The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The date being Feb 1997 actually kinda brings more light to the “NG was rushed” theory I made when I first joined. I do think that Sean was from the USA back in NG but was retconned in 2I considering that we already had Ken so they chose Brazil since the staff actually visited Brazil for taking notes on capoeria.


Good eyes on the Feb 97 date, I didn’t even notice it. New Gen came out on Feb 4th 97 so chances are the game was already out by the time this preview was released. I do think Sean is Brazilian in New Gen but the rumours combined with this article pretty much confirms that Sean was meant to be American before being changed to Brazilian probably at the last second.

I’d love to hear more about New Gen’s development, does anyone have any good links?

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I’ve got a Brazilian article I posted when I first joined, I’ll look for it.


You can read on the thread a few pages on to see the translations Midgard posted.


Awesome, thanks

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True. ASF, for example, focused on three plots: 1. Spirit (Ryu vs. Necalli); 2. Mind (Rashid vs. FANG); 3. Body (Illuminati Nash vs. Black Moons Bison). I’d like Neo-Shadaloo to make it into SFVI and become bigger, but that’s questionable due to their rapid aging and reception.

if Ed and especially Falke had been well received, I’d have more confidence that they would give the Neo-Shadaloo plot a chance to develop in SF6. Right now I think SF5 second story mode is their biggest chance to get some spotlight.


There was a beta test that Ryu and Ken wasnt really in the game, We had talked about it before here. We can doubt the Brazilian magazine sources and credibility during that time because of the misinformation and huge language barriers in those era were different in possibility than today.

I think it’s safe to imagine that Sean was intended to be American. He does fit the stereotype of an USA street youth that plays basketball and chews bubblegum, sort of like Will Smith in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

I’ve even seen some people criticize him for not being Brazilian enough, even though his yellow gi does give some Brazil vibes. By 2nd Impact they gave him a Sao Paulo stage, likely to compensate. Personally I think that they made the right choice, as there are tons of Americans in SF and the only other Brazilian character at that time was Blanka. His fighting style was also more unique than most shotos.

But either way, it’s good to have a source.


I think a chapter 2 can cover easily

_The G Show
-A bit of Neo Shadaloo
-A bit of Metro City chars
-Sagat v Ryu
-a bit of Menat saying things
-Akuma short cameo (think Urien in ASF)
-More little Illuminati hints

This covering S2 and S3

Then last chapter covering S4-5 and working as SF3 prequel, like Tom v Gill, Sean starting his training, how G is connected/became Q etc


You just described a montage of clips and character stories. What’s the main plot? Who are its main protagonist(s) and antagonist(s)? How is it relevant to the narrative that came before it or after it? Does serve a purpose or is it actually filler?

ASF despite its flaws had solid answers to each of these questions. A second General Story needs to be solid and purposeful otherwise it is a waste of resources.

The only story worth telling right now is the rise of the Illuminati in this time period. One solid story that elaborates on the aftermath of ASF and the chaos that ensued, culminating in the reveal of Gill at the end. SF3NG would take place several weeks after the end of a second general story basically.

Urien, Kolin would be the main villains but G would be the secret big Bad here. Abigail gets an honorable mention here.

Cody, Viper, Chun-Li (cuz of her daughter), Menat, Rose, Sakura, Blanka, Zeku would be the protagonists.

There would be a neo-Shadaloo subplot that involves Ed trying to find release from the nightmares that keep getting worse, and his gang of goons try to help their young leader. This leads them on an anti-heroic quest. Rose or Ryu possibly saves Ed from himself. Neo-Shadaloo more or less resolved but open ended to be picked up anytime in the future.

Are there any fan translations for Ryu Final?

What I liked about some of the latest quotes is that some of them seemed more like a direct reply than an actual win quote. Based on the order of the quotes, of course.

A few examples:

Zeku to G : “Form is emptiness, for this world is but fleeting. You too lack substance.”
G To Zeku: “Form is emptiness, emptiness is form. These are wise words citizen of Earth. They are me.”

Menat to G: “You’re working hard on something stupid. Does that make you a hard worker or just stupid?”
G to Menat: "Am I stupid, citizen of Earth?! The answer to that lies within us all!”

Sagat to Cammy: “Is that it? You’re not even fit to be Willa Maiu’s plaything!”
Cammy to Sagat: “I sense a large cat… Willa Maiu?”

Sagat to M. Bison: “It’s over. You and I will never share the same path again.”
M. Bison to Sagat: “Path? What path? The ravings of the weak have no meaning.”

G To Sagat: “Let us do glorious battle, citizen of Earth. Your fight is my fight. It is my power.”
Sagat to G: : “My fights are my own. They belong to the king, and no other!”

Sagat to Birdie: “Go and train. Or would you rather die a fool?”
Birdie to Sagat: “Trainin’? Not my thing, mate.”

Sagat to Blanka: : “You think your claws and fangs can threaten the king? Ha! You’re like a little kitten!”
Blanka to Sagat: “For me, a tiger’s just a regular cat.”

You basically get the sense of them responding to each other in the above quotes.

What does Sagat, G, Balrog, and Ed all have in common?


Sagat to Urien: “Foolish arrogance. How dare you look down on the king!”
G To Karin: “O, beautiful citizen of Earth, you cannot and must not look down on me!”
Balrog to Sagat: “Next time, watch yer mouth! Nobody looks down on me!”
Ed to Sagat: “Nobody, but NOBODY looks down on me!”

They hate being looked down on :rage:

We’ve completed another season of SFV :hugs: Now I’m looking forward to what we’ll see from Capcom for the time being. Since Capcom Cup is in Dec, that leaves us with a lot of downtime. Story content would be great, but not expected. Costumes are a given. Balance changes are very likely. I just hope they keep things interesting for the next few months until Capcom Cup.


My hopes for the Metro City arc:
It would have Cody and Zeku as protagonists, and G & Abigail as antagonists (Cody vs. G didn’t happen in G’s Char Story, so this battle would be expected). Zeku will probably have found several fighters worthy to join his Strider program by the time of a 2nd General Story, and they’ll fight Abigail’s Scrap Metal goons (similar to Kanzuki Ninjas fighting Shadaloo Soldiers in ASF). It would also be nice to have a beat’em up style battle where you have to use Cody and fight some former Mad Gear members (maybe with CPU Zeku’s help, but that’s wishful thinking already lol). And this time they should focus on Cody not just as a street fighter, but also as the Mayor, so he’ll basically have to defeat G both physically and politically.


Some cool rambling theorizing that I found on reddit and that originally came from 4Chan of all places.


It’s why Sagat hates Abigail. He’s taller than everyone else :wink:

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Not sure about fan translations, but Udon translated both volumes of Ryu Final around 10 years ago, I got them from Amazon. Unfortunately the Udon editions are now out of print.


After reading that there about jungism and G, I have a feeling that G and Jedah would get along well.:rofl:

I’m not the writer, so up to them to link the dots lol

Btw chapter 2 can work as filler, waiting a chapter 3 made up of S4/5 to close SFV saga and link to SF3 begin

Btw the AE trailer may be a tray to follow

G having that tv show thing (tournament?), with Menat trying to read his intentions
Use the tournament chance to give some spotlight to many chars
Cody, Zeku being on same side, with the former as the protector of the city being possibly the one to fight/stop G (as G started in his city)
Abigail cause a bit of FF style chaos with his punks (and likely Zeku to kick his ass)
Use the G tournament excuse to make Ryu v Sagat happen.
Show Ed (and Falke) first steps as Neo Shadaloo, if trailer is any indication, they will use the G show to kidnap Ryu.
Akuma being more or less a presence, as his moment is’nt SFV (or even SF3)

Even the whole AE graphic style (all gold and tv spotlights) hints now it’s G’s time to shine

Also lol at be “worried” at more story chapters being a waste of resources :smiley:

As usual i just think you want ASF to stay the core of SFV for usual reasons lol


Lazy response.

ASF is the core of SFV. What I or you want or wish is irrelevant. So unless Capcom are going to legitimately make a second general story, any half-assed attempt will end up in the shadow of ASF. Pun intended.

So yes, telling a story for the sake of telling a story is stupid and bad business. Whatever Capcom do needs to have purpose. Most ideas for a second General story let alone a third being pitched here make no sense.

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