The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Waifu crowd.
Not even waifus like them.



Oh, this was just a liberty taken by Midgardsorm. It doesn’t actually use the term “World Warriors” in regards to 12 and 22, but it does say “warriors” or “fighters” the way I see it atleast.

Now in regards to 15 which specially mentions the tournament. I translated it as “World Fighting Championship”, but yes it would be more appropriate to consider it the “World Warriors Tournament”


As @bakfromon already said, it was just my liberty. The actual term is æ Œé—˜ćź¶ăŸăĄ kakutƍkatachi, simply a generic “fighters”. But come on, we all know who they were.


Nobody pointed out yet the fact that Capcom is planning to show a new fighting / wrestling game in E3?

Will we see some Slam Masters return?


To me it sounds like a way to refer to the collective efforts of the cast, using the most vague and generic wording possible.

I mean, that’s how I always looked at the canon story of Alpha 3: the important part is that Bison was defeated and the Psycho Drive destroyed, the question of how a lot of the particular character endings contradict each others is a detail of lesser importance.


The wrestling / fighting game except switch and Xbox one, So probably it’s just SFV since it’s just PC and PS.

Interestingly Capcom can do casual fighting games like SNK’s TAG fighter. I think a Final Fight with Dynasty warrior style and Pocket Fighters with SNK’s TAG fighter style or Slam master should return to Switch.

When translating we must avoid taking liberties, we don’t want to have another “onda vital” case :wink:


There are liberties
 And then there are nonsenses.
I remember very well the “onda vital”. In Italy it was a horrible “onda energetica” at some point. I don’t know if they ever corrected it.


Yeah, I heard about onda energetica lol.

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Wait, what?! I didn’t hear anything about this! I’d love to see Slammasters get another game, would be pretty cool.

I like Falke a lot right now. That is all.


They even had to split that shit to fit the dub



EDIT: On other hand to be fair we never had to deal with american voices lol

I hope they do a type of “Capcom-all stars” with inspiration from the tag team thing in SVC:MOTM and CFE.


The events of Alpha 2 and Alpha 3 taking place around the same time is something I actually like. There were a few encounters where Bison talks about dealing with various others around the same point. Basically saying things along the lines of “you’ll be better than the parade of weaklings from earlier”, or “Sorry I have an appointment. Come back later” before leaving Juli and Juni to fight. That at least sheds light on how active the Shadaloo base was when it came to drawing people to the area.

Now looking at it from an in-universe perspective, Bison didn’t necessarily have to fight everyone. He could’ve simply had words with them before teleporting away and leaving certain Dolls to create a diversion. When it comes to Rose’s story, instead of fighting Juli and Juni, I like the idea of her fighting Aprile instead. Aside from her looking to bring Bison down, she promised Maggio that she was going to find his sister. I feel like she’d be the most relevant Doll to her story.

Mika and Gief were definitely inside at some point when it was crumbling. This, however, doesn’t have to mean they destroyed the Psycho Drive. Only that they were present when the base was on the brink of destruction.

Based on my personal conjecture, Cammy or Vega were the most likely candidates to destroy the Psycho Drive.

I believe it was in this exact sequence utilizing certain parts from both of their endings.

Cammy is selfless, so her saving the Dolls is a given. After doing so, she likely fell unconscious from being too weak to save herself in the same fashion. This eventually led to Vega coming across her in the room. Vega then proceeds to evacuate with Cammy, destroying the Psycho Drive and the base in the process. What this does is creates a scenario where the Psycho Drive was destroyed with Bison fleeing. Nash is obsessed with tracking down Bison by any means. The possibility of him escaping would undoubtedly linger in his mind–fueling his tireless search to an even greater extent.

The other possibility I considered is Birdie’s story.

Birdie to Nash: “That face
 Did ya go up against Shadaloo and lose or sumthin’?”
Nash to Birdie: “You’ve managed to become an idiotic pig. What’s the point of you staying alive?”
Chun-Li to Birdie: “Looks like your personality and physique got
 larger than life.”

The win quotes in V shows that they all know each other. Birdie wasn’t much more than a typical Shadaloo thug, so he’d have nothing close to the rep as one of the Kings. I feel like this would’ve been the perfect setting for them to interact with him. Now this scenario isn’t without its own issues. Chun-Li and Nash complained about the base and all of the evidence going up in smoke in various endings (Chun does so in Vega’s ending above), so it’d be odd for them to seize the base and then decide to destroy it on the whim.

Everything takes us back to Nash. With the Psycho Drive no longer being in play, his search for Bison would resume. Shadaloo appeared to be on its last legs with that huge blow, so Nash decided to go after Bison alone this time around. The Shadaloo leader has eyes and ears everywhere, so knowing that Nash was meddling around would’ve naturally came up. Not wanting to pursue him, the next best thing would be to lure Nash into a trap via the corrupt army.

Looking at the Venezuelan stage itself, the atmosphere seems perfect for an ambush. Nash just somehow stumbling across Bison is highly unlikely. He would’ve had to have known that Bison would’ve been in that area. That’s why I believe the idea of corrupt soldiers giving Nash bad intel has merit in this instance. The same soldiers would’ve remained on standby until he contacted them about locating Bison at the pinpointed area . Few mins go by and they arrive to shoot Nash down into the waterfall.

The Street Fighter 2 entry about Bison looking to acquire Ryu’s body because he was the one who defeated Sagat
basically goes against the idea of the Satsui no Hado being the main draw. Sagat’s defeat appeared to be what piqued Bison’s interest in Ryu prior to Alpha 3 since he was scouting for talent at that point. Street Fighter 2 seems to be piggybacking off of that, excluding the henchman part.

Nothing is perfect. A lot of these ideas are pieces I just put together on the whim. It’s like trying to put together an incomplete puzzle with random pieces. Some work well, with others needing to be altered to fit as much as possible. What I like is that this new information has given me new things to consider within the story.


I never thought about Cammy+Vega being the ones who destroyed the Psycho drive. My take on the events at the end of A3 are that Ryu did nearly defeat Bison but he ran off to the drive to recuperate but since Karin was with Sakura she got the satellite to fire a phallic shaped laser at the drive which inadvertently destroyed Bison. What a way to die: a pink penis laser

The idea of merging A2 and A3 makes more sense in SFV. Guile is there along with Charile and Chun-Li which solves many of the continuity errors from A2 and A3. Though, would Cammy A2 fit in some point. TBH I had a scenario in which Nash arranged a attack with Bison but is ambushed by Cammy w/o Psycho limiter but Nash just manages to defeat her discovering the doll project. Bison fights and kills Nash and them released that Cammy powers are well beyond their control if they let her home her attacks as is so the limiter is installed.

Headcanon that Alpha Cammy w/o limiter acts like the XMVSF/MVC2 Cammy in terms of attacks.

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@Doctrine_Dark nice compilation there, I prefer the cammy one along with the dolls to happen compared to the birdie thing.

So probably if Violent Ken/Brainwashed Ken did happen we just don’t get the Ryu ending events in A3 other than the confrontation of VKen and Ryu, but instead in SF2 timeline not Alpha.

If Capcom really do acknowledge now that VKen versus Ryu did occur.

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Agree I have fun with SVC:MOTM too especially those match encounters and Olympic modes.


Just wanted to revisit the issue with Falke’s CA.

I agree with your analysis and assessment with her CA @Cestus_II. I might have a way to improve her CA from a visual and impactful standpoint.

[golf-style launcher]: Agreed that it’s a goodstart. it’s a unique but hilarious way to launch your opponent. Plus, having that hilarity kind of gives SF it’s charm. (Most of the CAs has some form of hilarity to it,

  • R-Mika: Butt slap + Peach sandwich
  • Ken: "Smell my foot "
  • Birdie: Jump Rope
  • Alex + Zangief: Legs sticking out from the ground in the end
  • FANG: Flying
  • Guile: arms get pumped

So having some hilarity in a CA is not only acceptable, but it is also expected in some cases. A golf swing is ridiculous but when it launches someone in the air, it brings that shock and impact value that makes the initial move enjoyable.

[pole-jump]: This is where i would make a slight change: Make the pole vaulting animation fast. The time from the last frame where the opponent gets launched in the air to the first frame where her staff hits with the “back-hand bitchslap” takes about 3 seconds. This is wonderfully animated and fits with her gymast and athletic body that you said. But it also wastes precious time that can be used for the rest of the CA animation. I think that if you shorten the pole vaulting animation, like have her pole vaulting up to her opponent in a second, then you can save at least two seconds for the rest of the CA which is truely the meat of the animation.


As @Cestus_II pointed out, the last two hits really ruined the CA. It’s one thing to have hilarity in the CA but it has to flow and connect. THe backhand hit making them spin looks awkward and to have them spin right back to where they were facing doesn’t look natural, even in a fighting game like SF. And the “Psycho Bonk” would be great but only as the finishing blow. So my suggestion to finish her CA would be one of the following two options:

1.[back-hand bitchslap]: > Shotgun blast to the back of the head: I think to make this feel less strange, we might have to steal an idea from Mortal Kombat X: THE FACE BREAKER

The slow motion, up-close, in-your-face angle of impact with the face contorting, mouth open, blood spewing gives the hit the shock value that this CA is missing. Granted, i’m not expecting Capcom to go all out like Neatherealm does. But they have done close angles upon impact with CA’s before (Ken, Ed, Abigail (screen crash). And even some ultra combos in SFIV (Dan, Ryu’s metsu, Balrog’s Dirty Bull,).
Seeing the face on the receiving end of the impact activates a stimulus in our brain that makes us feel something, whether it be empathy for the character taking the hit, or the excitement of seeing a brutal hit in slow motion. It triggers something in us, and that feeling is missing in Falke’s CA.

And to put icing on the cake, to top off that hit, we finish with a shotgun blast from Falke’s Harmony that sends them crashing back to earth.

The backhand would spin them 180, which is more realistic than her original CA. And with this way of finishing the CA, she could channel a ruthless side of her that is show with the Dolls. As her opponent is turned around, she shoots them in the back of the head.

(kind of like Nash’s CA with the buzz saw boom + ) But instead, it comes in the form of an explosive shotgun psycho blast, which prompts the words KO on impact.

The rest of the animation is the opponent falling back to earth, landing on his/her face, much like the end of Yun’s Ultra 2 combo.

2. Super Charge Psycho Bonk: I actually liked how Falke’s CA ended. But if she were to end it this way, i prefer to charge up her stick for maximum impact.

Maybe as she reaches the apex of her pole vault jump, she raises her stick back, psycho power charging through her hands and into her staff (a la Gambit). once it reaches the maximum charge, she slams the stick down right on to the back of the opponent’s head. From here, it could end just like Ibuki’s CA. The impact on the back of the head and as the pyscho power becomes unstable from the hit, it causes an explosion that sends the opponent crashing down to earth (with the words KO right after the explosion like Ibuki’s)

In conclusion, I think Falke’s CA (much like her) was a great idea that was poorly executed with the most impactful hits. They tried to string together two different attacks to make it flow as best as it could, but it ended up looking and feeling wonky. Since the CA is all about that explosive, and impactful finish, you want to make sure that her ultimate attack is the best looking and the most devastating one of her arsenal. But by creating a disjointed finish to her CA, it ended up feeling underwhelming.


I have zero interest in seeing them try and revive one of their less popular fighting franchises when they can’t even get their main 2 right

Agreed. They need to put out a Capcom Vs. game where they don’t have any other companies to worry about so they can focus on getting it right.


The problem with Slammasters is that most of the characters are really out-of-touch. It would be better to integrate some characters to the SF series and upgrade them.

The all stars concept would give Ingrid a actual chance to shine and dig the Death character concept from the grave (pun not intended). Ingrid +MVC2 originals should be the “crossover” characters. Death would be a boss character while Ingrid is the psuedo-protagonist. Not only that but they can also focus on franchises+characters everyone clamors about (Power Stone, Breath of Fire etc).

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