SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

I hate playing the CPU. With a passion.


With how they reduced the amount you can make now and thrown more of it to chance, I donā€™t think itā€™s really feasible to get 3-4 seasons worth of characters with just FM anymore.

I got a lot of FM since S1 by playing a shit ton of ranked, doing every story, every trial/tutorial, almost every weekly challenge, every easy and normal survival, and a few of the hard survivals and one extreme.
Iā€™ve noticed how much slower it generates now. IDK if anyone has actually gotten all 3 seasons of the DLC characters with only FM, but I think I wouldā€™ve been completely drained and struggling to get enough FM for just one character toward the end of S2/beginning of S3, so by S4 I think I wouldā€™ve been forced to buy with real money if I wanted all the characters.

I did get all S1 characters and a few stages during 2016. But after that and I noticed I didnā€™t have as much toward the next season, Iā€™ve opted to get the season passes for S2 and S3 instead while using FM for purely stages and cosmetic stuff. I just canā€™t afford the hassle of trying to eek out just enough FM for a new characterā€¦ especially since I provide my console for locals.

-As an aside, I know Iā€™ve gotten over half of the aesthetic content and all the stages and on a whim I calculated the total amount of the costumes I didnā€™t buy (individual prices not bundles)ā€¦ thereā€™s still $284 worth of costumes I didnā€™t buy (not even including those titles and profile skins theyā€™re selling and this is before the darkstalker and halloween pack they just put out). I donā€™t even want to imagine how much I actually spent on this game total, but I bet it is way more than I spent on the SF4 series and I went all-in on that game. LMAO



Mee too, but with the exception of the FM missions every Friday you donā€™t really have to anymore. Especially now in AE where single player modes donā€™t give any FM either way.

Itā€™s hard to say considering the unregularity of Silver and Gold Shadaloo soldiers, but it took me about five weeks to get the FM back I used on Falke. I leveled her up to 40 (= 40.000FM), plus some wins in Casual Matches, plus weekly missions, plus one golden Shadaloo Soldier in that peroid.
It is feasable with a bit of commitment, but everyone who bought the game pre-AE is probably scraping the bottom of the barrel right now.

Same. I only got this dojo cause I thought someone said you could do location restriction. I wonā€™t be using it much. Although it should be fun to add shit to it I guess,

What is the point of joining another players Dojo?? I thought it would be more improved battle lounge with community features for membersā€¦

Good way to concentrate the circle jerks

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Presumably, the master of the dojo is OP AF and his students are there to learn and take his teachings to the next levelā€¦ Until inevitably one of his students unlocks a secret power, a hidden technique that the master kept to him or herself and thus sets off a chain of events that leads to the gruesome demise of the master and an endlessly unstoppable trail of dead bodies that stretches across decades in time.




Damn you just hit me with that Ryu Tech. I can see Jin walking the highways and byways with a white duffle bag dodging 18 wheelers driven by @Daemos


Can someone explain the dojo to me in one sentence. Anything related to some kinda CPU mode - my operating system immediately ignores it.

You and your virtual friends band and try to gather more points that other people and their virtual friends through online and offline game play modes to claim a virtual title to put on your virtual dojo stage.

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Yes that is a complete sentence!

Register/sign into your CFN here https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/ and create a dojo to get a free stage.

ā€¦At least thatā€™s all it means to me.

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Waste of time.


I wish the Dojo had more customization options. Time of day, weather effects, stuff you can hang from the ceiling, maybe being able to replace the floor textures and the pictures in the background.

Also Steam did not download the 17gbs yesterdayā€¦I QUIT, GOING BACK TO STREET FIGHTER 4


So, today was excellent.

Played some flowchart Akuma who teabagged me like a retarded five-year old after he repeatedly managed to beat my AAs with Demon Flip palm into stun. I was pondering whether I should switch to Falke and beat his ass or continue playing Chun and put him on my blacklist. The blacklist won.

Then I played two Giefs in a row. I gotta check if my HK button still works from the workout it got.

Then I played a Kolin, which is probably one of my top five least fun matchups. After a lot of random (double) jumps, dashes, wakeup counters and YOLO V-Skills I somehow won and refused the rematch because I decided to give myself a prostate exam because thatā€™s more fun.

Then came a Ryu. Decent match, was fun. I like Ryu, he reminds me of good times.

Sagat after that. Same as Ryu but stronger. First time I played him as Chun and barely won, might turn out to be a difficult matchup for her. Also fun though because no BS allowed.

And as I was slowly starting to enjoy this I got matched up with a Vega who despite all that talk about his tier placement is one of the most annoying and obnoxious characters in the game and I hope he dies from cancer in between SFV and SFVI.

Went 11-9 or something. This is the only fighting game where you walk away with a positive win ratio and still feel like shit for all the YOLO crap and V-Trigger BS you had to deal with.

Good choice.