The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Nobody is asking you to believe him, but since there’s nothing else to discuss here, why not discuss what he’s saying? I guess if it does come true, he’ll prove us wrong. He’s giving more details than just random guesses.
Also he’s not giving us dates cause he knows how Capcom is with this stuff. It might come out soon, or like Extra Battle that was promised soon after launch, and came out 2 years later.

If this is true it’ll be interesting, but no more dolls, unless they mean one of the past one gets the spotlight, which would be okay depending on how they do it, but if it’s a brand new doll, then No. STOP. G Grumbles

if its a brand new doll, it seems like it was one that replaced Juni in the organization when they couldnt retrieve her back from Cammy’s protection after the events in SF4. So technically not brand new, but one we dont know about yet.

Juni is dull, but her backstory is kinda interesting. She had the deepest brainwashing of them all, and in the comics it seems like even with Delta Red, she keeps “replapsing” into her old doll ways.

For the record, I think Original Necalli is the best candidate for a post-ASF general story villain. The Illuminati and the Alphabet company are too premature to be main villains in this likely short followup to ASF.

Neo-shadaloo can be the other main villains. The Illuminati and G must do their thing though.


The more stuff X-Kira says the more I think he’s full of it.

Keep telling us what he says though, at least it’ll be interesting to see if this will turn out to be another Byron situation.

Remember when X-Kira kept saying that Byron, Guile’s superior, was going to be the new DLC character for Season 2 after Kolin, even once images of Ed from Capcom’s site had already leaked on the internet?


I do remember him doing a video about it, he even used Sagat, mentioning that he would be in the game. What you guys did here in the board was to guess that arcade mode COULD be like 3rd Strike or that it WAS GONNA BE (like, 100% sure) like 3rd Strike?

About dates, I don’t even trust Capcom when they announce some updates at certain date. Why would I believe a leaker?:sweat_smile:
I still don’t think that Sagat and G being released together and in August was their original plan.
Maybe G was meant to be released on August, and Sagat in October. Probably General Story Vol 2 was meant to be released in July, with the remaining 2 DLC character being released afterwards, just like it happened in 2016 with Shadow Falls.

XKira doing videos of what he datamined was a big problem for me. People don’t understand that what they are seeing is just his interpretation/an example of what he found in the game code. Then, Capcom does something different (yet, similar) with what he have found and everybody gets mad. Still, it serves him right for confirming things without being a Capcom employee. He should just do the guess work…

Well, it’s well known that there are apprentice Dolls in Shadaloo, maybe it’s one of them.

The Dolls having the input motions for their moves inside the game code came into light one month after ASF came out. I wonder if Juni will be added as she doesn’t even have a model for her.

I was wondering, do you think that the Shadaloo soldiers might be a playable character one day? I mean, all the soldier’s versions would be in one single character. The story could be about a guy who joined Shadaloo, being a low rank soldier until reaching the high ranks with the skull mask. i think it could be better than the random fights that Abigail had and would also give us a inside view of a Shadaloo subordinate.

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@LordVega Juni wont be added according to him, she’s been replaced.

Anyway, here’s a mockup:


That’s such a mess. Too many options like that can turn away players.

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Its probably the easiest thing for Capcom to do, so I think its pretty much a given they’ll add second versions of everything soon

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And that’s the second batch of options.

I know, but do you think that she might be added? I don’t mean in the General Story 2, but in other modes.

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Probably not, since she’s not even an NPC.

To be fair you’re not likely/supposed to mess with these all the time

Everyone will have just a favourite combination of settings making up “theyr” version of the character… wich is exactly what Ono said long long ago at SFV begin

As we speak you can already set each char to have as standard your fav costume/color/voice/VT (i did for everyone)
Having alt v-shit just seem the evolution on the same path

Without consider Kira

  • V-Reversal: idk if Kira truly “leaked” it but his theory of one for attack, one for movement it’s something not so crazy and kinda make sense… you either pick offensive one (attack) or evasive one (movement) based on preferences
    The fact V-Rev are already split in these two groups make it not so impossible to believe eventually all wil get one for type

  • V-Skill: the most suspect one, but not impossible to believe in the long run, given the SFV model

  • V-Trigger: we already got it

  • 2nd CA: i guess most of us already expect it at some point (sooner than later possibly)

No idea why people should think SFV is destined to keep static shape when it’s clear they have hold contents back since begin to give an easy slow expansion throught years

Is mostly about long run DLC $ gain
You release new gameplay stuff, people stick around/return to SFV
More peoples will buy something from the last wave of DLC

In not so long time we got VT2, Arcade, Extra Battle, reworked shop, Fortune Chance/Tickets, Survival reworked with items etc

Example i easily expect 2nd CA to happen, and compared to it 2nd V-Reversal will be for them really a minimal job… specially if all have more or less same property

As of now the only thing believable is the 2nd Story Mode and 2nd CA.

While the dozen of stages and modes can be always considered because of safe bets but not those that required major ground up work.

PS There is a chance that we will see Shin Necali since everybody here was talking and speculating how interesting Shin Necali would be.

As for a new doll replacing specifically Juni… that sounds interesting, new and hard to tell? but would surprise me if that would happen.

But the focus and scope was large including illuminati, G and Shin Necali sounds very loosely… it’s just like removing Shadaloo to the equation?

Now that Xkira is tagging with someone with the capacity to mod stuff from gameplay aspect it would be harder to tell for people to know the difference from leak and tweak because of the videos.

He did leak in May that they were planned for July together, but then Capcom decided to delay them till the beginning of August in order to win EVO in terms of hype announcements.

Can you show us the leak that was for july?

Pay attention to the date that the message was sent. “5 de maio de 2018” (May 5th, 2018)

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Is there a link? thanks

It’s a private message, so it can’t be linked to…

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Okay man thanks anyway