The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Lol “lazy response” cutting 90% of the post

I find lazier go couch analyst and stamp it as “bad business move” (as if should be our concern to begin with lol) to push away a possibility that most fans want and you seem to don’t for fanboysih reasons
Tbh seem you the one on (anti)wishful thinking mindset

Also SF games typically have theyr arc evolved in more chapters, they don’t get stuck to the start story

SFV (hopefully)

SFV cast already expanded well beyond ASF, even hinting interessing story new paths… Neo Shadaloo, G, SF3 prequel etc
And we will get S4 and S5

Hope to lock the whole SFV on ASF to keep Bison at the centre sound petty as fuck LOL

-from a Ryu fan that had no problem with Alex in SF3 or will like to see Cody take on G

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He’s not wrong about it being a bad business move. How many fans who are interested in SF’s story are still playing the game? SFV is over 3 years now and the people who are still playing are the competitive community. Most of them won’t be interested in a second story mode and I doubt it will bring anyone back at this stage of the game. Capcom probably better off doing any additional story as animated shorts or a movie.

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I’m sorry, but until I see 100% definitive proof of this, the “beta version of SF3 without Ken and Ryu” is complete bullshit. Why are we still talking about this?

re: Next Gen image

Yup, that’s Next Gen alright. A bunch of Virtua Fighter nuthuggers, they were.

re: Smash and huge cast

Not feasible for SFV when you compare the detail of the models. There’s no way to have 60+ characters a la Smash Ultimate with SFV-level detail and quality unless Capcom spends vastly more money (I’m also pretty sure that Sakurai’s team is much bigger and their budget much higher than SFV’s team/budget), which is extremely unlikely because there would be no financial pay off for it.

Don’t get me wrong: I’d love to see it. But I can’t see it happening. Only way I can see such a project, assuming they wouldn’t just call it SFVI and be done with it, is if they pulled a Smash Ultimate and released an updated Super SFV on next gen console(s).


Not remotely enough elements to judge that

Cost (imho overrated fir a ASF like thing), times, how work the chain of work, what format they can use to make it avaible and so on

Easy solution on theyr side may be use another cinematic story to sell a bunch of stuff (stages/alts) as CPTlike kind of pack and single ones at higher price

Also, side argument but the core of it, that’s not the reason @Daemos push against it lol

Damn, I didn’t know Udon translated. Wish I’d known at the time lol. Thanks

Yeah, It’s hard to say how much the story cinematics cost compared to an anime, for example. Models are mostly already done but for the few new npcs that might be needed. It would be just animation and voicing.

Let’s recall that SFIV got two animes. They were paid stuff, not included in the game, though. Could they make more cinematic chapters for free for SFV? Could they charge for them? Low sales surely make any strategy hard to work well.

An option would be to sell it. Imo they’d need to make sure the story mode is fun to play, maybe with branching paths or specific fight conditions like 2vs1, invisible health bars, poison, unlimited super bar, specific winning moves, whatever. It would be wise to bundle it with other separate fun-to-play game modes; the effort of working the story mode would make it easier to justify the price, and in exchange the other modes would make it easier to justify having to buy the bundle instead of watching the story on youtube.

They could also use the new story mode to raise attention over a new physical release for Season… Four? Five :scream: ? We’re reaching quite a bit into the cycle of the game to be thinking about attracting buyers with story modes, but what do I know, it might work.

It’s hard to come up with winning ideas when the game is not selling that well in the first place.


Of course business is a concern. When SF is successful, more money is poured into it and by extension the lore. I prefer to keep my wishful thinking proportionate to reality and keep it on a leash. That’s just who I am.

True, and there is good reason to believe that SF5 will have a story expansion based on precedence - BUT - No SF game before SF5 attempted to make canon happen like this before. We don’t have to wait for a future game to know what is or isn’t canon. The story is laid out bare for you to watch and dissect.

SF5’s story also probably cost more resources than usual, and at launch SF5 was not an instant commercial success. This likely impacted the business decisions and financing of the game over the course of the next few years.

Capcom didn’t even give Rose a VA in the latest character story. They are penny pinching when it comes to the DLC characters.

I do believe that SF5:AE exceeded expectations and Capcom overall as a company is experiencing a resurgence, this gives me hope but that’s it.

Let’s break that down shall we?


Akuma’s character story extended beyond ASF in the timeline and only to set up a final confrontation between Ryu and Akuma that happens WELL BEYOND SF3.

Ed’s took place during and immediately after ASF, it ended on a very open ended ominous or positive note depending on how you see it. You see Ed months after ASF, which should be within the SF3 timeline that we know of, therefore not in SF5’s territory anymore. Everything about Neo-Shadaloo reads SF6 to me.

The rest all take place during or before ASF.



Builds on Ed’s character story and adds a dimension in the form of the motivation behind Neo-Shadaloo (that they will go search for people like them and save them). Again open ended, and nothing that screams second General Story. Capcom could add the other 2 Neo-Shadaloo characters and keep expanding this tale via character stories. As I said this arc is better left for SF6 when it actually has the opportunity to mature.


Took place shortly after ASF but self contained.


Took place shortly after ASF but self contained.


Took place after ASF (implied due to “financial situation of the city”) but self contained.


Took place before ASF most likely due to state of the city. Menat references her fighting Bison which didn’t happen as far as we know but she came close during her character story which also took place before ASF.


Took place likely during ASF.

So I am not sure where you are getting the feeling that we have “expanded well beyond ASF”. There is a reasonable probability that G is just a weirdo like Q and Neo-Shadaloo will be a forgotten footnote. Expecting a second general story about them comes off as strange to me. There just isn’t enough fat there to make a solid General Story out of them that involves much of the new cast.

As I said, the only story worth telling right now (if we are even going to bother) after ASF is the machinations of the Illuminati before Gill’s coming, and we would do that to SERVE SF6 - NOT SF3. So unless Ed and G are directly or indirectly part of that, their story is filler and not purposeful IMO to the grand scheme of the SF plot.

Lastly, if we ever get another SF5 General story, it will be tied with another physical re-release which I don’t see happening until the final season. It’s business, and never forget that.

I never really said that though, you did. How about you stick to what I am saying, rather than what you think I am thinking.


As much as I’d like a 2nd general story covering everything, @Daemos is probably right. G is filler until the SF3 arc and I would personally like to see Neo-Shadaloo developed as a “B-plot” in SF6 because it allows for:

  1. Characters such as Balrog, Bison and Ryu to remain relevant in a plot without adding baggage.
  2. It’s not worth it to have characters who have been built up since SF4, end up as a sideshow to the main plot (G). I can see the NS arc going side by side with the Illuminati arc.

I think that while we are halfway through, we’re nearer to the end than the start but as we go on, the possibility of a 2nd story shortens, Capcom needs to work on adding other content and refining the content it already has before they begin to think about another story. If it does come then I can see it coming with S4 or 5.

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That isn’t so sure, honestly. G could play a bigger part than we expected, but we’ll see about that.

Honestly, Menat could’ve fought Bison - more specifically, his soul - as we see in the Arcade mode, and then Rose intervened to dispel it… But, as we should expect, in the Japanese version of G story mode Menat doesn’t say she fought Bison. She merely says G reminds her of him somehow.

Hmm, even this is doubtful. Could’ve taken place during anything, honestly. It certainly didn’t happen during ASF’s first part, because Abel told us that Sagat was still training in the mountains.


I think the only story they’ve done that is post ASF, that wasnt already in the game, was FANG’s side story with Phantom


That wouldn’t go over well. A bundle is suppose exist to save people money and putting things a certain demo doesn’t want as part of the package is never good.

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Not going to stretch this longer than needed, specially writing from holydays on phone… but these were exactly you words on the old forum lol
Any idea of further development beyond ASF (to SF3 prequel/Gill showing up) got you all butthurt about how SFV should stay focused on Bison and end with ASF, be coherent pls lol

Btw as @Midgardsom said some of your points seem gray areas you’re chosing to make fit your theory lol
Also AE trailer seem part of something happening AFTER ASF, example Ed/Falke working together in NS uniforms

The “present” of all S3 characters imho is set after ASF, example none of them seem to care about Bison/Moons crisis as something that is happening, same for same chars of previous seasons

The Karin that interact with Sakura and Zeku does’nt seem the same of ASF worried about the moons, she seem gone beyond it
Same for Rashid/G and so on

But again ok lol

And still it’s not far from the model they already use (CPT)

Considering ASF already used lot of current stages, they can easily do a bunch of new stages they they can then sell separatedly or as “story pack”

Same for alts, they keep do alts because they sell

You will sell some packs (story costumes/stages), you will sell some single contents, like they alreadh do with CPT but better

Meanwhile a new story chapter will keep the game visible on internet forums/sites etc, and show off new avaible DLCs to a broader audience

All considering that the cost of a thing like ASF is likely lower than peoples seem yo think lol

You got to factor in the cost of new animations, the voice actors, possibly new NPCs, new environments, and few other things. It’s a bigger undertaking than the CPT packs switch is just a new stage, handful of costumes and new colors. The proceeds of the CPT packs contribute to the pot of the Capcom Cup it has the benefit of directly giving money to the community. Compared to that, I don’t how another cinematic story mode is worth the expanse. They will likely have to charge more for it than CPT.

If you’re referring to Rashid’s character story, then that takes place around 12 days after the fall of SIN or at least 18 months before ASF. I’d wager Sagat has been in the mountains since the end of SF4 and did return from his isolation during ASF which explains his absence. His character story implies that he will now seek Ryu, so he couldn’t have been seeking him during ASF. I think they will both meet further down the line.

Purely taking G at face value henceforth to spare me the heartache unless Capcom gives me a reason not to. His arcade ending further cements him as a goodie two-shoes. So unless he is pulling a fast one on everyone, G is a big teddy bear.

I am coherent, and I have not wavered on my opinion that we do not NEED another General Story for SF5. Read the following complete sentences carefully @Cestus_II :

The stories presented to us in SF5 thus far effectively bridge the gap completely between SF2 and SF3, an initiative Capcom began with SF4. Capcom could’ve been more indulgent with the details and character development, but it’s not their style sadly.

Some stories in SF5 imply new threads and plots that are likely intended for a future game, but may be used to some extent in another hypothetical general story.

If there is going to be a second General Story it needs to be about the rise of Gill and the revelation of the Illuminati. This is not the same as saying that I want Gill to be the final boss of this General Story (which I don’t think he should be). Nor is it the same as saying that Gill should even be in this game (which I also don’t think he should be as it will steal his thunder for when he eventually makes an appearance in SF6).

I am not and never will be against new lore, General Story 2, 3, 4, or just more character stories.

Also, Bison > You > Gill :blush:



You’re assuming it’s all something “extra”

If they wanted more chapters from begin (like is the case IF we get more chapters) you already got a deal with voice/animators from begin

NPC 3D models were cheap as fuck lol

More locations = more stages = $$$

Seriously, it’s not big deal
Specially considering that as said IF we get it, it was planned from begin, cost included

Who gives a fuck about Capcom’s financial plans, just gimme story mode 2 goddammit!



More locations doesn’t equal more stages. Most of the stages that are exclusive to ASF stayed there. I’m not even talking about strictly playable stages. There are environments that were created solely for cutscenes like the wrestling arena, the tomb Nash woke up in, the corridors of Shadoloo headquarters.

Story mode Ed, Kolin, Sean, Abel, Dolls, and Azam didn’t look cheap as fuck. They were on par with the playable characters. They put in that money.

Hang on, just where came those 18 months from?
Then again, Sagat could’ve returned to his village at any given moment during ASF; however, as it’s clear he wasn’t involved, he only decided to search for Ryu and fight him again after ASF.

Capcom already gave you one, saying G still hides many secrets. They could still decide not to reveal anything, of course, and that wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest.


Mel Masters was born at the end of SF4, and he is able to speak during ASF. Human infants first start talking at least around the 18th month mark. That’s the conservative estimate btw, I’d say ASF more likely takes place 24-36 months after the end of SF4 and SF3:NG starts 4-6 months after ASF. Mel Masters would be 3-4 years old in NG and 4-5 years old in 3S.