SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

I-I think I need to practice a bit of Falke as well… you know… for science


Tbh i got her combos down pretty fast ( most of them ). I kinda struggle when i get rushed down, i need to use her pokes better.

Off Topic : any new hidden balance changes with this patch btw ? Capcom usually sneaks some in every patch.

Falke needs more combo variations. You’re pretty much always doing the same thing whenever you land a hit. Even Necalli has more diversity.

Less pushback on st.MP would be a good change because it would allow her to combo into cr.HP if she’s really close. So a) more to think about and b) a new option to maximize damage.

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Her crouching shot is +4 on hit. I wish it was useful in combos, since you already require the corner to do a combo with that.move. You do get more stun though.
Welp, time to turn on SFV again.

EDIT: Holy smokes, 17gb update.

Yea, Falke’s Halloween is pretty ok but i don’t see myself using it because her catwoman one is just too good.

Yellow 50s beachwear is the best one so far!
Undeniable proof:

Anyway, I wonder if with Mecha Gief on the way, he will get his cr lp back.

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The only thing I need to know about this 17gb of nothing.


Costumes and stuff: https://www.resetera.com/threads/street-fighter-v-arcade-edition-ot2-street-fighter-has-come-home.60234/page-67#post-13073584

all yall go to canada cup I go to canada cup going to canada cup is what people should do

also ok how the fuck does this fighting chance thing work I want that vega costume

can i just give them 5 bucks and not have to worry about grinding


I was 100% going, with plane tickets bought and even reservations on the Continental for the weekend and more.
But then health stuff happened so I will likely not be there to Falke people up. :frowning:

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Nope. You gotta fight for your chance

They added an extremely annoying voice to the in-game SFV shop!
Even more annoying than Loo-Kee’s voice in the classic She-Ra show!

Color 5 for Falke’s Halloween costume is pretty nice.

Falke’s Halloween costume is nice… but not as nice as the swimsuit one.

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Im already annoyed by the voice over in the shop…

The loading times on the PS4… :neutral_face:

She has a scythe man.

A Scythe.

You chop people with it, while you also shoot 'em.

Her butt doesn’t look as nice in it.
It is already inferior to the swimsuit.

I also haven’t found a colour that I can identify with in it.

That really depends on what you think throws are designed for and what character you are talking about. In the oldschool, with games like ST… it is NOT about what character you are talking about nor is it what this or that person thinks throws are designed for.

In this game, Cammy has probably the best throw game. She can st.lk and throw you, or she can st.lk,cr.lp and throw you, or she can st.lk, slight delay, cr.lk, st.lp confirm which will beat buttons, backdash, jump away and delay tech depending on the timing of your buttons… this however can’t be said for all characters.

For me to think throws are strong in a game I’d have to be able to consistently force an unreactable 50/50 or more likely a 33/33/33 situation every time I’m in throw range. That’s not how sf5 works. Against someone decent, like myself even, if you want to use throws as a mixup, most characters have to deal with something that resembles a 20/20/20/20/20
OR anti use throws as a “mixups” but instead use them as a surprise… like hey, I’ve made this guy block 5 jumpins and haven’t tried to throw him yet. Next time I’ll throw him or I’ll shimmy him if I think he autopilots delay tech.

The latter is how almost every “good” player plays sf5. And I don’t really understand how throws can be considered good when you have to lull your opponent into a complacent defense, just to get off a 50/50.

Like how it goes is:

Try to abuse throws and throw mixups…you get a 20/20/20/20/20 probability of your mixup working. Your options are throw, frame trap, low move, shimmy and some of those options have a late or early timing, turning the options into more options. How many times have I gone for a delayed frame trap (to beat late buttons or late tech) and my opponent early buttoned (the option that I was trying to beat, but faster) and I lose…

Or you don’t abuse throws at all:

Now you get a (50/50) chance, simply because your opponent won’t be rotating defensive options with late tech, fast tech, early button, delayed button, reversal, walk backwards etc etc etc.

But that means that you have to ALLOW your opponent to get away with being predictable and blocking most of your upclose pressure. That to me is boring and non dynamic. My opponent should feel super scared everytime I get closesnd I really shouldn’t have to pick a command grabber, or give up a fireball (for Cammy) to do it.

Luckily akuma is in the game and largely has fewer of these issues because reasons, but there’s still a large mojorioty of the cast that can’t force decent 50/50’s at anything approaching an exciting rate.


Damn, there is no location filter anywhere in the Dojo.

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