The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I doubt a Sony or MS led gen would make any difference with what SFVI does in the future.

Capcom might get nervous enough to do something dumb if the next protect does underwhelming.

I just hope Capcom would be protective with there main SF characters in brand that they won’t alienate there character design for the sake of pleasing curiosity casual fans and trendy preferences.

I like what they did with Sagat and Bison in SFV

While Nash was meh.

It’s hard to judge Ono because of art and failures of other titles, because he might be juggling around several department priority, and higher ups interest.

I don’t think he’s a major player in MVCi involvement, but comparing it to MVC3, MVC3 did better. MVCi wasn’t the worst game of the series, i would even consider it as a hidden gem along with other obscure Capcom FG titles that has decent mechanics.

As for SF4 that what we can safely say his. it’s not bad overall for a almost dead franchise, He revive it.

I don’t see things in a way that having a successful tittles in other genre can make the next game different genre that heavily into gameplay would be success full also.

He revived the franchise after the SF3 fiasco, so I’m eternally grateful for his contribution. Without him, there’d be no more SF.



More than that, he helped revive the entire FGC and the Fighting games genre. Look no further than what was happening before SF4 to know what a difference this man made with his passion for this game.

A lot of the mistakes that happened were bad PR and a misinterpretation of the direction the rapidly changing gaming industry was going. Capcom/Ono are not wrong in trying to make money off the games, they just could’ve been smarter and more visionary about it. In the form of SF5, they struck a solid balance sans the bad launch which could’ve been greatly mitigated had they simply sold it as a starter edition or tournament edition.

But behind the bad and the good business decisions, was a SF fan through and through. For that, I too am eternally grateful. Respect.


MVCi wasn’t the worst of the series the thing it played differently and the core of team building was different from how traditional MVC series is known for that even TVC was more closer in the essentials of the series despite being also a another TAG game. It wasn’t a bad game it was a hidden gem.

The issue with MVCi was doing so much change and experimentation not just the gameplay but also the design like what happened to Chuns face good thing they fix it last minute.

I may defend MVCi but it doesn’t mean I agree with it as a whole, I disagree with the whole projectile deflect and ditching of assist for the sake of infinity surge.

As for SFV it begins to be so bad in terms of retail product it’s hard to pinpoint if it’s Ono or the other people working with him. SFV was the worst of the retail and some fans falsely advertise it online. What save it was the revision and the showing of efforts of Capcom. SFV was the worst of the launch retail product among other SF titles.

SF4 despite the unlikely fugly faces it did well from retail and gameplay.

I’m not the guy that is obsess in seeing character grow old or curious with what if and should if. Im not also interested on making myself relate to the characters. I’m just someone who doesn’t want SF loss it’s identity to ever changing demands different generation that cannot be please and wanted SF to be somebody else rather than being what it was historically.

I believe Ono learned already from CFJ, SF3, SFXT and SFV… I just hope that people wouldn’t just see thing that everything is just about advertisement, marketing and PR or even gameplay because there are other core stuff that need to stay and implement carefully.

I don’t necessary believe if a man has successful background in promotion and dev means he’ll successfully in be better in a different genre than the man that has learned from failure and love the franchise.

Yes SF4 cartoony facial expression wasn’t my taste along with some in SFV like Birdie Gigantic Donuts, Nash fate and design, SFV vanilla retail product and SFXT hundred gems, but most of those doesn’t make me believe that there was someone that can do that better than Ono that time for SF4.

I also do like how Ryota Niitsuma handle MVC3 and TVC in terms of retail delivery and promotion.


MVCI will always be one of those games I’ll look at as a squandered opportunity. That game had no business being as bad as it was. I actually find the game to be fun in general, but everything else is a huge wtf. Capcom and Marvel refusing to acknowledge the game exists also didn’t help matters.

I’m just hoping they bring the thunder with their next fighting game. Based on how their output is looking in other areas, I feel like things will be much better.

Speaking of Niitsuma, he’s with the Resident Evil team now. If Capcom decides to do a new Vs game someday, hopefully he’ll be the director of it.


I wish they would take what they developed in Infinite. Give it a real budget and make a Capcom vs Capcom game. Give us all the Capcom characters from the crossovers plus some new ones.


Right there with you, brotha. That’s the best solution.

Won’t have to worry about meddling from the other company when Capcom will have complete say over everything. I hope this becomes a reality.


There were a multitude of things surrounding SF3 that had shit all to do with the game. This fucking myopic meme nonsens of 3S killed SF needs to take a damn seat at the table.

Europe and the US see a rise in computer games like RTS and FPSes, console market is murdering arcades like nobody’s business but “why did SF3 kill SF”?


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Final Fight group of color edits :smiley:

Click twice as usual


^ These were damn good edits.

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Sales is all that matters to the bosses. The fact is, he had to beg Capcom to make a new SF because they had no intention of doing a new one after SF3 flopped. Period. Yes there were other external reasons for the game’s failure (along with things they actually DID have control over), but at the end of the day, it failed.
So yeah, I’m grateful that he is totally the one responsible for the resurrection of such a beloved franchise.


I normally don’t give birthday shoutouts to anyone but Chun-Li.

But this was just too awesome not to post.

(Lauren Landa is amazing)



I love Lauren Landa’s Karin. She really brings out the Kanzuki pride in full-force.

A month later…and I still enjoy revisiting G’s trailer. Probably my fav SFV trailer right next to the Arcade Edition trailer. I really enjoy the ambiguity of G. Visually speaking, we can see that he’s a pretty powerful guy with his Pangaea power, the way he powers himself up, and the sheer strength behind his physical attacks.

The characters, however, can’t really tell if he’s powerful or not. Menat loses to G and is unable to gauge his power, Ryu is not sure how to feel (usually Ryu determines if an opponent is strong, if they still have a ton of room for improvement, or if they’re not worth fighting at all) after fighting G in his win quote, and most of the characters are usually more focused on his presidential approach than his power.

That’s one of the reasons why I’m hoping another cinematic story is in the cards. I want to learn more about G, his abilities, and what his endgame is.


I’ve try to 100% stick with how SFV color system seem to work, as if we got actual Color Edit mode
Just to proof it will be possible do pretty cool stuff with it

Problem is we did’nt have CE and they’re too lazy to add themselves good/complex color schemes
I mean as “special color” we’re getting this kind of crap these days


If you don’t want to do your job just let me edit them and fuck off LOL :smiley:

Only thing they should add is the option to chose if disable the view online, so instead the fluo pink hair golden speedo troll colors of douchebags you will see the default #1 color of the char on your screen

Lime Ken, like Banana Ken, is one of Capcom’s classic SSF2T alternate color palettes, Even Capcom realized its classic styling, as they’d…already given Ken a lime color set (Color 06) for his story outfit…

And wait… I don’t play Ken, I never noticed… They didn’t even include Banana Ken?! Only some kind of Aged Banana Ken (heavily suntanned Ken with a dark yellow outfit)… That’s the real wtf Capcom.

But seriously, yes, a lot of the official SFV alternate colors are uninspired. They don’t even manage classic wonkiness, they just seem hollow “throw weird colors together and hope someone makes it a thing”.

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More Darkstalker costumes coming at the end of the month!

Chun-Li as Morrigan - Morrigan Aensland is a succubus and main protagonist of the Darkstalkers series. In order to protect Morrigan from her own immense power, her adoptive father Belial had to split her soul into multiple parts. One of these parts ended up becoming Lilith, who was the inspiration for a costume for Juri. Seeing as how both Chun-Li and Morrigan are some of the most recognizable characters in their respective series, this playful costume is perfect for the first lady of Street Fighter.

Ed as Demitri - Demitri Maximoff is the embodiment of evil and one of the most powerful vampires in the series. He sees humans as walking meals and feeds on their blood to turn them into his servants. He’s mostly known for his Midnight Bliss attack where he drains the opponent dry of blood. Although Ed couldn’t be any more different than Demitri, perhaps this costume represents what Ed could have been if he had succumbed to M. Bison.

Menat as Felicia - Felicia is an energetic and cheerful catwoman who yearned to be a musical star. Unlike many of the more violent characters from Darkstalkers, she believes in peace and only resorts to fighting when absolutely necessary. She was raised by a woman named Rose who cared for her despite Felicia being a catwoman. Mentored by another woman named Rose herself, Menat should be more than happy to have the Felicia costume.



I can’t believe he stole this too.

Give me Pyron-Bison and I will forgive you Capcom!

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Totally called Menat getting a Felicia costume.

I have a strange feeling Darkstalkers is coming…