The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I agree on everything. I was pretty indifferent about her at first, but she ended up being a pleasant surprise out of nowhere.

Furthermore, this is perfect:



With 30th Anniversary out next month, I’ve recently began to reflect on the settings presented throughout the stories of the Street Fighter series. As we all know, the games (Street Fighter 1 and 2) started off with a tournament based story where countless fighters were either striving to become the best in the world, or they were seeking revenge. Once Alpha was introduced, the tournament setting took a back seat to focus on the individual paths of the characters. I really loved this change…along with the new characters introduced.

As newer material was introduced, this made the characters and story much more complex. When I was younger, I had no idea what a prequel was, so I assumed Alpha was after 2 despite guys like Ken and Ryu looking younger. We got to see how much of a struggle Ryu had with his inner demons, how emotionally damaged Sagat was after being scarred, Nash and Chun-Li’s tireless pursuit of Bison, and of course, Bison’s various evil schemes.

Alpha 1 had Bison seeking henchmen to join Shadaloo, as well as taking down Rose to prove Soul Power is not a threat to him. Alpha 2 had him pursuing Ryu in order to transform him into a powerful minion. Alpha 3 was our first look into Bison’s obsession with obtaining the perfect body to handle his Psycho Power. Not just that, but we also see Cammy was the body he had his eyes set on before Ryu entered the picture. So much was going on during this storyline and that’s why I really enjoyed it.

Street Fighter 2 was much more straightforward, though a bit more mysterious since we had no idea what was going on. With the Aftermath trailer presented around SF4’s release, things began to make more sense. Still, it consisted of those who wanted Bison’s head, those who wanted to prove they were the strongest, or those who wanted to promote their brand like Dee Jay.

Street Fighter 3 was the next game to have a tournament setting. It eventually transitioned to having an Alpha-like setting in Third Strike. The tournament seemed pretty secondary to the overall theme of the story. Gill wanted to organize a tournament to not only draw out the strongest warriors, but also to see what they could offer to the world he envisioned.

Other than that, you had Gill’s conniving younger brother trying to overthrow him, Ibuki seeking the G-Files, Dudley fighting for his father’s car, Alex seeking revenge for his friend before turning his sights out to a journey seeking strong warriors, Necro looking to escape the clutches of the Secret Society, Chun-Li rescuing the young child she cared for, and various other plot-lines.

Street Fighter 3 felt different from the other games in the series mainly because the cast was vastly different. Despite that, I liked the introduction of the Secret Society to the series and what it meant for Street Fighter V much later. The Street Fighter 3 characters were also cool.

Street Fighter 4 was a return to the tournament setting, with Seth and the S.I.N organization being the new big bad. You had someone who was meant to be a replacement body for Bison go on to develop a mind for himself and attempt to overthrow Bison. He went on to become the CEO of S.I.N and host a tournament to test his BLECE project along with his Tanden Engine. Like the previous games, some were in it for the tournament, while others had other reasons for being there.

Street Fighter V started off with a setting akin to Alpha during the character stories. Many of them were building towards the main story, with a few having no connection to the story. A potential tournament was mentioned in Karin’s story, but nothing came of it. Not yet, anyway.

Once A Shadow Falls was released, we see that the story was nothing like any of the previous games. Mostly because the series never had a dedicated story, but also because there was never any instances of everyone working together to prevent a disaster. This wasn’t one of those missions that could easily be done by a single person. Teamwork was a huge requirement. Not just in fighting, but also when locating those chess pieces.

All of this has left me thinking about what the form of a future plot could look like. I believe what we saw in Street Fighter V was a good start.


Probably what the prototype SFV looked like initially, with a complete change of the artstyle and character design

Welcome back, @PVL_93_RU!

I agree with everything except this:

Falke’s animations are actually pretty good. She’s a scientific fighter, and approaches every situation with a scientific mindset. Namely, seeking to obtain the most damage possible using the minimal amount of movement. @Cestus_II already noticed that.


Please no, keep that awful, shit-looking, generic and boring realistic nonsense away from Street Fighter.

If you have to to change the art style take from ArcSys, don’t take from NRS.



What I liked in SF3 is how it had a sort of undertone and central theme about it and a YT comment sums it up pretty well:

The video this came from:

So, what do you think?


That’s a really lame excuse for Capcom’s lazy work and you know it

Falke’s animations are horrible



Made a G+ post with me elaborating more on it.

So what do you think?


Nice informative post. I love the OST for New Generation. That game had my favorite version of Dudley and Gill’s theme. Gill’s stage was also the perfect stage for a final boss.


Still better than NRS.

In all honesty, I think that they were trying to convey the idea of a fighter all about precision and efficiency, but the end result is lacking, and worse of all it makes Falke looks inexperienced with the staff at points.


Only Falke animations that bother me are her Standing Jab, Crouching Jab, and the staff launch animation of her CA. All three of those animations lack a sense of force. As far as the rest of her CA goes, The golf swing, backhand swipe, and the bonk don’t bother me. However when plants the staff to launch herself it seems like she’s on the Moon. That’s the only way to explain the launches herself so high the most forceless staff plant I’ve ever seen. I’d rather them show her just float upward with Psycho Power.


It did happen in 2009…

Well in a coincidence: Dudley’s and Necro’s themes were done by Yuki Iwai. The girl who composed the entirety of Megaman X2 and some of X1. She is known for her emotional style like the pre MVC series, I mean look at Spiderman and Omega Red’s theme from MVSF.

New Generation may have had bad sound quality but it did make up for it with great tracks. “Leave me alone” is Dudley’s best theme, it really shows a story about this man who lost everything and had to really go through a get it back which is why it starts sad and is more happy towards the end, and it really is British with the dreary rain. 2I’s version fits a post-3S in fits his character at that point in time most.

“Get off the train” is another one of my favourites. While 2I’s version shows us how Necro’s not a natural part of this world and his 3S theme shows his personality; this one shows us how feels about himself. He’s sad at himself but his desire for freedom and defeating Gill plays a factor too.

TLDR; NG and 2I have much better music, art direction and stages than 3rd strike. Special mentions go out to the original version of Jazzy NYC which is the GOAT and Crowded street which is also the GOAT (next to Yang’s 2I version).


I think you can split her whole moveset design in 3 elements:

-european stick/canne/baton etc
-“rifle” stuff as hint to her militar vibe

The gif does’nt give it justice, but her V-Reversal is pretty nice

Imho is a bit wasted as rare V-Reversal, i wish was more visible in her normal gameplay
Will liked if was used as MP+HP special and turn the current one into a command normal, like b+HP

On general i will have liked a bit more stick techniques for her, even just as command normals, like a f+MP overhead could have worked.
Will also have liked something on that vibe

Fun gif: her bf+HK :smiley:

Where they got the spinning pole-jump into bonk CA


There is a difference between fighting with minimalistic moves and not using fighting motions and stances proper. Falke’s neutral stance is probably the worst in all of Street Fighter’s history.

A number of her attacks make sense, and I’m perfectly fine with her Psycho Bonk and others, but there are some that are just ridiculously lazy and clumsy looking.


Aside not having the hip pushed forward trying to be sexy, is pretty much Poison stance


The upstanding thing is’nt mean to be functional, japan like to play it as show-off of superiority, a la “i don’t need a guard for shit like you” mindset

You can find other examples in similar vibe chars as Elizabeth or Ivy


I would say that Poison’s stance has a better weight distribution for getting in motion quickly, but anyways, realice that now we are comparing her fighting style to Poison. Other names that crossed my mind when I made the statement about the worst stance were Remy and Ingrid. We’re far from Street Fighter material here.

We had mostly avoided the lame trope of not using a proper guard so far, though this has been changing lately, admittedly. I’m now recalling SFV Bison, for example.


Exactly right.

Her neutral stance is atrocious. Agreed on all other points (though I find the bonk to be very unimaginative)

Poison’s stance points to a cocky, undisciplined fighter and works just fine with a light, fast weapon like a crop.

Not so with Falke who wields a larger weapon that requires more weight redistribution to move. It makes her stance very impractical looking and leads to A LOT of her issues with animation because they’re all starting from a shitty place.

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Jim Lee’s sketch of Chun-Li:


Seen these images on my TL. Looks to be Neo Shadaloo concept art from the limited Capcom book.