The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Cool find!

Every single one of those Neo Shadaloo designs is god awful except the bandana guy who is only decent.

Also…wow Capcom…a straight-up total rip-off of Alisa from Tekken who is ALREADY a terrible character? Goddamn…never thought I’d think getting Falke was dodging a bullet…but goddamn…


Wow were so lucky we didn’t get that Alisa rip-off

I’m okay with the guy with a cap with orange color gaunlet?


I’m not feeling most of those Neo-Shadaloo designs. Some I’d be okay with for NPCs though.

-The Mechanic could work in some capacity (NPC for the base?), also wouldn’t mind if they changed his expression a bit, but I think he could be something revised in the future.

-The tan buff guy and the hefty, but cheery designs feel a bit too much with the tech bits on their somewhat basic uniforms, but I could see them working as NPCs in the future, a kind of Dudley Boys or Bebop and Rocksteady duo of sorts. Inseparable, lovable mooks full of personality, though for fighting styles I have no idea what they could bring.

-I actually like the (Polynesian?) firegirl design. Not for a Neo-Shadaloo member, but maybe bring her back and a new season addition, add some of that Capcom stylization oomph to her and we could have a new character from a new region. Right now, her design isn’t bad, but I feel it needs a bit more of that extra element. Kind of like how Ryu’s eyebrows and headband kept him a simple but iconic design, or Honda’s kabuki makeup, plus his half undone robe made him an iconic sumo, or how Chun Li has a qipao plus combat boots and spike bracelets.

-The Dullhan/Alisia robot girl doesn’t feel Street Fighter-ish to me. It’s not working for me at all unfortunately. Could be interesting for another property, but I’m not feeling this.

-Blue haired scarf guy, I need a close up, but he doesn’t look bad. Not really sure what his gimmick would be though, but that is a stylish coat.

-The shadowed cloak makes for a nice look, but the monkey being at the forefront isn’t working for me. I mean if it was like Santamu and the little fella was following, that’d be okay, but it looks like to compensate for the almost invisible upperbody and face, the monkey would be doing a lot of the footwork for holding the audience in a visual manner.


Agree they are trying hard with Santamu due to the positive reception with her, the face covering is like a forced and not cool.

They should just have a different Animal or a droid animal would work too.

These are just concepts guys, they never made it off the drawing boards for reasons that are likely obvious to Capcom - Who have a great track record for making characters and remaking characters (See SFV).

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True, just thinking out loud. Like I said, some of them could work with a bit of tweaking, so even though they were just early concepts, I hope these don’t totally disappear.

I actually liked that element. I just don’t like the prominence of the monkey.

Agree on the monkey, I just prefer a non living object or part of a living object…

I like GGX designs but not these type of modern trends of annoying and obnoxious designs, they might be appealing but not very street fighter that is set in backward time.

I really need Capcom to address how good folk like Ed and Falke can wield something evil like Psycho Power independently. Like they must realize that they are playing with fire, or at least only think they are good but they are actually full of negative energy and ripe for evil on the inside.

I LOVE the idea of Neo Shadaloo being a circus-like freak show of shada-rejects.
I will have put it even more as freaks, think the gorilla (of Ed story) or Necro
Or instead get Abigail (who’s igantic compared to his FF self) a freak char that got experiments to become SFVAbigail-big

I don’t like most of these designs though, or better… are ALL good as NPCs, don’t want them as slots characters

The ones that catched my eye:

This is’nt a bad design by itself, but for various reasons i don’t think there’s space for him in SFV
I will like it as Abigail alt maybe

I can’t read japanese notes but IF he is the same dude, the idea of a char switching from athletic to obese is very original and could have fit the spirit.
Too bad slim one looks TOO MUCH like Ed and we already got a 2 forms fighter in Zeku

Fat version is original, but we know they will not spend a female slot for a not waifu-crowd feed
Will have welcome her as an “honda” type char with an hawaian fire twist… will nail SF core style,instead the SF/marketing hybrid we got these days
Slim version looks boring af

Now this is my fav and at same time i dislike it
On one hand somebody playing the vampire stereotype (without need to be a “true” vampire, just the closest in SF world) it’s something i will welcome.
Like a romanian dude that got Illuminati experiments on him and now he’s, vampire-like and acts theatrical af on that vibe, something between dark and funny
Think a less serious Vamp from MGS.
On other hand,i find concept terrible don’t like the spam of Ed’s uniform (Bison got generals without need mimic him) and i believe it weaken these characters unicity, Ed included

Still again, will like so much a vampiresque euro char on the vibe of GG’s Slayer, it will fit so much SF old school soul

Btw the more they go on the more i wish to see Neo Shadaloo stage being middle way between a HQ and a Circus with any sort of freaks cheering at the fight… maybe with special effect if you win with Ed there.
Maybe even have Ed and Falke on the stage, that as usual disappear if selected (like Alex in NYC)

PS: curious af to know more about Knife and Gorilla, i like them… specially now that i seen the alternatives

I think at least in Ed case is all about him being the perfect host.

Ryu may have more own energy than Ed, and show his body can contain tons of it… but in the long run he will have been consumed too (like by SnH)

Ed is different likely, imho it’s like that: imagine PP as electricity, Ed is made of rubber.
Hiss body does’nt suffer it, wich is something new

Falke is a bit different i guess
My impression is that she can host PP same as Ed, but in much inferior quantity.
On other hand she’s waaay more trained and disciplined, so despite having inferior potential, she handle her power to it’s 100%, while Ed as now is just scratching the surface


I think it’s the anti-hero in them. The needed negative energy comes from their anger and disgust over what Bison is, their hatred of his evil and abuse, and possibly a growing desire to kill him? They could be good folks going down the path of darkness, or good folks with more than enough darkness and genetic tweaking to cross the gap?

Fighting plumber (68)
The bone conduction master, codename Dobermann.
Ryo Redcyclone’s animal naming theory sounds even more plausible…
(the first lines are unreadable)
A gentle woman specialised in a fire dance. She acts like a mother figure for Ed and the others.

The subsequent members constitute a subgroup that they named 四猿 shizaru “four monkeys”, referencing the traditional Three wise monkeys. It’s an old saying based on a play on words: the proverb was 見ざる聞かざる言わざる mizaru, kikazaru, iwazaru, literally “see not, hear not, speak not”, symbolically meaning “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil”. The saying sometimes adds a fourth general verb, しざる shizaru, “do not” (evil). -Zaru is a Classical Japanese negation (not used anymore in modern Japanese, although still understood), but also the rendition of 猿 saru “monkey” in compounds. So, the saying originated the three (four) monkeys,
Kikazaru (“Hear not”)
A battle android. She has speakers on her hips, who produce a roaring sound. She doesn’t listen to what people say, and (text interrupted)
Iwazaru 2 (“Say not 2”, I guess there’s another concept for this one)
A young French gang member. He could instruct his underlings only using his eyes, but because he overused them (text interrupted)
Mizaru (“See not”)
He has a female monkey that obstructs his view (text interrupted)


Hmm interesting, stuff, thanks for the translations man.

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Okay, who let @Evil_Canadian write lore for Capcom?


Monkeyface person is a good character and better than falke.

Interessing af, thanks dude

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Anyway, I’ve seen a rundown of all the pages of the book on youtube (the page from which the scans were taken is at the 6’12’’ mark) and the page expressly states that there are all discarded concepts. Just to reassure everyone. It’s a pity that the single pictures’ captions are too small to be fully readable, though.


The last member would be an interesting take on the fabled “blind warrior” who needs not his sight to fight.

His V-Trigger would have the monkey jump on the opponents face reversing their controls for a brief time allowing monkey man to get in some free combos. It would be a pretty cool nod to King Rasta Mon from Muscle Bombers who would summon his pet monkeys into the ring in a sort of Nadeshiko kind of fashion.

Also @Midgardsorm have you seen this revamped timeline? Ryo Redcyclone mentions there being something different about it?

Something about Abel and Seth being conceived during Zero series and Bison wanting to take over Ryu’s body in SF2 instead of SFZ3


@Daemos is it possible Ed and Falke are actually using Soul Power but Shadaloo science doesn’t distinguish between the two since the Soul Power will immediately become Psycho Power as soon as Bison inhabits them?

There’s also the possibility they’re drawing on inner negativity and, in doing so, are rotting themselves out and corrupting themselves…making their readiness as vessels for Bison all-but inevitable because of their own naivete

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Oh snap, revised timeline?! I wonder if there’s anything juicy there?

Well, I have now. :stuck_out_tongue: Where does that come from?

Exactly. It’s blurry, but understandable.


  • Ryu and Ken participate in the tournament, seeking to become the “strongest fighter”.
  • Ryu beats Sagat with a Shoryuken.


  • Bison travels the world, searching for strong fighters.
  • The “Psycho Drive”, a machinery that would supply Bison’s body with unlimited Psycho Power, becomes operational.


  • The world warriors destroy the Psycho Drive, and Shadaloo is officially declared destroyed.
  • Bison starts the “Living Incubator” plan, that would develop new substitute bodies for him.
  • Abel is born as an artificial man, and is rescued by Nash. Nash subsequently disappears.


  • The World Warriors tournament takes place. Bison is after Ryu’s body, because he’s the man who beat Sagat.


  • S.I.N’s CEO Seth rebels against Shadaloo.
  • S.I.N is destroyed.
  • Balrog saves the young Ed from S.I.N’s ruins.
  • Sagat estranges himself from Shadaloo.


  • F.A.N.G takes Sagat’s former place among the Four Kings.
  • Shadaloo launches the “Black Moons Project”. NY’s zone is struck by a violent electromagnetic wave and plunges into chaos.
  • The Kanzuki house calls the world warriors for help.
  • The world warriors crush the “Black Moons Project”. Shadaloo is destroyed again.
  • Chun Li [saves? It’s out] the young hacker Li Fen.
  • Ed and Balrog [part ways, I suppose?]

The rest is out of the scan.
VEEEERRRY interesting.