The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

When it comes to SFIII characters, I honestly only see Dudley making it in S4, and then Makoto and Oro in S5. He might return eventually, but not anytime soon. Or they will save him for SFVI, if it focuses on the Illuminati.

Necro needs to hereā€¦ probably will get Oro and Mokoto

Possibly still no chance for Remy.

As for Smash Iā€™ll prefer Chun to be a character rather than a echo

SFEX turn, double click to see them all :smiley:


Should we expect any news for SF at TGS?

Well guys, I have some sad news about the new SF plot guide. Itā€™s going to be put on hiatus indefinitely from my end. Iā€™ve kinda went through a life tragedy in the form of a house fire and Iā€™ve pretty much lost everything but my life. Even though I do have a copy of the guide saved on my Onedrive which is available for everyone to view or download, but due to matters going on in my liffe atm I wont be able to update the plot guide or lurk as regularly as Iā€™d likeā€¦which is fine from Capcoms end I guess since they havenā€™t updated their CFN site with profiles in a while. But as far as on demand translations, or updating the guide as soon as info becomes available, well Iā€™m sad to say that those days are now over.

But thanks to everyone who has contributed information and translations to the guide thus far, I couldnā€™t do it without you guys. If anyone wants to take over with regular updates to the plot guide (when they become available of course), then let me know in a PM.

I know this thread has taken a deviation from just story related issues these past few months and has kinda focused on everything SF related which is cool and great. Its just with the new format of things, and the constant posts about random events in the FGC in general, everything kind feels unfamiliar. Maybe Iā€™m just becoming an oldhead lol.

I wish there was a slight bit of positive SF news lately, if any lol.

But yea just that announcement from me, but who knows, hopefully things get back to normal on my end to update regularly, but until then Iā€™m relinquishing my control over the guide.


Im sorry about your loss, I hope you would recover to the usual and better. I would like to thank you for everything you did for us and the sf community. I hope we can see you back again. Thank you man


Ow man! Thatā€™s terrible to hear. I was thinking about you last week as I didnā€™t reply to your latest PM (busy month, but it all ends the following week).
Hope that, even with the loss of material things, you and your family (or friends/colleagues) are okay to endure such loss and rebuild your lives.

I will be sending good vibrations.
Best of luck!


Iā€™m not sure, but TGS is the biggest SFV event of this year (exc. EVO), so we probably should. Weā€™ll see.

Ono showed up and announced a SFV 3v3 league. I think he may have something not sure, donā€™t understand Japanese.

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Ono said there was something in Blankaā€™s left pocket, and the commentators stated that we would probably see an announcement!!

We got trolledā€¦
They just announced the Japanese Arcade version of SFV.

This is the history of TGS in last years lol

Meh. I guess its relevant for Japan, but for the rest of us, disappointing.


Thatā€™s really terrible to hear, I hope that things will get better for you.

The Plot Guide is pretty unimportant in comparison, Iā€™m sure someone here will be available to continue working on it anyway.


Dude, I am really sorry you went through that. Iā€™m glad you were able to escape unscathed. Thatā€™s the most important part here. Stay strong. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll bounce back in no time.


Iā€™m sorry to hear that youā€™ve lost everything. Iā€™m just glad you are alive to rebuild your life. Let us know if you need anything. We have to look out for one another.


Man, Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. Please get better and take things slow. Youā€™ll always have a place with us here man, we care about the man not the content. Please let us know if thereā€™s any way we can help you out, I mean it man, please let us know what we can do to help you out.


Iā€™m sorry to read all that, but honestly Iā€™m just so happy and grateful youā€™re alive here with us. Everything can be replaced, can be rebuilt, but you being alive is all that matters. Stay strong.

If there is anything we can do for you as a community, please donā€™t hesitate to tell us. Youā€™re one of the good ones dear. <3333


Sad to read that, wish you a good life recover


Sending love your way man.

Really hope things get better for you. Weā€™re here for you, and let us know if there is anything we can help you with.