The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I don’t think they will, if they want to keep him a mystery or, even better, explain who he is during a future Story Mode. Of course, Nash would be a fitting conclusion, even if chronologically awkward (just how old was he?)

But we already know that they are Nishinofuji (Akira “NIN” Nishitani), Marunoumi and Yasuhanada (Akira “AKIMAN” Yasuda), plus one more unnamed disciple. Honda is currently searching for new disciples, though, so who knows… If I were Capcom, I’d take the chance to insert a Mongolian wrestler.

And let’s not forget the people fleeing from Q.

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Story mode was unfortunately short, but sets up for Neo Shadaloo. Anyways thoughts:

-She wasn’t just cloned as an adult, seemed like she grew up in the facility from being a wee Falke

-Constantly been trying to run away since she was young with no hope of success

-“Years have passed and I’m all grown up. I’ve gradually gained the power to confront him-my nightmare…”

-Has the Shadaloo insignia on her hand as well.

-Ed breaks her out of the facility, we then flash forward to her in modern costume having a sparring match with Ed.

-"Your movement is most inefficient, Ed, who taught you to fight?

-I was right, she’s all business about fighting, but she’s light-hearted in everything else. She’s smiling and causally posing after she beats Ed

-Her and Ed seem to spar a lot and Ed just doesn’t know when to quit hah. Initially it seems like he’s just not ready to give up, but then Falke says this that sheds a bit of light on his aims with Neo Shadaloo:

“I know, Ed…There are more people who you have to rescue.”
Ed: Yeah, I’m sure there are people out there who are just like us…somewhere. I want to…I need to rescue them! So, that’s why…I have to become stronger…Much, much, stronger than I am right now!"

So Neo Shadaloo looks like it’s going to rescue other experiments, whether they’re Shadaloo experiments or not is up in the air, but they seem to be liberators of experimented persons.

I do hope there’s another story mode because I feel there’s potential with these guys.


Well, story was just what we expected, as we expected. The character is somewhat underwhelming so far. Cinematic story will make the character or break it.

The way she talked to Ed gave me some bad Mikasa vibes from Attack on Titan. I hope she becomes better.

So if Neo Shadaloo are just Ed and Falke saving people what the hell is the deal with their weird military style default outfits?

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Hah, I’ve been at the Q game and the project for awhile. I’m pretty far into things, but I need to coordinate all my notes and actually finish preproduction.

That I would really like to see!

I certainly wouldn’t mind more speculation fuel. :sunglasses:

I’m definitely thinking Anti-heroes. They’ll free their kin and others, but they’ll probably do it by any means necessary. I’m pretty curious on how they’re gonna be. We still have Ryu being pulled into their mix. They might need him for something and take him by force to pit him against a common foe.

The Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread: ARCADE EDITION! credit to @eterTC

Reminder from old thread, some of these already have had profiles. I think we are also missing Ibuki clan glade ninjas. Anything else?


Watched Falke’s story it felt half assed compared to the last few. Falke herself came across just fine but there wasn’t enough scenes and it skipped too many important details. Like what is Neo Shadaloo?

I can’t get over the outfits…

It really makes no sense, The outfits have absolutely no place, hell even the name Neo Shadaloo makes no sense as of now. What’s “Neo” about it, why would Ed care to use the Shadaloo name. I love the motive but everything else is still far off.

It doesn’t help Ed’s outfit is so ugly. I thought Neo Shadaloo would be a bunch of reckless hurt people who were used as experiments lashing out against the world. But so far it doesn’t seem that way…? Anti hero vibe is correct but still the outfits, using the Shadaloo name… It feels more like a marketing ploy right now by Capcom than a genuine story arc. I like the idea of them recusing experiments like themselves and maybe they just aren’t support to do anything until the SFIII era.

Honestly this whole Neo Shadaloo thing is as of now a pending failure. I am hoping a second Cinematic Story can save it even that’s just a pipe dream at this point.

I like Falke… It stands mentioning that these two children are a bunch of fluffy doves not worthy of using the Shadaloo name.

I guess in the story Neo Shadaloo isn’t an actual thing yet and something happens to set it in motion. I am getting sick of waiting for it with so little to bite. I was expecting for Falke to be most story heavy character story we got since Ed’s story but that was not to be.

This story bit left me with the impression a second story mode is far away… I am hoping for something big soon. We haven’t gotten a new stage since January… Maybe that’s why.

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I guess they do guerrilla-like operations against former shadaloo bases around the world
Subjects can still be captive and soldiers in place

Also you don’t know how they react once free, they may be kind of rejects of society unable to fit normal lives, so they will try to get some power by force… not so absurd
Kid-Ed himself was’nt raised by Rog to be a saint

Also Ed in his subconscious may still have something of Bison and as Bison-host, he may be “naturally” inclined to act like a “young-Bison”… see him getting 3 subjects with high fight ability as his generals

Last but not last i like A LOT this pic

Watch Ed expression, is changed as fuck, remind Bison’s
Watch Knife and Gorilla as they seem ready to wreck shit and fools
Falke on other hand watch him and seem worried for him

I think what started as “let’s save ones like us!” nice guys adventure will drastically change tone as soon Ed reach physical prime and Bison claim his body as host, and Falke will be the one to notice something not-normal is changing Ed


Falke Arcade Ending



I do too.

I would like to see glimpses of this kind of stuff unfolding before our eyes but it seems Ed is still needing to get strong first.

It’s a little awkward with all the time jumping the story is doing with Ed… I get the impression this picture represents an Ed older than the currently playable Ed. I can’t imagine THAT Ed with a snarky teen voice saying somebody is a hi def picture of strength.

I’ve been saying this forever!

On Falke’s story I feel like they used the wrong outfits, would made more sense for them to use their pre-NS outfits.

I also think that NS isn’t a thing yet, if the arcade ending and the story itself is any in then they’re just aimlessly wandering about in a reckless manner. They are joking about and playing. Maybe, like @Cestus_II said we haven’t really seen the extent of NS yet. Ed is still jokey but that picture at the end really says alot. It’s quite classic animé like in that he has those hidden eyes and sad looking frown giving a “tragic villian” persona. Falke clearly looks concerned for him.

It’s definite now, we ARE getting a 2nd story sometime soon maybe late in SFV’s life.

Falke’s win-quotes:
It seems Guile is still a soldier who doesn’t show emotion as long as there’s a danger, like in ASF. Chun-Li and Guile are aiming to investigate Falke and Ed (as they have the Psycho Power obviously), but I’m Finally not on their side, Neo Shadaloo are just innocent people.

Also, her quotes to Urien and Kolin imply that the Illuminati have already built some plans with them. Intriguing.


Whoa. Falke’s quotes are done already? Now all I have to do is get the opposing quotes. Simple.

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Falke to Chun-Li: “We have nothing to do with that monster. Leave us alone!”

Oh Falke, I and my waifu would like to believe you. But your group does have the word “Shadaloo” in the name, you know:The same God Damned organization that killed her father? It’s her job to put her nose in your business. Plus, you have that freaking insignia on your hand. How does she know you’re not gonna turn into some psychopathic killer?

Good quote, very simple for Falke to Chun-Li. But it’s really good. Nothing that breaks character or overcomplicates things.

Chun-Li to falke: “I’m sorry to hear what you’ve been through, but your connections to Shadaloo cant be overlooked.”

I love this quote because it show two sides of Chun-Li: a compassionate and sympathetic side, and her justice side.
Chun-Li knows that M. Bison is a freaking monster, and that his experiments on this woman are indescribable. She sympathizes for Falke, who was just misfortunate to have been under Bison’s control for so long. But her policewoman side shines in the second part of this quote as she must be careful that this lady isn’t affiliated with anything terror related. With Shadaloo in her organizaton’s name, a syndicate known worldwide for their evil deed, it’s reasonable for her to be apprensive about her and her past connections to Shadaloo.

Good quote Chunners. Keep doing your job like a boss!

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Abigail to Falke: “You rely on that sicko or whatever power too much. You need a few more horses under that hood of yours for that!”

Akuma to Falke: “You are not worthy of such power…”

Alex to Falke: “Your style reeks of desperation. That doesn’t make for a very fun fight.”

Balrog to Falke: “If you wanna talk about how I fight, maybe you oughta learn how to fight first!”

Birdie to Falke: “A fellow Shadaloo dropout, eh? That lot don’t know their arse from their elbow, but they’ve got good grub!”

Blanka to Falke: You like cute things? Here, I’ll give you a Blanka-chan doll!”

Cammy to Falke: “Those Shadaloo bastards have gone too far…”

Chun-Li to Falke: “I’m sorry to hear what you’ve been through, but your connections to Shadaloo cant be overlooked.”

Dhalsim to falke: To worry is to be human. I know some techniques that can help ease your troubled mind.”

Ed to Falke: "Ha! Well, whaddya think? I’m a lot stronger now, right?”

F.A.N.G to Falke: “I fail to see why Lord Bison has a need for copies like you when he has a mastermind like me at his side!”

Guile to Falke: “I couldn’t let power like yours go unchecked.”

Ibuki to Falke: “So you’re one of those “I fight because I have to” types too, huh?”

Juri to Falke: “Don’t worry your pretty little head. I’ll crush those slimy Shadaloo goons under my foot in no time!"

Karin to Falke: “That Psycho Power you wield…I’d like to see how much of a threat it poses.”

Ken to Falke: “You’ve got some moves, but there’s more to fighting than just running the numbers, you know!”

Kolin to Falke: “Psycho Power, you say? How much longer will I have to keep hearing about that?”

Laura to Falke: “So, you have somewhere to go? If not, why not come train with me in Matsuda Jiu-Jitsu?"

M. Bison to Falke: “Mua ha ha ha! This world is mine for the taking!”

Menat to Falke: “That power…It’s like that of…Bison, was it? I have a feeling I will see more of it in the future…"

Nash to Falke: “I won’t stop until that power you wield is gone from this world.”

Necalli to Falke: “Weak-eak-eak-eak…Your power is not yet tamed…”

R. Mika to Falke: “You’ve got some sweet moves, but you feel a little…stiff. You should try smiling some more!"

Rashid to Falke: “I know life’s not all fun and games, but you gotta hit the off switch every once in a while, you know?

Ryu to Falke: “I could sense your strong conviction in every one of your attacks.”

Sakura to Falke: “There’s something familiar about your power…I bet you’ll get a lot stronger if you try real hard to control it!"

Urien to Falke: “So you’re a remnant of that dark organization? You might be of some use to me after all."

Vega to Falke: “You seem to be a cut above the other Dolls…I wonder if you will be able to amuse me?”

Zangief to Falke: “You fought well despite such puny muscles. Is it because of your Psycho Power?”

Zeku to Falke: “Memories of pain…You strive to overcome them. Your fight rages on.”


Foolish children! Can’t they see that in their quest to “become stronger together” they are setting the stage for their own demise. It’s like Falke said, Bison wants them to become more powerful and his “nightmares” are quite possibly his way of catalyzing said growth in power.

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That’s exactly what I thought as well. And another thing… Falke likes theatre. Now, we already saw the trailer for S3 characters showing elaborate scenery, as if it were all a staging to deliberately lure Ryu into a trap of some sort. My feeling is that Neo Shadaloo will learn that Ryu is essential to their plight, and Falke will stage an elaborate plan to obtain Ryu with the best of intentions - maybe because she was misinformed by a seemingly innocent third party, like F.A.N.G’s new disciple, so it would make sense that Capcom informed us of her existence, and it will keep F.A.N.G relevant -, maybe with some help from G. Then things will go all horribly wrong as we all predicted, and Falke will helplessly witness her poor Ed gradually becoming her worst nightmare incarnate. Ultimately, she (and maybe the other Neo-Shadaloo members, unless they’re blindly loyal to Ed and further complicate things) will have to ask Menat (and Rose?) for help, and (sigh) Ryu as well. I’d like it if their story would not become too “big”, and even better if it’s resolved by someone unexpected - like, say, Blanka, G or someone else that isn’t always Ryu, thank you Capcom. No, I didn’t mean Karin, also thank you. Rose, Menat or Chun Li would be much appreciated. She didn’t kill Bison physically, but it would be awesome if she did succeed to extinguish, no matter how temporarily, his spirit tormenting Ed. It would also definitely justify Urien’s words to Chun Li in 3rd strike.


Master Zangief know everything.


Interesting things I picked out of the quotes:

-Hah, as much as Akuma protests, he knows how great psycho power is

-Balrog’s least threatening quote ever? Maybe he’s going easy on her since that’s Ed’s sis?

-Birdie, I can see a future where Birdie, still working for Karin, is LOOSELY in charge of helping others cope with trauma by chatting them up while they eat up. Like Story mode 3, the hero team’s rescued a bunch of innocent people (maybe getting civilians out of harms way, poor people being experimented on, etc) and Birdie in an inversion of his looking after the dolls, is stuffing his face, while helping others to stuff their face and talk out their problems. “Displaced by Shadaloo and been on the streets, eh kid? That’s rough mate! Eat up! Kanzuki’s got unlimited food funds, ya wanna be big an’ strong like me someday, eh? Then eat up!”

-Blanka shows that Falke isn’t all robotic, she loves cute things, d’aaaw.

-Cammy: Never seen Cammy so mad before, I really want to know the details of Falke’s upbringing. It felt like there were shades of it being harsher than ususal. Maybe she was totally isolated and only computer and the barest of staff interacted with her? She really seemed alone.

-Chun Li (Chun-Li_Forever already covered this, but it is nice to see the two sides of Chun here

-Dhalsim: Again using his powers to help out, similar to the way he helped Cammy around Alpha?

-Juri’s quote is interesting. No sadism, no kinky violence, no mocking sarcasm. Her compassionate and vengeance against Shadaloo side is emerging again.

-Menat all but confirming Bison’ll be back

-Urien isn’t above turning Bison’s old assets against him. Hmm…

@Midgardsorm: I dig that idea a bunch. Especially if G is heavily involved. I really think he’s got a big role to play.


Here’s my summary on Falke’s story:

It begins with Falke reflecting on her struggles to escape the grasp of a nightmarish figure. No matter how hard Falke tried to escape, the figure continued to draw closer to her. This figure was now shown to be a grotesque version of Phantom Bison.

After fending off Phantom Bison, we see that Falke is now older and more aware of her current situation. She’s slowly gained the power necessary to confront her nightmare, but believes her struggles were planned by Bison since the very beginning. All of her constant pleas for help have gone unanswered, convincing her that no one would ever help. As Falke stared into the shiny Shadaloo emblem glowing from her hand, she was left with nothing but the belief that her reality was the cold, dark room she was confined in. Forever.

Sometime later, Ed arrived to rescue her from that dark room. While Falke was confused at the young man’s sudden arrival, she could sense the similarity between them the moment she looked at him. That was the beginning of their new journey together.

After an unknown amount of time went by, Falke was now dressed in a new uniform, engaging Ed in a sparring match. Once the battle commences, Ed doesn’t believe his efforts were necessary to rescue Falke. Despite her great power, Falke believes her reality wouldn’t have changed if Ed had never rescued her. She also knows Ed wants to rescue more people, as Ed surmises that there are others like them out in the world. Not just that, but becoming stronger is another desire that Ed has. Falke, understanding Ed’s resolve, is now ready to grow stronger along with him.