SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

So has @DevilJin_01 made the DevilJym dojo yet?

So they now reveal the best selling dlc’s. Genuinely shocked at how well Falke is doing

I want Falke to sit on my face


I’m surprised Capcom didn’t give us a scarf removal code from they get go

Edit: And WHY is Steam downloading a 17gb update for SFV, was today’s update that big? Man…I’m going to sleep


I fight for myself. Not going to be doing any dojo. You can follow my CFN though lol

I fight for me!



After s4 they should just call it SSFV. The AE has to go imo. Ok they added the arcade feature, nice, but let’s move on to bigger and better things.

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They shouldn’t just because I don’t want to download the 30053 GB patch just to change the title screen.

But you will.

You will


I’ve seen some videos of that one dude low tier god, that dude thinks everyone who beats him is a scrub, any character is OP if they kick his ass, is he trying to be funny or is he just in denial? Also anytime anyone beats him he rage quits, doesn’t capcom punish people who do that?

They do but LTG is a genius and switches between dozens of accounts to avoid the penalty. Ragequitting 3.5, without a doubt.

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There’s lots of moves in the game where the frame data doesn’t tell the whole story. Like Urien shoulder or even Sagats knee.

Makes it hard on beginners although at least they have the colour thing in training now.



Will happen, watch.

I don’t think so. It would rub people the wrong way because of the baggage that word comes with. Reminds people too much of the old days of plundering their wallets.

As opposed to slowly plundering wallets all day every day for 2 years.

Personally I prefered the old model. I’ll give you a bunch of money and you give me a bunch of shit.


SF5 gives you a choice, and you can’t plunder the willing.

You can sort of look at it both ways. It gives you a choice, but it also restricts you. I have “some stages” and “some characters” yet Ive probably spent the game price twice over.

I don’t mind if they fluff up the stages , costumes and colours, but restricting the characters is the worst idea.

I still have about 8-9 characters I don’t get access to, even to train against.

I bet if you added up three times the game price vs what it cost you for everything it would be off the charts. You can’t really go for the “buy the deal” option because you don’t know what you are getting.

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If you focus on getting characters first and foremost via FM you should have access to all of them without a problem. The issue about it is that the game throws content at you left and right and you sort of need to know beforehand that you won’t ever be able to get everything with FM. You can get every character with FM though so that should be your priority going into this game.

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