SFV lounge: London we have a Problem X. SFV gave us the Burger King again

Didn’t play her in S1 but to this day I think the only nerf she needed was IAL being minus on block. S1 Chun wouldn’t even be Top 10 right now.

Well here’s the thing. My insurance has to settle with the business’s insurance that the fire started in, so I’m not too sure when that could happen. Everything is just a waiting game at this point with the insurance companies its a headache.

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works in fighting games tho


yeah the mod is way better, like double the quality but I think the proportions on it got altered and it looks strange

Ed Boon doesnt make games, he makes fan service delivery engines. Thats why all the NRS games die out in less than 2 years.

Silliest shit TBH.


He tends to make the females thicker, most of the modders usually remix the model or start from scratch.

My hmmmmmm is mostly towards the outfit…like I’m 85% sure Brutal didn’t make the costume from scratch so he pulled it from maybe nu-marvel…months ago…then Capcom releases their version and I’m pretty sure they pasta’d up the outfit too. Nothing negative to say but I’d like Capcom to pasta up more outfits, I just don’t want the downloads to be 16 gigs every @#%#@ time.

The mod is Morrigan. The official one is Chun-Li cosplaying Morrigan. That holds true for the Halloween costume’s too. If you look at Abigial’s Cyclops costume closely, he’s wearing a mask.


Chun doesn’t suck, where is this nonsense coming from ?



Brutal’s Morrigan mod is a pasta version of the above. What I’m saying is, if Capcom pasta’d the same version, plus downgraded the graphics to fit SFV then I hope they find more outfits from that dead game to put into SFV.

None of this has anything to do with Abi-Cyclops since that’s clearly a costume made from scratch.

Or ya know since it is Chun-li, Capcom made her SFV Morrigan costume from the ground up. Either way I don’t care just give me BB Hood Karin.

Edit: Reminder that Capcom did this with xTK > SF4 except it was full characters…maybe we can get Zero in SFV :^)

So is anyone creating a dojo? If not, is ChunLisCouch taken? Figure it will trigger Rugalitarian :wink:

Chun and Falke also aren’t really that similar because Chun isn’t about mid screen zoning like Falke. If i would say anything about Chun, i would say she is a punish based character.

Chun’s punishes are exceptional in context of this game. She have a 3 frame low with good range, her EX legs is fantastic AND lead to oki, she get high damage from a cr.LP compared to the rest of the cast, especially in VT1 when you can do something like cr.LP x 2 , cr.MK xx SBK.

Her anti airs all lead to good situations, B.HK can get you an excellent side switch or not 50/50 on top of a throw/hit game. St.LK can also lead to a very ambiguous one if you space it right.

Chun have a 15 frames dash, she have a decent pressure fireball, she have gets oki after her KDs which are SBK and ex legs. She have B.HP which is a very good counter poke.

Her VT1 is good as long as you learn to confirm it on hit, her VT2 is something that i believe in personally, despite some others who don’t but obviously this is subjective. You will find Terrance, Ricki, Human Bomb and others use VT2 while others like MOV use VT1. It will come down to preference.

After the recent 3.5 patch, Chun can almost build an entire bar of VT with a CC punish. If you do st.HK (CC), dash, st.MP xx V-skill, stomp x 3 xx ex air legs or stomp xx 2 , LK legs. That is almost a bar of VT built on a punish.

Chun can get very tricky headstomp mixup after a CC sweep. Her instant overhead is very good, her walk pressure is decent.

Chun have a pretty good wakeup game since her 3F is a low, so people who try to walk back to bait your ex reversal will get clipped and if they neutral jumped to bait your EX SBK, you can still whiff your 3F cr.LK and st,LK them in time.

You have a reversal that hits on both sides. That is also pretty fast and have very fast recovery for a CC at 16 frames. I can never st.HK punish her EX SBK with Cody cause i have to be frame perfect to punish it so you WILL get away with some ex SBKs.

She have a 12 frames VR which comes in hand vs some situations. Mika doing cr.HP xx VTC then command grabbing you. A 12 frames V-reversal will beat that while a 17 frames one will get thrown. If you are fighting Nash, you can V-reversal the first hits of EX moonsault to knock him down and get oki, etc,etc

Honestly, the character isn’t bad at all, at all IMO. She just doesn’t carry people as hard as some of the other characters do but winning with Chun is very possible, especially since you aren’t fighting top players using the top characters where the MU would really matter.

Falke is a mid range zoning character and if that is all you wanna do with Chun to win, then she isn’t the character for you, that isn’t what she is built to do. You have to know how to play offence to win with her, and how to get the ball rolling.

Chun is more well rounded while Falke is more about turtly mid range game.


I have a dojo, we only have like 10 people from the discord in it atm

@Los you’re RAGE right?, GGs

Yeah. I’m trying to play on pad because my stick died a couple of days ago…how do you degenerates do that?!?


Chun isn’t bad, but she’s still counter pick tier for CPT which is what it is. They’re both objectively bad for solo maining, but good as niche/counter pick.

Chun and Falke are both counter pick tier characters, but Falke does a better job being a side counter pick character than Chun does.

What platform are you on? PS4 or PC?

I like watching high level Chun…well I like watching MOV play Chun but the last 2 times I saw a Chun, she got spanked by Thugged Out R. Mika and Needs Buffs Urien :frowning:

Ps4 at the moment. I tried on pc as well and I think the microswitch of the stick is gone

I have an old Hori RAP that I don’t use since I got my Qanba Obsidian. I can send it your way if you are in a bind.

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