SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again


Waste of time.


I wish the Dojo had more customization options. Time of day, weather effects, stuff you can hang from the ceiling, maybe being able to replace the floor textures and the pictures in the background.

Also Steam did not download the 17gbs yesterday…I QUIT, GOING BACK TO STREET FIGHTER 4


So, today was excellent.

Played some flowchart Akuma who teabagged me like a retarded five-year old after he repeatedly managed to beat my AAs with Demon Flip palm into stun. I was pondering whether I should switch to Falke and beat his ass or continue playing Chun and put him on my blacklist. The blacklist won.

Then I played two Giefs in a row. I gotta check if my HK button still works from the workout it got.

Then I played a Kolin, which is probably one of my top five least fun matchups. After a lot of random (double) jumps, dashes, wakeup counters and YOLO V-Skills I somehow won and refused the rematch because I decided to give myself a prostate exam because that’s more fun.

Then came a Ryu. Decent match, was fun. I like Ryu, he reminds me of good times.

Sagat after that. Same as Ryu but stronger. First time I played him as Chun and barely won, might turn out to be a difficult matchup for her. Also fun though because no BS allowed.

And as I was slowly starting to enjoy this I got matched up with a Vega who despite all that talk about his tier placement is one of the most annoying and obnoxious characters in the game and I hope he dies from cancer in between SFV and SFVI.

Went 11-9 or something. This is the only fighting game where you walk away with a positive win ratio and still feel like shit for all the YOLO crap and V-Trigger BS you had to deal with.

Good choice.

I’ll take the opportunity to spread the word about something that happened to a user here in the Story thread:

So, long story short, Bakfromon mostly posts in the story thread and he maintains the plot guide, he recently suffered from a house fire and he lost all of his belongings. We guys who frequent the story thread are donating to a gofundme campaign to help him out and I thought about sharing it here too since there are a good bunch of users. I’m also trying to link this on reddit and I’m just waiting for some little details before doing so.

The link for thr fundraiser is here: https://www.gofundme.com/clarences-fire-recovery-fund
@Doctrine_Dark and @Darc_Requiem can guarantee for this too.


Steam messed up. Not you. Why are you punishing yourself?

I’m stuck choosing between ps4 pro or spend a lil more for a gaming laptop… My first Gen ps4 has done it’s time… Need to upgrade, what yall recommend? I know some of yall play this game on PC.

SFV is better on PC but a gaming laptop isn’t really worth the money. Either buy a decent Gaming PC (tower) or stick with the cheaper PS4.

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Do you travel or move often? If not I would not get a gaming laptop. I have one and it’s great but I travel home to VA often and some times for work. Been to Atlanta twice in the last two weeks. A desktop wouldn’t work for me. If you are stationary and travel infrequently, a laptop isn’t the best option.

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the cheapest solution in case you don’t travel a lot is to build a desktop computer

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No, it is still random.

I tried seven of the Claw 10-packs, as well as the free weekly single reading. Never got Claw’s classic costume. Got EX colors 10 times, Gallery Illustrations 27 times, and Battle Items 34 times.

(The EX Colors I did get were mostly duds. Most were for outfits I wouldn’t use, and six were for Story outfits that I wouldn’t even buy thanks to AE’s FM reductions anyway. Not that it even really matters, since most of the Fighting Chance colors are worse than the regular colors.)

Damn sorry guys. I must have gotten lucky twice in a row.

I got the Vega one on my 1st 10 reading pack.
But the Mike one took me 6 10 reading packs to get.

OH YOU! It’s downloading now but I’m just going to use my rage to catch up on games I haven’t played in a bit.

Hope insurance can help him a bit and may he have the best luck in the future. Don’t ever want to know what suddenly losing everything you earned and fought for in your house is like.


Also I find it fucking hilarious how nobody supported RUINER (children hate tank controls + no playable waifu) but are going balls deep into Cyberpunk.

Yeah you can’t really compare the two but they both are Cyberpunk games…if you’re going to support a genre then support it…plus Ruiner was dirt cheap >_>

edit: Also Ruiner is harder than a summabitch I won’t lie but the music is GODLY

Ruiner is cool and all but I don’t see how someone who likes playing RPGs would automatically be interested in a topdown murder simulation, simply because some RPGs are set in a similar setting.


Jesus Christ why is Chun so awful. Can’t believe people are placing her higher in tier lists than Falke. Falke eats Chun for breakfast, has the same good matchups but better and less bad matchups. Unlike Chun she also can deal damage.

Chun is too honest and any counter pick matchup you’d want to pick Chun for, Falke does better any way. Chun does better vs certain mid tiers like Boxer and Bipson, but not worth having struggle vs most of the top 5. Falke does much better vs top 5 than Chun.

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