SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again


I made a dojo, it’d be nice if we could stack as many people in as possible to at least have a go at making top 3

https://game.capcom.com/cfn/sfv/dojo/profile/name/Susgang send applications through if you wanna help out the grind

Kolin’s Halloween costume is not Ken in drag, so I am not interested.

Problem with back throws are they whiff where a forward throw would connect if you were holding forward.

HP/EX/air SPD into back throw with Gief is some serious oki pressure.
Too bad he is no longer in the game, even though Capcom gave 3 active frames to his crouch jab again with this patch.
It still doesn’t string into itself…

susgang? why not a srk one?
ed- btw, since they mentioned you can play on that stage with dojo people…does that mean there is a actuall online trainingsmode now?

And I got Vega’s Classic outfit.

Thank you all for playing.

Edit: For all the maligning of it, SF5 does a lot of cool things. Really wish I liked it more because a lot of the little things this has in a game I liked would be dope to have.


I think you automatically get the costume with the 10 ticket option now. I got it on the first time on PC and PS4.

The game does do a lot of things right.


Got damn Kolin’s Halloween outfit in motion is literally 10/10.

Also Dan sister in the shop is cute CUTE!

SFV is a good game


Fixed it for you.


It’s a problem, but if they’re nearing stun especially it’s worth going for. For characters that have faster forward walk like Ibuki or Guile it’s pretty useful. Especially the stun. Earlier into playing Ibuki there were definitely matches I lost that I could have won if I just did a back throw instead.

So if you hit 2 combos in a row, and still have access to a good setup for a throw in a game where strong oki is super hard to come by, a backthrow can be strong in that position. Gotcha.

Ibuki gets back throws pretty easy. Pretty much all top Ibukis regularly back throw. Not very hard for her. Bison and Guile players regularly back throw also. They all give free meaties and easy to do with anyone that has good walk or is offensive with a good throw range like Bison

Not going to get many back throws playing Falke, but her forward throw already pushes them towards the corner or away from you which you want any way. She doesn’t really have the pressure or the type of forward walk/dash to want to back throw with any regularity.

If cammy’s dive kicks are negative on block then why do I see every cammy pro player in tournaments do the dive kick on block then continue with pressure?

You just removed “good” you actually made it worse.

Mods clap this nigga now

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Depending on where the DK lands determines whether the move is plus or minus.

It has to hit low or else that Cammy eats shit. EX DK works the same (It didn’t in season 1) but because it’s so fast and can sometimes work like the minus 2 mix up people don’t always contest it even if they know it’s not right.

The better a Cammy player the more times you’ll see them get away with stuff like this.

If some random basic bitch Cammy is just spamming DK I’m probably gonna challenge but if it’s Verloren? If it’s him I’m just gonna hold that.


They have to be spaced , unfortunately they engineered Cammys buttons to smack you in the face real hard where the the dive kick would be unsafe.

Which is why she’s such a bitch.


Ok so by hitting low do you guys mean she has to do the dive kick as late as possible in her jump?

Hitting low as in which part of the character’s model it hits. Anything below the waist on a character and you can assume that the divekick will be 0 or +. Above the waist and its like to be -1 to -5 (if hits too high).

You want to do divekicks as early as possible so that the likelihood of them hitting on the sweet spot (around the knee area of a character). Tall characters are accidentally good because they can block divekicks standing and complicate her ability to get positive divekicks.

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