The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread


So, on Guile’s new zombie costume, his dog tags read “Williams, Guile F.” Guile Williams?!

Maybe a mistake, William F. Guile has never been confirmed as canon though.


Well, zombie Guile is neither canon :stuck_out_tongue:. Probably just a joke/easter egg.

Although it will be nice to have some ‘complete’ names.


How much does she cost? :wink:

Judging also from quality/style i feel it’s not even capcom “normal” guys

Example i don’t consider Kiki’ stuff to be capcom style or even canon

But sadly sfv involved so many random people, i end up even having fucking udon fanarts as arcade endings lol, cheap af

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Kiki’ art might have been considered canon sometime but they “might” have change their mind. Best example is Akuma.

And yes it is true those alt costumes were outsource from different studios. I just wondered if that includes those that are from other Capcom franchise like Darkstalkers.

So that can lead for Dan to be in Dojo mode?

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Juri should have got the damned morrigan alt. She has much more in common than chunli (i.e the violent temptress persona).


The Morrigan outfit fits Chun-Li fine, but the Lilith one should have gone to Sakura. Her looks and personality are much closer to Lilith’s than Juri is.


Which do you prefer more guys?

The cosplay character alts or “as the” character alts?

That’s what I think as well!

Otaking is back with preview Juri vs Bison


It depends on how much sense each choice makes.

I’m not a fan of the idea of recreating the look of a different character if they don’t have their moves, this is, what’s the point in Morrigan doing Spinning Bird Kicks and talking like Chun Li? Also I’m not terribly interested on having external characters in SF in the first place.

On the other hand, I also don’t like the idea of Street Fighter characters doing cosplay or wearing novelty outfits in general.

The ideal for me is when the alt is something that the SF character might reasonably wear. This is not common with these outfits so I’ve mostly ignored them. Maybe a STARS outfit or RE5 catsuit for Cammy when they make the rumored Cammy/Jill would work well…


Agree on Sakura, disagree on Chun LI

If today i could do my dream pick will have been

Demitri- M.Bison
Morrigan- Falke
Victor- Abigail
HsienKo- Chun Li
Talbain- Necalli (human/werewolf with VT)
Felicia- Menat
BBHood- Karin
Anakaris- Birdie or Sagat
Sasquatch- Zangief
Lilith- Sakura
Bishamon- Akuma
Rikuo- Vega
Huitzil- Rog
Q-Bee- Juri
Jedah- Urien
Donovan- Ryu
Zabel- Nash or Sim
Shadow- Fang
Anita- Cammy
Pyron- G
Ruby Heart*- Kolin
*original supposed to be a DS char

Capcom like to surprise and does not want to be easily predicted from the likes of expansion title and now even with alt costumes obviously why were getting weird pairing of alt anyway.

So I don’t bother anymore posting my previous costumes anymore along with the obvious pairings.

Thankfully we got Chun for Morrigan

The CFN page went out of its way to state that Yuriko wasn’t Street Fighter canon, at least not at the time her CFN entry was written. It includes a “(in a parallel universe)” disclaimer at the start when it states she is Dan’s sister, and also ends the entry with another “(parallel universe)” disclaimer.

The question is whether or not her appearance in the SFV shop has now made her actual SF canon.

Yuriko Hibiki, just like her CFN entry.

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I wonder now if they would make Ran to be related to Dan in some way.

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Anyone making a Dojo? If no one is creating one, I may make one of PS4.

I already joined one from a Chun-Li discord

I was going to ask this. I’ve created a dojo myself and decorated it mainly for personal use, but it is my understanding that we can join and leave other dojos at will? I’m not yet sure what the advantages of belonging to a larger dojo are and whether you lose the ability to keep your own stage to your taste or not. I might be interested on joining a Warrior’s Fate Dojo or whatever if you guys create one once I fully understand how the joining and reward thing works.

I went for a not ridiculous, not crowded look for my dojo:


I created a Dojo just to have the stage lol

It’s became my standard training room as i hate the grind with all my heart


Being in a larger dojo is probably the only way you’ll have even a chance of getting the leaderboard trophy items. A dojo composed of 10 friends, or even a casual dojo of 90, isnn’t going to have a prayer of outscoring a dojo of 100 where a majority is actively chasing Dojo Points.

Theoretically, a larger dojo offers more friends, or at least players of similar mindsets that you might want to actively seek out. Capcom not adding any social capabilities (telling people to use Twitter?) to its big social feature makes this a bit less useful, but you can at least (from your web browser) see who in your guild is online at the moment.