The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

It’s obscure enough that some people will recognise it , yet throwing in something radically new to reinvent akin to a new property, won’t cause chaos like if they did such a thing to Darkstalkers. I could see them using it as practice to ease into a non-SF fighter and something without the collaboration headaches that a vs title could bring. Also it has the vague hook of being connected to Street Fighter.

@Doctrine_Dark dang. Awesome write up! I like how you combined 'em. For the Birdie part, I’d add that was the beginning of the end for his fitness. While he eats without reason, his win quote against Akuma hints at stress eating. I’d say nightmares of the Psycho Drive incident and fear of Bison getting a heads up on his scheme messed him up something fierce.

@Chun-Li_Forever I can dig these concepts. Much more of a natural flow and memorable for the right reasons.

I’m all for updates but what do you mean they’re out of touch? Individual character gimmicks?


My 2 cents on past franchises in SF perspective

Slammasters: should have been implemented more in SF, in the same way they did with FF
Stuff like El Stingray being in SF4 instead El Fuerte, having Wrath being a nemesis for Dhalsim (will be cool see Sim treat him like he treated Necalli), show Zangief or Alex fight SM characters and stuff like that…

Only problem is the wrestling theme limit A LOT theyr possible usage, compared to FF that offered (and still can offer) a crazy variety of deigns and themes

Rival Schools: not much space for these kids in SF level, maybe just one or two… but have to be chosen wisely and in SF perspective.
Like a Shoma can be fun and unique with his baseball thing, a Tiffany funny hot etc etc
Meanwhile the wannabe cool and badass KIDS will look ridicolous do theyr tryhard shit next to world level fighters… and Daigo (God of the tryhards) was my fav, but still in RS context, NOT in a SF world. Ryu will slap him with ease.
Roy is nobody next to Cody, the ginger nerd is nobody next to Nash, Boman should be crushed by Rog in seconds and so on

Though i’ve to admit i ever thought i will have liked too see Batsu as super low tier Ryu’s apprentice, like Sean for Ken

Capcom Fighting All-Stars: D.D:, Rook and Death could have been cool, Death in particular with his extermination of former MGG members… SF could have used a mini-arc villain like him, dude felt darker than any SF villain, willl have been a new thing (even if tbh G is himself a veryvery new vibe villain as well)

What are your thoughts if G ended up just to be another good guy or a neutral person simply like antonov, not villain and not a hero also?

Ooh, I’d hate that. We need a new villain in Bison’s absence and G has the potential to be something crazy and wonderful. Just looking at him, he seems to have sinister, arrogant, condescending, in-your-face vibes. I hope he’s an arrogant, loud villain. I know it’d be easy to make some Trump allusions, but I’d prefer if they’re avoided, or kept to a minimum so as to keep G original and timeless. . I want some pure, villainous charisma and not something that would be dated in a decade or so.

Also, for some reason, I really picture him chomping on a cigar and arrogantly blowing the smoke in his opponent’s face. I see him as a guy who has no delusions of what he is, but he’s having fun. Bison’s a practical demon and loves suffering and chaos, I want G to be a scumbag who knows he’s a scumbag and has fun with it. He wants power, but knows his limits type of a deal.


G has the perfect villain look, too. They can go in so many directions with this guy. I hope he ends up being a villain. Not as demonic as Bison, or someone that demands obedience and has a tendency to lose their shit in an instant like Urien. Just a dick that’s mad chill and loves humiliating his opponent. More hyped for G than Cody and Sagat, honestly. That’s not say I’m not already hyped about them. It’s just something about G’s mysteriousness that intrigues me.


@Shockdingo Most of the characters have aged quite alot. It would be another situation like how in the 90’s Blanka and E.Honda began to age until their re-apperance in Alpha 3/CVS. Back Widow has managed to stand the test of time, for example.

SM could do well (then again, most of Capcom’s franchises do) of they market it right. Especially with the WWE craze nowadays. Rival Schools+Star Gladiator would do great on the 3d side of the department and Darkstalkers would be their next go-to 2D fighting game.

@The_Shakunetsu Death is better as a CAS character rather than SF. Too far out even for this series. D.D and Rook can just for out, they have other characters that filled in their role (C.Viper).

@Cestus_II You’re right on RS. The characters may look like “edgy teen” SF but they are rabbits in comparison to SF’s characters. Since the Japanese version RS2 states it took place in 1999. They can easily put them in a post-SF3 game, especially since they make a nod to Sakura’s cameo and make her a teacher with cameos from RS.

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I think that was Cestus, and yes I do agree that Death is an interesting as Capcom All Star antagonist rather than a SF character since we got a lot of villains character to date upcoming and iconic.

I like how Capcom manage to insert FANG, Seth and Necali in the story without overshadowing the previous in terms of knowledge and power level.

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That’s actually my headcanon for these two. I believe Wraith uses some dark type of Yoga since he uses a bunch of strange attacks, can turn his head a full 360, and can summon snakes from his mouth. He also worships the goddess Kali in a similar way Dhalsim worships Agni. Both of them can also blow fire too, of course so can Jumbo Flapjack lol (I think he cheats to do it).

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Wraith was part of my initial wishlist in SFV before even Necali went into announcement, I have even created a V-trigger and V-Skill for him across unity forums.

I want him to be a type SF answer to Killer Instinct’s Hisako as I mentioned there but instead we got the meh cartoonish Zombie Nash and Necali. As for Necali, I’m contented on how he end up. Since I don’t want him to overshadow pop culture villains spot other than being another danger and obstacle to neutral and average characters.

Overall looking back with some of my wishlist like the Quaterstaff user and the returning characters like Dhalsim. I really like the new Dhalsim, I just hope well get a nostalgia costume for him too.

Wraith can worked into SF since he can be more than a one dimensional character.


We getting bad hair day @Daemos as a crossover costume!? :wink:


Nothing feels better than being under Bison’s plus frames while looking at that costume.

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Vega is quaking!

I don’t feel it for Bison really, it’s more on the big guys, I still wished he was granted the Demitri or Sigma version

Hey, guys, I should have the new Street Fighter Beyond artbook in shortly. I will take a look through and let you guys know what’s in it. If anything looks really good I’ll upload pics


[quote=“The_Shakunetsu, post:367, topic:576649, full:true”]

Yup have read it somewhere in the thread that you and the others have talked about can’t remember the origin of source from what material does it come from again?[/quote]

It’s from All About Street Fighter Zero. Ryu’s account.

We don’t know. But I’m pretty sure that it did happen just like Z3 hints. Also, it was mentioned that the Psycho Drive was destroyed by various fighters… So, for sure they fought Vega. The main question here is if Vega was killed and merged his soul with Rose, or if he just escaped.

[quote=“The_Shakunetsu, post:367, topic:576649, full:true”]

Another supporting status here why the Bison and Evil Ryu against Ken, Sakura and Sagat didn’t happen is because of Sagat entranges from Shadaloo occured after SF2 now? rather than the previous canon which is earlier and within the alpha timeline. correct my analogy if I am wrong.[/quote]

Sagat leaving Shadaloo AFTER SF4… I’m pretty sure that the chronology here goes from the most important event, to the less important one… Because Sagat isn’t a member of Shadaloo in SF4.
That’s why the Psycho Drive was destroyed first on the list. Vega had the Psycho Drive destroyed, started the living incubator project and then killed Nash? If that’s the case, Vega and Rose’s soul wouldn’t merge before SF2… Although, it would be interesting to have Nash destroying the Psycho Drive and Vega killing him shortly after.

I wouldn’t be so happy… Vega got a new body in SF4. so we don’t know what happened by the end of SF2… Either Gouki killed him, or he was destroyed by a Shoryuken or the soul merge with Rose could have happened…

[quote=“Doctrine_Dark, post:389, topic:576649, full:true”]
Based on my personal conjecture, Cammy or Vega were the most likely candidates to destroy the Psycho Drive.

I believe it was in this exact sequence utilizing certain parts from both of their endings.

Cammy is selfless, so her saving the Dolls is a given. After doing so, she likely fell unconscious from being too weak to save herself in the same fashion. This eventually led to Vega coming across her in the room. Vega then proceeds to evacuate with Cammy, destroying the Psycho Drive and the base in the process. What this does is creates a scenario where the Psycho Drive was destroyed with Bison fleeing. Nash is obsessed with tracking down Bison by any means. The possibility of him escaping would undoubtedly linger in his mind–fueling his tireless search to an even greater extent.[/quote]

I don’t think that Cammy and Balrog were the ones who destroyed the Psycho Drive. I still think that Cammy was brainwashed again after facing Vega. Then was taken to England, where her SSF2 account happens… Why would Balrog betray Shadaloo? And then he would return as one of the 4 kings for SF2, SF4 and SF5? Makes no sense.

And then, Guile sends Vega to court… LOL!

I see. Thanks @bakfromon and @Midgardsorm.

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The juiciest stuff was already uploaded. There’s a profile page with a short description of each SFV character up to S2. All the CFN profiles are there up to entry 252 (I think) (with exception of the April fools one). There are a bunch of interviews that seems interesting. And… that’s pretty much it.


Alpha 3 is messy. You’re going to run into issues trying to make sense of it no matter what.

Originally a background character for “SFZ” series he now makes his debut. His mask and claw come off when being constantly being subject to damage. He’s still a narcissist like in previous titles, but his illustration is distinguished by “madness” rather than “suggested beauty”. He is not a member of Shadaloo in this game, his strength is recognized by Bison who he has decided to work with temporarily. He is prepared to fight his ideal opponent; body enhanced soldier Cammy, under the conditions that he capture her alive. Initially considering Cammy a “Doll”, he confronts Bison disturbed by the strange mentality that clung to her figure. In the end he realizes that the revival of Bison is possible through Cammy, he helps her escape and then disappears.

Vega only cares about what’s best for him at the end of the day. Especially at this point where he’s not considered a member of Shadaloo. If destroying the Psycho Drive is too much, then Vega could’ve simply left with Cammy and someone else (like Gief and Mika) could’ve destroyed it right after.


Thanks for clearing some out

I’m hoping that they would abandon the idea of merging souls other than possessing her or telepathically controlling her, which is easy to comprehend logically in terms of writing.

I was a bit confused? I thought this was overwriten by the current

After SIN saga that’s were Sagat estranges himself away from Shadaloo?

I have been thinking now that Ultra SF2 and SF2 arcade mode in SFV has a bit canon nowadays in the latest revision.

As of now since SF2 tournament is official canon, I believe Sagat is written now in the current retcon as a willing participant and representative of Shadaloo in SF2 timeline and tournament?

This also goes smoothly with other areas like the Viper aftermath, introduction of Fang and the possible canonization of USf2 or SFV’s Sf2 arcade mode path.

I was thinking that they could have abandon the idea of Vegas new body in SF4 because of the latest material. IMHO like they recently made Nash A2 ending canon.

not sure if there were posted before

if I am not mistaken, the artist from the first tweet is Hagiwara Kazushi, author of a popular manga from the 90’s called Bastard!!. If so, that’s pretty cool.