The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

So sorry about your loss. Sending some love and positive energy your way.


Thanks for all the good vibes from everyone. This is what Goku must feel like when building his Spirit Bomb. As far as new updates to the plot guide @Lord Vega will be continuing with the updates in the meantime as they become available. If anyone want’s to contribute just PM for an editing link and I’ll be happy to send you one

I actually considered making a Patreon for the plot guide, but it was always meant to be a free project open to the fans to use and I feel like it should stay that way. Instead I’ll let the fans create the plot guide free of charge, and all they have to provide is legit info (not like the Wiki)

I’ll definitely keep in touch with the thread as much as I can you guys are the best.

Til then I’ll be rebuilding everything from the ground up just like M. Bison rebuilds himself and Shadaloo countless times.


You got this dude, you wont be stopped and you’ll be bigger and better than ever in all you do. We all are rooting for you man, again, if you need any help in getting back on your feet, do not hesitate to ask. We could all pool together and help you with some things.

Whoa, it’s finally being implemented

Soviet skies are protected:


I see a Shadaloo emblem on his chest. PSYCHO SCIENCE PREVAILS!


Very different from what in CFN but it looks better than the previous version.

I hope well see Fallen Balrog/Revenger Balrog… then Cyber Akuma


@bakfromon really sorry to hear about your situation. If there’s anything I can do to help, please PM me


Got your back, bak! raises hand for spirit bomb

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@Bakfromon I felt a mixture of shock and sympathy upon reading that. It’s just something I wouldn’t expect ever hearing from this forum. A internet document is irrelevant compared to someone’s life. In the end, what matters is that hopefully you can rebuild your life from this point on. My sincerest condolences



WOW they are really doing great stuff what taking so long with Bison Alpha Costume?

Going to grind FM sa we speak

Let’s hope it will not take me too many 4.5Ks

Next i guess will be FF Abigail or classic Bison

The need of SF2 Ken is strong

I’ve no hopes to see actual SF2 Ryu, can only pray for Color Edit

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Crazy easter egg

Still should have been Bison


Bison already has a devil costume. Actually, he has two.

Pyron for Bison!


They added Dan’s sister to the shop


She even looks like Dan.

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That’s cool actually. Still like my version of Dan’s sister better though :wink:

Damn, I’d like to get that classic Vega costume, but I just hate they are putting it behind Fighting Chance exclusively :S

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When you guys mentioned Dan’s sister being added, I thought it was just pictures, she actually speaks! She’s got multiple phrases for entering and exiting the shop! That’s adorable!

So wow, is she canon now? As far as I was aware, the only previous mention or even appearance of her was in Msh vs SF’s ending, right?


She has a page up in CFN

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They didn’t turned her to Ran Hibiki right?