The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Man oh man, all that’s left for Final Fight 3 is this goober .

After Ray here what’s next? The Genryusai family? The Andore Family?, Dare I say, STREETWISE? I’ll even be happy with Kiki getting back to SF proper.

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I think they could pause to do Falke, then resume with someone else. It would be cool to see Rena and her father, though. We still have to see:

  • Guile’s wife and Blanka’s mom
  • Andore family
  • Rival Schools
  • other Neo Shadaloo members, like gorilla and beard man
  • other possible family members (Zangief’s family? Ken’s never-before-seen-but-talked-about uncle? Remy’s dead sister?)
  • random NPCs in the background who are soooo interesting
  • I think it’s strange we’ve gotten such obscure characters and all the EX characters before characters like Guile’s wife and Blanka’s mom!
  • Add Hugo’s mom in there too!
  • Meh, the more the merrier I guess!
  • It would be nice to know who those weirdos are too!
  • This could be interesting, I like the idea of learning about them more. The more obscure the character the better. Maybe Gouken’s long-lost daughter might show up too!
  • Cool, more of them too!
  • ABSOLUTELY! These guys preferably before everyone else!!!

But he didn’t survive Capcom’s nerf hammer

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Come on! We all know the next profile will be on Guile’s dog.

  1. I wonder what design they’ll use for Blanka’s mother: SF2 or SF4?
  2. This could be likely maybe include that mother and sister that was mentioned in SF3:2I
  3. There’s a chance they won’t do it due to the many characters but I’d love to see them do it.
  4. That’s definitely coming
  5. I would rather have Ken’s dad before his uncle.
  6. Probably not
  7. Last but not least, am I right :wink:
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And finally, the last FF3 character!
He loves “Big B. and the Bullheads”.¹
He’s a big fan of Brilliancy.
(Brilliancy is in the London stage)

Name: Ray
Height: 180cm
Weight: 72kg
Blood Type: AB
Birthday: April, 6
Country of Origin: USA
Favorite things: Live Concerts
Dislikes: Annoying Landlords

A man who doesn’t care about the future, enjoying his present
along with a friend who came from UK.
He can’t play instruments, but loves hearing music and making ruckus.
He earns his daily income
by working for a gang.

¹ The punk band in the background of London stage. We already know that Schot is a former member. Brilliancy is the girl.


Final Fight enemies are done.
Hopefully Falke is next.

And other than the characters people mentioned here, let’s not forget about updated profiles for S2 characters. So there’s still much to be done)
And how about “Future” Post-SFV Profiles for Strider characters?

Just finished some Udon stuff Darkstalker vs SF…

Chun li with Gen’s specials and supers? Not bad,

Hopefully we still get more Cyber Akuma, Fallen Balrog and Shin from mouse generation.

I need the new Shadow Lady art in CFN

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Agree on Neo Shadaloo and Slammasters
Idk if i want to see them explore 99 rival schools chars, even if some were really cool

Considering they’re in a SFV stage, give me dat Tiffany profile, even if kiki will ruin it lol

Aside that as said many times i will like they stick as possible to “fighters”

Something i will like to see:

-the mysterious father of Remy, who was a fighter
-will be fun see who teached greek Pankration to Gill/Urien, surely a cool char
-some other Illuminati candidates, likely some of them were SF level
-Honda’s disciples, they can come up with some fun ones

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Waiting for Falke news or storymode leaks, run into this, spit out drink

So Daigo is making a Q movie kinda, sorta???

this has motivated me to get my own project off the ground, hope it’s not too similar to this lol


Falke story mode live


Those. But also Guile’s wife, Blanka’s mom, Elena’s school friend, Remy’s sister, Rufus’ girlfriend, Viper’s daughter, Jade Goat, Rashid’s friend.


Of these the only imho worth of a profile is Jade Goat… and tbh, i still think JG is Rashid

I don’t think they will, if they want to keep him a mystery or, even better, explain who he is during a future Story Mode. Of course, Nash would be a fitting conclusion, even if chronologically awkward (just how old was he?)

But we already know that they are Nishinofuji (Akira “NIN” Nishitani), Marunoumi and Yasuhanada (Akira “AKIMAN” Yasuda), plus one more unnamed disciple. Honda is currently searching for new disciples, though, so who knows… If I were Capcom, I’d take the chance to insert a Mongolian wrestler.

And let’s not forget the people fleeing from Q.

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Story mode was unfortunately short, but sets up for Neo Shadaloo. Anyways thoughts:

-She wasn’t just cloned as an adult, seemed like she grew up in the facility from being a wee Falke

-Constantly been trying to run away since she was young with no hope of success

-“Years have passed and I’m all grown up. I’ve gradually gained the power to confront him-my nightmare…”

-Has the Shadaloo insignia on her hand as well.

-Ed breaks her out of the facility, we then flash forward to her in modern costume having a sparring match with Ed.

-"Your movement is most inefficient, Ed, who taught you to fight?

-I was right, she’s all business about fighting, but she’s light-hearted in everything else. She’s smiling and causally posing after she beats Ed

-Her and Ed seem to spar a lot and Ed just doesn’t know when to quit hah. Initially it seems like he’s just not ready to give up, but then Falke says this that sheds a bit of light on his aims with Neo Shadaloo:

“I know, Ed…There are more people who you have to rescue.”
Ed: Yeah, I’m sure there are people out there who are just like us…somewhere. I want to…I need to rescue them! So, that’s why…I have to become stronger…Much, much, stronger than I am right now!"

So Neo Shadaloo looks like it’s going to rescue other experiments, whether they’re Shadaloo experiments or not is up in the air, but they seem to be liberators of experimented persons.

I do hope there’s another story mode because I feel there’s potential with these guys.


Well, story was just what we expected, as we expected. The character is somewhat underwhelming so far. Cinematic story will make the character or break it.

The way she talked to Ed gave me some bad Mikasa vibes from Attack on Titan. I hope she becomes better.

So if Neo Shadaloo are just Ed and Falke saving people what the hell is the deal with their weird military style default outfits?

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Hah, I’ve been at the Q game and the project for awhile. I’m pretty far into things, but I need to coordinate all my notes and actually finish preproduction.

That I would really like to see!

I certainly wouldn’t mind more speculation fuel. :sunglasses:

I’m definitely thinking Anti-heroes. They’ll free their kin and others, but they’ll probably do it by any means necessary. I’m pretty curious on how they’re gonna be. We still have Ryu being pulled into their mix. They might need him for something and take him by force to pit him against a common foe.

The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION! credit to @eterTC

Reminder from old thread, some of these already have had profiles. I think we are also missing Ibuki clan glade ninjas. Anything else?


Watched Falke’s story it felt half assed compared to the last few. Falke herself came across just fine but there wasn’t enough scenes and it skipped too many important details. Like what is Neo Shadaloo?

I can’t get over the outfits…

It really makes no sense, The outfits have absolutely no place, hell even the name Neo Shadaloo makes no sense as of now. What’s “Neo” about it, why would Ed care to use the Shadaloo name. I love the motive but everything else is still far off.

It doesn’t help Ed’s outfit is so ugly. I thought Neo Shadaloo would be a bunch of reckless hurt people who were used as experiments lashing out against the world. But so far it doesn’t seem that way…? Anti hero vibe is correct but still the outfits, using the Shadaloo name… It feels more like a marketing ploy right now by Capcom than a genuine story arc. I like the idea of them recusing experiments like themselves and maybe they just aren’t support to do anything until the SFIII era.

Honestly this whole Neo Shadaloo thing is as of now a pending failure. I am hoping a second Cinematic Story can save it even that’s just a pipe dream at this point.

I like Falke… It stands mentioning that these two children are a bunch of fluffy doves not worthy of using the Shadaloo name.

I guess in the story Neo Shadaloo isn’t an actual thing yet and something happens to set it in motion. I am getting sick of waiting for it with so little to bite. I was expecting for Falke to be most story heavy character story we got since Ed’s story but that was not to be.

This story bit left me with the impression a second story mode is far away… I am hoping for something big soon. We haven’t gotten a new stage since January… Maybe that’s why.

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