The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The NYC in flames gave slow-down problems iirc, wich is likely why we never got it as alt selectable version

If anything surprised me they did’tnt used the good looking lab/elevator stage, maybe same reason.

Even more than that the cool Shada-rooftop (with cannons) where Vega and Juri fight, that was a beautiful one and never made selectable (modders do without problem afaik)… curious it was even used as URien stage in the artwork lol

The corridor was cheap and too flat/boring to be a SF official stage, just filler material.

The tomb is in new zealand stage, knock out right side

The wrestling stage has been likely dropped in favor of the CPT version that we got

The characters you listed were cheap af, these 3D models were not on par with official ones.
Dolls were by default a recycle of same base.
Also Kolin/Ed were partially recycled after.
Azam was indeed good, so were Byron and Abel.
Sean will likely get Ed treatment if join in last seasons

Nobody is saying is free, just worth the relatively low cost (specially if was already planned)

G’s tarot is the Fool

So is Ryu’s

This makes him generally one of the most valuable cards…and someone on the precipice of something great. It also suggests he’s something of a protagonist.



I believe there was a huge discussion of it besides the beta version thing, I can’t exactly remember if it was a magazine article or from those that have hands on experienced.

The problem of adding story without coherence would only add to complication and convoluted Street Fighter Canon. SF4 did a almost a good job fixing the relevant areas and SFV is doing average stuff.

G needs to be a filler boss for a awhile not something huge, he can be in the later but not something as big compared to secret society and shadaloo.

Capcom can experiment on writing things after doing a fix direction on SF3 timeline rather than everyone either died, retire or quit. So they could always have a decent starting point if they would need reboot. After the futuristic and generation trends shifted to reboots to the roots trends the writing trends have shifted priorities already, So SF just need to have a decent SF3 connectivity before everything went experimenting in confusing and convoluted again. Ryu scientist stuff…

All they can do is simply just insert another event and activity where the other fighters went into in SF3 timeline, in other words rewriting the event with other cast that is absent in SF3 in a different area of focus and busy thus explaining and justifying why they were absent the whole time rather than erasing SF3 events in existence from canon that can also lead into erasing some characters.

The whole cast that wasn’t in SF3 timeline can work effectively as a initial roster for a game with just putting Ryu, Ken, Akuma and Chun li in it. So it can be also a game that also took place within SF3 timeline scope without contradicting the other SF3 characters interaction.

Capcom needs to maintain Shadaloo and Secret Society on the top as the the grand daddy of all networks big bady super secret organization while other rising organization were being influenced by them or using there advancement and also was used to be part of them. Doing another big bad super secret organization will complicate everything. It’s a matter of perspective and the need to make something a threat. What’s next dimensional travelers? aliens or deities? like DBZ just to keep the bar higher. I’ll tolerate time travelers, what if characters and reincarnation, but not the other bizarre entities.

As of now I’m curious with Menat’s interaction with Bison? When that happened?

I trust sims reading with G being not a bad guy. G seems to chant himself and others by repeating trigger words that associate himself to greater worldly cause. I believe he is a tool or brainwash not Q. He not something like Gill that is aware and knowing to his cause, G speaks superficial and vague lines like he is conditioned to persuade and condition others.

well some one goofed up.

this is G’s trading card which lists him as 6’7" but measurement in centimeters is wrong. his measurement in Cm is list as 220 cm which is 7’2" not 6’7" if we look at his character page on Capcom Japan’s SF5 website we can see that his height is list as 200 cm which is 6’7"


It would make sense if they took his tall ass hat into account like they do for F.A.N.G, but even then it should be like 7’7" because that hat is like a foot tall itself.

Also, lol at his fighting style being listed as “All Martial Arts from Around the World” when literally his style is based on Q, who probably has the least martial arts style in SF to the point where the names of his attacks are as generic as they get.


I think the question here is: does she say that she fought Vega/Bison in the japanese version? @bakfromon


The World is something G usually justify for his cause, that makes him something that is persuading people to believe he is right. His convincing and persuading methods are very different will Gill that seems so natural on his opinions and preference.

It’s like @midgardsorm says

The Japanese definitely confirms they met, but fighting is a different story because the Japanese don’t mention a confrontation or even Menat trying to gauge his power.


“That Mr. Vega from before? He sort of reminds me of him…then again, he might not.”

I also get the feeling of something malicious going on with G.

Of course, he seems like he could be a good guy by all means, but his intentions of being President of the World imply he wants a sort of all controlling worldly power which anyone should be wary of as nobody who wants that sort of power is rarely if ever beneficial.

In the English version, Mentat is wondering if G has any sort of power which is excluded from the Japanese. His power should be obvious to those who witness it . He can turn his skin into magma or solid gold. He can create solid gold spheres out of nothing, has a Frieza finger beam which he points at his victims like Uncle Sam that causes volcanic eruptions. G is at least top tier in SF power just by going on that alone, I wouldn’t be surprised if he were boss material. Menat should know this, which she does, but only in Japanese.


As usual profiles can get weird

Height- here 200cm sounds the right one, i don’t have access to the game atm but Fang/Sagat whi are 220ish are bot efinitely taller

Weight- 150kg is definitely heavy af for his appearance.
It’s either a special case (gold, or special weight like Gill/SF3 Urien) or the 3D modellers fucked again with the concept, as in the concept he looked much more massive than the ingame one (another clear one is Necalli)

Style- All martial arts from around the world.
The idea is awesome, like i will have loved him having alts (“characters”) for various countries

But reality is what he see is some old school punching(boxing if we want being generous) + old school american wrestling + some karate (some kicks, his fireball, one punch).
With loose standards his blitz punches are a bit “more kung fu” than the ones Q used to throw

But i guess exageration fit nicely the char in this case lol

I really hope G is a villain. He’d make a really badass villain, especially with an army of Alphabets at his beck and call.

Based on his channel views in his character story, he’s clearly just getting started. I think when Capcom pick up his story again in GS2 or SF6, G would’ve developed quite a following by then and that’s when he would show his true colors.

He can become quite a sinister representation of socialism, egalitarianism, and environmentalism. Reminds me of Bison in SF2V when he revealed that his motivation for his criminal activity was the failures of the governments of Earth to protect the planet/pollution.

G as a villain would definitely be a villain for our time. Kudos to Capcom from harnessing the present socio-political zeitgeist and turning it into this morally ambiguous and ominous character. The more I watch him and his gameplay, the more brilliant he becomes.

I’d also say he is high tier in terms of power levels. SF4 Juri, but not top tier/boss level. Not yet anyway.


I think that, given Menat’s reaction to G and his mannerisms in that trailer, he’ll at least be a antagonist.

His exact relation to the Illuminati (given he actually has any relation at all) is the question I’m asking here. I think that our speculation is right on the money, for the most part.

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I don’t know about that. I went through his endings and quotes and everything, and at worst he seems to be Lawful or True Neutral, and at best Neutral Good.

I am of course hoping for something much darker.

G quotes makes him sound neither Lawful Evil nor Chaotic Good, more like…

“Our bellies are neither empty nor full? Why? Because we are all one!”
“Now do you see? All poison and all medicine, all life and death… All are me.”
“What is beauty? The answer is simple! It is nothing without me! NOTHING!”
“When you devour me, you are me! We are one!”
“Thank you! You, too, are me! You are the Earth, the universe, everything!”

… Clinically Insane. G quotes makes him sound like he’s from the Clinically Insane alignment.


Like DeeJay, Ingrid and Area?

On G, he seems like a more polite, human version of Jedah. Going on about being one and deconstructing ideas like love, beauty etc. I think he’s a villain but he’s either hiding it very well or he genuinely doesn’t know that what he’ll go on to do is bad.

I have a feeling that G doesn’t actually run his FooTube page. Something tells me that G is just the face of the page and that someone else is running it.

My 2cents

  • G believe to be the rightful avatar of earth (due knowledge of some earth-energy secret)
  • He does’nt believe to have an evil goal (see Sim reading him)
  • he want to unify everyone’s ki with earth being the recipient
  • will talk about the need to get ridden of nations (globalization) promising peace, equality etc… he probably believe it too
  • power wise i guess he’s just a “good” fighter without earth power-up, but he’s already very powerful when use it.
  • fighters have hard time “read” his potential as he take his strenght from an external source
  • social media will make him rise at surprising speed, specially after rashid

This is so random, but I was listening to a remix of DS3 Forever Torment

and out of nowhere remembered the awesome Henry Cavil arm load sequence from the latest Mission Impossible:

So, now I want a scene like in SF2 the animated movie where Fei Long burns off Ryu’s gloves, but with Q. I want to see him get his coat burned off, “load his arms” and start demolishing someone hah.

Back on topic and about Q, if those old weird rumours of “free characters” come about, it’d be interesting to see Q as an EX costume for G, just change the effects and emulate his super strength and wallbounce stuff. Could be a simple and interesting way to expand the story too.

WHOA WHAT?! Iiiiiiinteresting. Another hint that he’s only just outwardly altruistic? Hmm.

I dunno, I’ve been digging G as a good guy and potential good-fallen-guy, but some things make me think he’s just really good at hiding his intentions, or like Dr. Doom, sees himself as the good guy, unlike Bison who revels in his evil. The lyrics in the song, some of his lines leaning darker, his cache of secrets and the two Q’s shown in his concept art, make me feel my original theory of him having various agents could be in play. Also, speaking of his arcade ending, I dunno, the close up on his blue (normally purple) eyes make me feel something ominous. He didn’t look as hopeful and endearing as he usually does. I’m keeping part of my mind open to the possibility that he’s convinced himself he’s a good guy while not being so, or he’s got some level of psychic blocking so he screwed over Menat, and Rose has to be there directly to analyze him herself. I’m not sure.

This is what’s had me over the moon. Him having that card and having them canonize it is very exciting and speaks to his future importance. I really wanna see where he goes, whether it’ll be always as G or as Q, or even as the “Father of Q”. One thing I mentioned previously is that in his card, he doesn’t have the guardian Dog, so I’m wondering if something happens to him and darkens his path out of desperation, or if Q is his guardian dog and appearing around all those crimescenes to find his mentor/master, G. Could be an interesting theory; Q is clumsy due to rushing to make himself powerful enough to fight to save G, his movements are inspired by G due to his love of him, but something went wrong or incomplete thus Q’s degraded movements.

Agreed, he’s something so different than the usual fighting game baddie (if he is indeed bad). He’s a breath of fresh air overall.

Hmm, his special skills are speed reading and mental calculation. Could be nothing, but his cunning nature and potential deception make me think this is something important. I dunno how telepathy works in SF, but if it’s like you need to connect to the astral plane, enter his mind and try to probe his recesses, he may be aware of a mental invasion and slide around all his thoughts and goals and only present the face-value stuff of uniting the world and such to a distracting level that you can’t peer further.

Now, I feel that Rose, after encountering him and knowing him more could, but him having a mental guard for first and inexperienced foes could make sense. Or even in Dhalsim’s case, G could just be so nuts, that he may miss minor tells and is not interested in doing a prolonged mental scan as if he was a Bison-like figure.


@Shockdingo That isn’t a remix, it’s just a pitched up version, that guy made pitched up version of OSTs from Capcom games for his own MUGEN project. Besides Forever Torment is one of my favorite tracks, perfectly capturing both Victor’s sadness over his sister and Raptor’s dark heart.


Morrigan’s DS3 ending w/ one in a million

The problem here is we cannot justify if G is evil internally evil or just have a twisted idea of good either from experience or being conditioned because we are not aware of his background. Believe or not suicide bombers believe themselves are doing selfless acts because of their ultimate sacrifice for their causes like a brighter tomorrow for their admire respected leaders/heroes and the future of their people where they are belong. It’s not just about virgins in heaven and honor of remembering from their leaders.

My favorite comic book villain is Dr Doom my inspirations to my cyborg monitor boss wishlist in SF4 that time I want Bison to return. Doom is not evil in a different perspective according to the Panther God. I want Bison to have some Doom inspiration for transference of consciousness before.