The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Tbh end up as character design is the only that i find interessing and that visually enrich her animations.
Find a bit annoying how close to Ed’s they wanted to stay, but is undeniably well done imho

I find redudant her Story Alt, that kinda replicate Juri’s Battle Alt concept

Same for her (Falke) Battle Alt, not bad looking but another redundant shit that put together some already seen stuff for other females, like the biker look from Juri’s Standard and lot of Kolin’s Battle Alt

This try hard searh of please some markets is flattening designs imho

Personally i will have liked

Story Alt: ok with the training idea, pretty fitting to her concept.
But maybe something more of impact and characterized, that focus on training in lab, testing and so on.
Ed’s dropped concept here could have worked perfect, easy to imagine it for training with team of scientists around that take data and experiment to improve performance… is actually more fitting Falke than Ed

Battle Alt: will have liked something fun and a bit more SF style flamboyant, taking advantage of her German trait or whatever other stylistical idea to gave her an unique, not-redundant design
Random stuff

-Milk maiden- (she likes milk)

-Opera- (she likes opera)

-Billiard- (fun thing King’s fav sport is billiard)


Or they can go fuck themselves and restart give proper nationalities to SF characters.

The entire VG world took from SF(2), SF can free take from entire VG world without ask LOL
Dan is born for a reason :smiley:

Btw i think Overwatch itself took the idea from DC’s Gorilla Grodd

Interesting. To be precise:
Falke. Her birthday is the 25th of May. We’re going to publish that officially somewhere.
Both Ed’s and Falke’s physical and mental ages don’t match their appearances: it’s an effect of Shadaloo’s experiments upon them. Falke works with Ed as if she’s thinking “I must watch after him”. So, she feels like an older sister.
The events in Ed’s Story mode and Falke’s story mode bounce back and forth in time. The scene of Ed’s resolution comes last.¹
Falke’s moves have German names because she was in a Shadaloo’s facility in an area where German is spoken.²
If you ask why I’m tweeting like this, it’s because I have some spare time because of the update for Dragon’s Dogma Online. Today, I’ll go with a Spirit Lancer again!
Some hints about the mystery of Neo Shadaloo are published in the limited Capcom visionary book. (I have still some updates to do)
Gorilla-kun has his proper background. Even his name has a meaning. (Still some more to come)

¹ The last scene of Ed’s Story Mode, with gorilla and bearded man, obviously.
² So it makes sense for her to have an undefined nationality. She could’ve been abducted everywhere and learned to speak in German. It’s the facility that was in Germany, and its personnel German (the way it was translated before suggested that an area or laboratory in the Shadaloo base we already knew had German personnel, but that wasn’t the case). I understand the longing for proper nationalities, but if Capcom keeps introducing clones and abductees among Shadaloo, it’s an obvious consequence. Neo Shadaloo’s characters will be all necessarily stateless, even if they behaved according to some national stereotype.


What nationalities were you expecting the clones of a genderless demon-without-borders at the helm of the biggest multinational & global criminal syndicate to be?

Shadaloo is everywhere.

Bison’s wish to find the perfect replacement body hasn’t been successful, but Gorilla-kun will be the difference maker. His physiology will make him the perfect vessel to withstand Bison’s Psycho Power. Not even Ryu will have a chance once Bison gets his dreadful hands on that body. Gorilla-kun is the future.


It’s not a necessity to keep spam the shada-clones thing

Example while i liked the idea of Ed being (finally) the result of Shadaloo researches for a perfect host… they was’nt forced to do the same for Falke

They could have made her like knives guy and gorilla, and left Ed being the only one keeping the shadablondclone thing going on.
Also because the more you spam something the less impact it does… example Ed already loss some of his unicity as soon we seen Falke in action

Capcom used to be more creative than that

Falke could have been simply a staff-user with almost same life, but with totally her own design, powers, background, nation etc… a SF character

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Objectively wrong opinion.

In other news, if it turns out that the Gorilla is one of Bison’s clones too I’m going to lose my shit.


Still seem that even with all theyr errors, Capcom still managed to stick with it and not waste a slot on Decapre

Thank you based Capcom, i can now forgive you USF4 low-budget retardness

Having seen Falke in action now…she is super bland even in her fighting style. Instead of looking controlled and precise, she looks lazy and stiff, as if she’s not committing to fighting.

Total mismatch with her personality.

Fuck, this character really is a miss on EVERY level

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The GOAT M. Bison (Raul Julia) spoke with a British accent, so he is British :stuck_out_tongue:


prepares to meet with thunderous fury anyone that dares question @Spoonman 's Raul-Julia-GOAT-based logic


I like Falke trajectory shot’s beside from Venom of GGx she is also the Hawkeye of SFV


She uses staff techniques, trained using Psycho Power.
Her bond with Ed comes from the fact that both have relations with Shadaloo.
Her name (codename) means “hawk” in German.
And here’s her command list!

Name: Falke
Height: 176cm
Weight: 54kg
Blood type: A
Birthday: May, 25
Home Country: Unknown
Favorite things: Milk Tea, Theatre
Dislikes: Shadaloo
Fighting Style: Psycho Power and Bōjutsu

She has the ability to inject Psycho Power into her staff,
called “Harmony”, and then shoot it.
Her ability to shoot Psycho Power instantaneously
is lower compared to Ed and Bison,
but she can charge and increase the power.
She was confined in a Shadaloo’s laboratory and piled up loads of training.
She’s a perfectionist, and deals with everything scrupulously.
She’s well-versed in house chores and cooking, and is unexpectedly family-oriented.

“Harmony” represents the harmony between Falke and Psycho Power.
She has several books,
and always thinks about the best strategy and tactics according to the situation.


@Phantom_Miria on Gorilla-Kun:
Maybe the gorilla is a “proof of concept” to see if the clone’s use of psycho power after Cammy would be successful. Think of it like real life, sometimes products like shampoo or medicine are tested on similar organisms to us before going on to humans. Primates are the most used due their receptive behaviour.

Maybe Shadaloo tested brainwashing and psycho power on a gorilla and disposed the gorilla as they didn’t need it because it was already a success.

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Ryo Redcyclone noticed that the 12 elite dolls had months-based codenames, while trainee dolls had flower-based codenames. Conversely, Cammy and Falke have (or had) animal codenames (“killer bee”). Ryo Redcyclone wonders if there’s some sort of ranking that bestowed animal names upon exceptional subjects, so we could immediately know that both Falke and Cammy are superior to the regular (and even elite) dolls.


It’s just lazy storytelling. At least the original dolls come from somewhere and probably have a more interesting background to tell than just “i grew up in a lab”.

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Shadaloo lab animals are less about where they came from and more about where they are going. Their struggle is one for a future.


In all fairness most Dolls are either ethnic stereotypes or anime tropes.

Like a lot of the SF cast.

Interesting stuff! I never paid attention to the trainee dolls names!

Oh yeah, if you guys have twitter, you might want to follow Ink key on twitter. They make amazing Street Fighter designs. Check out Abigail. I like SFV Abigail, but if this was one of his alt outfits, or the main look, I’d absolutely love it.

