The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION!

“BEAR WITNESS!” @YagamiFire

Hugo has a son, right? I mean, who is Andore Jr.

Regarding Rolento in arcade version of Final Fight. There is a glitch where Rolento has 0 life and doesn’t die. You have to wait until time runs out…

Seth had the potential to be a fucking great Boss, the concept was there, everything was there… it’s like at last they did all the wrong steps with him, he failed Necalli style before Necalli lol

The serious Seth with clothes that we seen sitting on a “throne” in a palace was a perfect Boss, then they opted for SF3style rubber lab freak

Seth was very few steps away frm the win

-Same clothes we seen in concepts
-A stage that feel majestic and full of human culture (architecture, statues, paints etc)
-A more serious moveset, example the Ultras U1 specially) were ridicolous, the Boss should not feel like that. His crazy combos were good though

Seth flopped so hard that see Bison destroy him easy feel right, but still you never fight Bison as boss in SF4… wich made the game like if it lacked one

Seth’s issues were largely aesthetic. As a character he was far better realized than necalli who was entirely aesthetic but a complete failure character wise.

Their issues are absolute opposites.

There you go:


  • Geki (the original, the one who’s got a profile is his successor)

  • SFI Tournament Staff (the guys holding the bricks in the bonus stage)

  • Julia/Jane (Guile’s wife)

  • E. Honda’s disciples (Hatononyama, Marunoumi, Yasuhanada and Nishinofuji)

  • Samantha (Blanka’s mother)

  • Fei Long’s movie director (the guy from his SSFIIT ending that looks like Steven Spielberg)

  • Bob (Dee Jay’s agent)

  • Juliana, David & Richard Burgman (the CIA Agents pursuing Q)

  • Narumi (Elena’s friend from Japan)

  • Candy (Rufus’ girlfriend)

  • El Fuerte’s Cook

  • Lauren (Viper’s daughter)

  • Hakan’s family

  • Rashid’s friend

  • Shin Akuma (probably won’t get a profile as there’s not much to say about him)

  • The “Chairman” from Urien’s 2I ending

  • Maggio (Aprile’s brother)

  • The Glade of Ninjas (Ibuki’s clan)

  • Elena’s family

  • Remy’s sister

  • Dudley’s father

  • Zangief’s family (from his MSHvSF ending)

  • Dan lookalike from Ryu vs. Sagat intro? (he’s apparently not Go Hibiki)

  • Chun’s detective partner (from her SFA ending and the Nakahira manga)

  • Sakura’s mother (also from the Nakahira manga)

  • Dr. Senoh

  • Bison II, Shin Bison (not a chance)

  • Zako A, B and C (not likely since the EX profiles ended a while ago and they weren’t even playable)

  • Generic Cycloid (same as above)

  • Unseen EX characters? (Pullum’s father Balba, King Bharat, Jack’s sister, Blair’s butler Sebastian, Rosso’s deceased girlfriend, Skullolady, the list goes on… I’d love to see what they look like but it won’t happen)

  • Andore Family (Andore Jr., F. Andore, U. Andore and G. Andore)

  • Billy and Sid (Poison and Roxy replacementes from the SNES version, I wonder if they even remeber they exist, lol)

  • Masamune and Murasame (Sodom’s brothers from Mighty FF)

  • Cyborg Belger (MFF) and Zombie Belger (FFR) (they likely won’t bother with them)

  • FF2 enemies and bosses

  • FF3 enemies and bosses

  • Kyle and the FF Streetwise cast

  • Rena

  • Master Genryusai

  • Haggar’s wife (there’s artwork of her alongside a young Haggar, she has a name but I can’t remember it)

  • Slam Masters cast

  • Rival Schools cast

  • Captain Commando cast (maybe?)

  • Shin (Street Fighter Online)

  • Death (CFAS)

  • Cyber-Akuma (they’ve used him in the SVC card games so they do own him, they just don’t mention Apocalypse)

  • Cyber-Dan (from Akuma’s MSHvSF ending)

  • Cyborg Charlie (from Bison’s MSHvSF ending)

  • Fallen Balrog (Cannon Spike)

  • Sheng Long (alternate universe profile just for fun)

  • King Cobra (he should become a real character)

And more manga/anime/comic/movie characters they are able to use and want to give them profiles[/details]

Apart from Sawada and Mech-Zangief, who else have art but no profiles?

Also, first post. Hey everyone.

For how i see it

Concept- Potentially good, but end up failing
Chara design- Good potentially, but need improvements. Without it not good.
Story- Good
Moveset- Good, but will benefit from visual improvements (Ultra in particular)
Stage- Give him a fucking good stage

Concept- Potentially good, but end up failing
Chara design- Good
Story- Good potentially, but need improvements. Without it not good.
Moveset- Good, but will benefit from visual improvements (Specials in particular)
Stage- Give him a fucking good stage

In my opinion they have different problems for sure, but i don’t see them in so “absolute opposites” situation…

Potential cool villains at core that failed to deliver because the “presentation” package has been awkward poorly made:

-A lab freak that have his revolution against being a lab freak, sporting freak look and fighting in a lab
-A scary powerful monster that eat fighters, that is’nt scary because don’t feel powerful can’t eat fighters

Different issues, but ultimately just poor understanding at recognize/support the concept’s strenghts

A difference may be in next chapters
In SF4 story evolved into Bison killing capcom errors, wich was actually a good story, but not an excuse for Seth being a crap boss.
In SFV story may still offer redemption to the poor Necalli lol. I still believe he can easily become a menace if they keep move forward SFV story and don’t waste the char

Okay, the holidays are over dammit! When am I getting my Andore Family CFN profiles??

For how I see it:

Seth is a robot. Necalli is a Majin Buu. They’re both dumb as shit.

Very good post, on your points about Sakura, I feel that if Street Fighter, early on had a more developed story mode, Sakura would greatly benefit from us seeing her build up on the training front and tackled the questions of how she excelled fast, how she first learned of Ryu, etc. If there’s any issue I have with Sakura, it’s that she has progressed pretty fast and made great leaps and bounds with not enough mention on her early introduction to fighting.

I dig the justification for Dee Jay knowing how to do the Max Out, could lead to some fun. I could see him and Guile having a few amusing moments if briefly paired together; Guile’s gone on record as being a country music fan and doesn’t appreciate his beats hah.

ABSOLUTELY agree on Seth. Clothes and him trying in vain to be more human would have done wonders for him. I could imagine a scene (in an anime or expanded universe material) having him, during private moments, being frustrated at not being able to taste wine, not getting a fine kick from equally fine liquor and interestingly juxtapose that with Bison who willingly and excitedly cast off more human needs like food or drink. Heck, lets take that further. Bison is all about theatrical, but efficient military uniforms, I could see Seth being a bit of a Dandy and caring about his appearance, dressing in expensive clothes that only a fool would take into battle.

This is what Seth was supposed to be

wich remind a bit AoF version of Geese Howard

And in theory is what he look in some anime cutscenes too (where he have also some kind of “throne room”)

Problem is iirc they had some problems with animations (likely stretchy limbs and stomach crap), so they opted for SF3-like lab freak trash :frowning:

I prefer human fighters too, but

Seth: he’s like these SF2AM cyborgs, and SF2AM is life.
Design-wise the base was already there

Also even the idea of one of these cyborgs rising to an higher position was in theyr mind for a bit

Again, i’m more for human fighters, but feel coherent with SF universe… and even better once Bison destroy his traitor broken toy

Necalli: This is actually where they jumped the shark.
We got “magic” character with Rose, but at least there is kinda excused with Soul Power being just another form of KI energy
We got wannabe ginger demons, but also there for a long time SNH looked more like a spiritual corruption that allow to use a negative type of KI energy

Necalli is just straight an ancient atzec human-sacrifice-powered Golem without an Owner (even if at first Bison looked someway involved).
Basically a Darkstalkers concept.
I guess that kind of idea never abandoned them, back to SF3 there was concept for a straight classic Golem like in that b/w movie and for a monster that looked like the Beast of “Beauty and the Beast” fairytale (2nd and 4th)

I also think the 1st design may be the concept for that “poison” character that never happened, like some sort of Fang spiritual ancestor lol

I find Nec’s concept out of place because it bring in a straight supernatural element in a way that is’nt in SF nature.
But again, having a 45kg anime schoolgirl be put on World Warriors level because talent* ruined my SF bulshit meter forever.
Once somehow accepted the “ancient golem” thing, Nec got at least very good chara design, an interessing concept as archaic martial art fighter (but his moveset needed way more), the power-up in mid fight was definitely something new, and an each-win-become-stronger unique type of menace that was never used but will have made him an interessing piece on the chessboard.

I was the guy that push a monitor cyborg as boss in SF4 in Capcom unity boss ideas and character request section during the development phase, I want him to be a disposable boss like Nest boss in KOF that is full confident but no memorable so fans would not invest emotion on that character. Im also a fan of Dr Doom and Bison that why i mention those ideas of doom bots and into the cyborg bosses. My intentions was also to savage Bison despite many discourage him in the unity because they presume him dead those times.

I like Seth from special moves, personality and appeal, but I agree with you guys in the aesthetic part that needs improvement. I like how capcom Fang also in personality that makes players hate them not love them.

Also recurring characters in different media like Polin and Ortega.

It’s kinda funny how both Necalli and Seth followed the same fate in two different games

Seth was going to be the game’s main villain, had a somewhat interesting personality, even had his own corporation to use it for terror or world domination or whatever it is he wanted to do
But resulted in being a bitch and got bodied by Bison and Juri, his base was left in ruins, and all the plans were destroyed or stolen by various roster members

Necalli was going to be probably the game’s main threat, he was written as an integral part of Bison’s world domination plan, has a rather interesting design and a good replacement for Blanka’s feral personality
But resulted in being a fucking nothing and got bodied by several characters (including Bison), and was used strictly as a lame plot device

I just can’t help but feel that Capcom didn’t want to take the spotlight away from Bison, Shadaloo, and the forthcoming threat of Illuminati in both SFIV and SFV

Remember SFIII and how it had amazing villains in form of Urien and Gill, and the Illuminati behind them? Yeah, they came up with that shit because Bison was nowhere to be found

So… I dunno, maybe it’s just me, but IMO having Bison acting as an antagonist in general hurts any other villains that are present in the game

Good work bro

I was a fan of the movie and didn’t want the concept of the Cyborg to be thrown away. I was even pushing it to be mugenized to give awareness to it’s existence western community. Same obsession that I want capcom to restore the idea of Zero-G Gouki to be in TVC and pursue it in MVC3 as a final boss that didn’t make it. Capcom have gem tons of ideas and creativity before late 90’s they were risk takers and ambitious in fighting genre specially street fighter before going into a lot of palette swaps era.

I was thankful for the pictures of monitor cyborg from Ultima that he had a nice custom artworks in the previous earlier Storythread.

Thanks man. Glad I could help the Story Thread, even if I’m just listing a bunch of (mostly) minor characters.

Sakura is one of the best things to happen to Ryu.

She actually brings out a side to his character that no other character in the series brings out…his big brother, mentor side.
That’s the mark of a good character addition…one who actually complements the existing ones.

No one except people in this thread care that much about everyone “being a grizzled, legitimate, hard core, serious FIGHT MAN”. Most people just want interesting appealing characters who interact with each other in satisfying ways. We aren’t living in the nineties, nineties, nineties anymore…so not everything has to be Hokuto no Ken.

Uh, Sakura doesn’t have skinny limbs. She’s actually pretty muscular. C’mon, man. This is a Capcom game we’re talking about. You know better.

Your inner sexist is showing, lol. You probably have no problem with a sickly old man fighting death matches with Akuma every 2 weeks using magic stabby fingers, but a KI USING GRILLLLLLL? That’s unbelievable!

My favorite costume after picking her. Sakura was one of the last characters I played before I completely moved on to KOFXIII. (I’ve played SFIV, SSFIVAE2012, and Ultra each for a very short period of time when I lived in Germany)…

That must be the reason of my defence of Chun, Cammy, Rose and this

In the very same argument.


Are probably not females then

Few more profiles. Might be clutching at straws for some of these. I went through most of the CPS2 SF and related games. Didnt bother with USF4 or UMVC3 so there might be more. Enjoy

Dans Sister

Different Film Director

Barlogs Bitches

Birdie lookalike

Spielbergs Assistant

Barlogs Gym Buddies

Chunlis Other Partner (appears green in other ending)

Acadamy Award director

Head of Interpol

Adons agent or whtaever

Yun/Yangs Gfs Dad

Elenas Friends

KKK looking mofos

Fat Science Bitch

Senohs Twin bro

Rando Scrub

Rest of Chunlis Kids

Guy who beats up sean

Ibukis BF

Random Scrub 2

The Russian Mafia

Two fighters from Elena Stage

Lynn Kurosawa