The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

As usual, without SF2’s plotline being officially merged with the SFZ3 plotline instead of beating around the bush, the dream of a official perfectly seamless plotline remains just that.

They could’ve fixed shit if they just took this point “The world warriors destroy the Psycho Drive, and Shadaloo is officially declared destroyed.” and added it under SF2.


This book I believe?


Nice looking book.

I just ordered it to add to my collection

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Sounds like deliberately vague wording to keep the multiple endings of Alpha 3 in their kinda ambiguous state

I really need to get that book.


Tnx for the link!
At 4.04 some -not NeoShadaloo- dropped concept, but all suck

Damn, they REALLY considered that trashy italian otaku ginger as char :frowning:
Bullet dodged

SF4 got a great selection of dropped concepts in comparision

(fun thing they recycled the bottom right to design the “don’t speak” concept)

I’ve edited my translation as I didn’t notice the bottom of the scan scrolled down when I enlarged the image. It’s nothing we already didn’t know about ASF, anyway.

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Here’s a scan of that page. It’s from SF - Beyond the World. Hope this helps:

Here are scans for the Neo Shadaloo rejected concepts. Those are from A Visionary Book 2 that came with the Vital Box 2:


While we’re at it, would you mind to check if Vega/Bison and Rose relationship is still “alumni” in the Beyond the World chart like in the Visionary Book 2 chart?


A Visionary Book 2:

Beyond The World:



Owow thanks for the full timeline. Now we can get the whole picture of what truly happened in the SF Timeline finally. At least the important details.


TBF, most of the endings can happen if you can piece them together and know that Ryu destroyed Bison, it’s actually quite easy to piece the events at the of Alpha 3.

I never understood the whole SF2 = A3 thing. Because aspects like Rose and Cammy seem to make no sense. Unless you’re implying that certain events in A3 happen during the SF2 period and it’s one big umbrella. Prior to SF4, A3 and SF2 were separate time periods so…
I’m just confused as hell, even Megaman’s or Sonic’s timeline was never this shoddy so can someone please elaborate in how A3-SF2 are connected.


1: Chronology of events during the Street Fighter series
2: The events occurring during the Street Fighter series are connected, and constitute a very long story. Here we have loosely sorted these events, separated by game.
Moreover, you should pay attention to the events occurring in character endings that contradict the general story. Furthermore, as the story of Street Fighter EX takes place in a parallel setting, we’ve left it out¹.
3: Time of the works
4: Works
5: General events
6: 1987
7: Date uncertain
8: Ryu and Ken, seeking to become the “strongest fighter”, depart to battle street fighters.
9: Ryu beats Sagat with a Shoryuken. Sagat vows revenge.
10: Bison travels the world, searching for strong fighters.
11: The “Psycho Drive”, a weapon that would supply Bison’s body with unlimited Psycho Power, becomes operational.
12: The world warriors destroy the Psycho Drive, and Shadaloo is officially declared destroyed.
13: Bison starts the “Living Incubator” project, that would develop new substitute bodies for him.
14: Abel is born as an artificial man, and is rescued by Nash. Nash subsequently disappears.
15: The World Warriors tournament takes place. Bison is after Ryu’s body, because he’s the man who beat Sagat.
16: S.I.N’s CEO Seth rebels against Shadaloo.
17: S.I.N is destroyed.
18: Balrog rescues the young Ed from S.I.N’s ruins.
19: Sagat estranges himself from Shadaloo.
F.A.N.G takes Sagat’s former place among the Four Kings.
20: Shadaloo launches the “Black Moons Project”. NY’s zone is struck by a violent electromagnetic wave and plunges into chaos.
21: The Kanzuki house calls the world warriors for help.
22: The world warriors crush the “Black Moons Project”. Shadaloo is destroyed again.
23: Chun Li becomes the guardian of the young hacker Li Fen.
24: Ed leaves Balrog and forms his own independent organisation.
25: Tom, Alex’s guardian, is attacked by a mysterious blonde fighter.²
26: Li Fen, the girl Chun Li took into care, is abducted by a mysterious organisation.
27: Alex begins his trip to avenge Tom.
28: Hugo and Poison found the new pro-wrestling group Huge Wrestling Army
29: Alex departs once again to test himself.

¹ So… EX’s characters are canon (otherwise they wouldn’t have mentioned Darun’s role in ASF), but their games’ story isn’t.
² Note that this could mean Urien as well… I wonder whether that’s planned or not. The wording here seems to point toward a sneak attack, and not the honourable fight with Gill we previously knew. And I don’t think Gill would ever do that. It looks more like a plan coming from Urien, using Gill as a scapegoat to divert Alex’s wrath against his brother. Maybe Urien used his Halloween costume…

The Beyond the World chart says they’re (former) TEACHER AND STUDENT.
I’ll translate the rejected concepts (and Abigail) tomorrow.


Iirc it was canon that the fight with Gill happened, as Tom had told Alex that Gill had won fairly

It’s true that Urien seem to hate Tom for some reason:
when Alex asks if Urien knew someone named Tom, Urien becomes upset and demands that name to never be mentioned again

Maybe the key is in Tom’s words… GILL won fair (but Urien did’nt?)

What if Tom (as many SF Masters) was just that good and either defeated Urien before fight Gill or just performed at very very high level vs Gill, causing Urien to sucker-attack him in a burst of rage.
Think something a la

but rage motivated

Or maybe Gill defeated him without cause injuries as he respected Tom and wanted him healthy for his future “fighters world”, but Urien sucker-attacked him as sign of disprect toward Gill and his dream

In all these cases i can see Tom holding no grudge against Gill and at same time don’t say more to avoid his “son” to chase a dangerous man like Urien.

And on other hand he let Alex chase Gill as based on his experience he think he will not kill Alex

As usual Tom is the story char i’m wishing most to become an actual char, both for story, design and fight style


As much as possible I avoid to accidentally derail and interrupt the topic discussion by posting other info because of the current interesting progress and info gathered right now.

But I cant help it to ask new questions. That have been wanting to know the current canon from SF1 and Sf2.

Do they join both the same tournament this time? rather than they were separate tournament in previous canon.

What events do the world warrior destroyed the Psycho Drive? Was that Alpha events? Does it said who specifically did it? was it Gief?

So Nash Alpha 2 Ending happened later after the destruction of Psycho Drive Alpha 3

Wait SF2 tournament did happen and that time Bison still wanted and after Ryu’s body now?

Does it confirm the Viper Aftermath too?

And Sagat now just leaves Shadaloo after the second tournament and not from Alpha timeline?

To be honest I never prefer SF2 and SF1 to happen as a tournament other than just being events of confrontations and encounter along with Viper Aftermath that has Bison against multiple people or singled out. That’s the best way to deal with a very memorable villain in Sf history, beating Bison in one on one seems to make his character treated poorly.

The way I remember it Ryu didn’t even join a tournament. He took a trip to Thailand and got into a bunch of street fights with random Muay Thai fighters until he eventually ran into Sagat and beat him too.

They had to destroy it during Alpha 3 as that was the main plot. We don’t know who specifically destroyed it, but apparently we have to

pay attention to the events occurring in character endings that contradict the general story.

Which is what these threads are exactly for.

And as for Nash, apparently yes, his Alpha 2 ending happens after Alpha 3.

Well, he must’ve been after Ryu since the Alpha series since that was a plot point during that time. I’m guessing Bison never really seen Ryu as a potential new body until after the Alpha series. Because remember, at first Bison just wanted to brainwash him and turn him into one of his lackeys like a Brainwashed Ken scenario. So the whole SF2 tournament was a way to lure Ryu out.

Since he’s this wandering fighting vagabond who never stays in one place around the globe what better way to lure him out (and others as well) than to hold a worldwide fighting tournament event which would be unheard of up until now in the story.

This part was kind of confirmed in the Viper Aftermath trailer when the Shadaloo agent was scouting out Vega and Balrog to regroup with Shadaloo. Sagat refused and attacked them. He had to be apart of the 4 Kings during SF2 for them to even consider him rejoining, so he probably hadn’t officially quit Shadaloo until that meeting with the agent in the Aftermath trailer…


Yup have read it somewhere in the thread that you and the others have talked about can’t remember the origin of source from what material does it come from again?

I do prefer that take too since it decrease the complication of unanswered encounters and possibilities like Gen, Lee and etc along with the traveling stuff.

I have been waiting for this after Nash Alpha 2 ending was confirmed…

So probably it is now safe to assume that Nash, Chun and Guile ending in A3 didn’t happen already along with Ken, Sakura and Sagat versus Bison and Evil Ryu?

Actually I prefer the Ken, Sakura and Sagat versus Bison and ERyu to happen because it an awesome take, It does even support why Sakura is a relevant fighter than the other on her level(RS).

I hope people don’t confused me as a Sakura fan, because I do prefer as a main goal of the canon to be smooth sailing and fix using foreshadowing writing techniques to establish the relevance of future Sakura(Sf4 and Sf5) power level as acceptable and reasonable. Yet I need to accept the new canon.

Another supporting status here why the Bison and Evil Ryu against Ken, Sakura and Sagat didn’t happen is because of Sagat entranges from Shadaloo occured after SF2 now? rather than the previous canon which is earlier and within the alpha timeline. correct my analogy if I am wrong.

Are we now confirming Violent Ken? and the first Bison demised occurs in SF2 timeline instead not Alpha?

I am so much thankful to Capcom, I’m very content that they didn’t made Akuma killed Bison thing in SF2.

Regarding that, I’ve revised my translation (changes in bold). I’m sorry, I just assumed that the first part was correct the first time I did it with the blurry text. The actual text says that Ryu and Ken traveled while street fighting, but DOESN’T MENTION A TOURNAMENT.


Personally i ever thought was based on the mixed arts tournament where the two best disciples of Oyama (like Ryu/Ken for Gouken), founder of Kyokushin Karate, entered an fought a series of opponents including an HW american boxer, a big grappler and 3 Muay Thai Champs.
One of the disciples end up winning it:

Kyokushin was planning to hold the First All-Japan Full Contact Karate Open Championships at the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium in September 1969.

It was not only a karate championship, but martial artists of various kinds also participated in this competition.
Athletes included Gidon Gaddary who was an Israeli judo player weighing over 100 kilograms; Paul Jackson who was a heavyweight boxer from the United States; and three Muay Thai boxers from Lumpinee-ranked boxers including Birahon, Sakao and Samanso.

The competition was fighting against other combative arts. The rules were simple: It was a foul to use a hand or elbow to the face and to attack a man’s vital point. The players didn’t use any protection. They fought using bare hands, bare knees and bare legs.

Before the First All-Japan Full Contact Karate Open Championships, Yamazaki had thought that he had to win this championships at any cost. If he did not become a champion at the All-Japan Open Championships, Kyokushin would end there when Yamazaki or Soeno of the Kyokushin’s black belt were defeated by another style of karate fighters or other martial artists.
Yamazaki admitted that the mental pressure was considerable, but he dealt with the pressures. He fought six matches and won five by ippon (knock out) and one by judgment at this championships tournament, and thus became the first champion of the All-Japan Full Contact Karate Open Championships.

To follow-up on what Bak was saying about Street Fighter 1, I think Ryu’s AAC profile is the only one that mentioned a tournament:

Designated by a trademark white headband and attire. He is the main protagonist with rival Ken, and they are both proud fighting experts. Competing against the King of Muay Thai Sagat in the World Martial Arts Championship, a victor is decided when Sagat is defeated.

The story excerpt only mentions Ryu and Ken traveling the globe to prove they’re the best in the world. Sagat’s profile also doesn’t mention a tournament.


Thanks @Midgardsorm! That was awesome!

But I do have a few questions about the translations. Hope you don’t mind:

Do they really use the term “world warriors” on 12 and 22? And in 15, does Vega wants Ryu’s body just because he defeated Sagat? I had a friend who translated the SFZ3 and SF2 part, and his translation was:

12: The Psycho Drive is destroyed by the fists (it could also be interpreted as efforts) of various/several fighters, and Shadaloo is officially declared destroyed;

15: The World Warrior Tournament is organized by Shadaloo - which now acts in the shadows (in secret). Vega is after Ryu’s body, who defeated Sagat.

Would you mind to check it please?

Thanks a lot for your work!


Apparently the Street Fighter Twitter has a “Falke AMA” thing going on a few hours ago.

When a guy asked if he could marry her Falke answered “No”.



This version make sense, it include both Bison’s interest and the feat of defeat Sagat