Viper?

Rufus? Rufus would fit… than SFV Birdie having range attacks if they were talking about comical relief.

I’m starting to eventually think that HAKAN has a strong chance of consideration in SFV. (Waits till fake leakers mentions Hakkan) because of his oiled up for the Vsystem.

Cody was also decided early because he would fit well with the V-system, having either a knife or a pipe.

There was an interview in the early production of SFV that said why they aren’t considering Final Fight for some story reason. We’ll probably know the rest of the info when it’s fully translated.

Necalli’s original concept was to be a new Gouki, but instead of being “the mysteries of Asia”, he would be “the mysteries of pre-Columbian America”. They admit themselves they had a lot of trouble to settle for the design, and honestly, there’s not a single of the varied drafts that looks any better than the mess we ended up with.

Yeah we got it, and probably not just a variation of Gouki and also a do took of his temporary role.

And also Gouki is a clone like Sakura so probably the request is that made them possible to be early on to appear in the game.

Karin being aged and the new design was good. I like also the new physique of Gief not as buff like his Zero counterpart


Ugh. I just realized that Juri’s concept outfit is basically just Rufus’ outfit, but purple…

I just want the damn Kiki art for the playable characters in this game. The Character Encylopedia has it for every character that’s NOT in this game, but it’s always other art for the playable characters. So I don’t have a collection that’s just consistant art of every character in the series.