The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Btw Kira back then leaked right what Extra Battle were and “Boss Mode” or “Boss rush” or whatever he said can easily be something they add in future… we already seen “Boss” version of characters (even normal ones like Ryu or Nash)

I will not be surprised if they add a very hard Arcade Path made up just of Extra Battle Bosses, for them will be the classic minimum effort shit to add

People seem to think it’s a white and black situation where Kira’s leak is ever either proven and happened, otherwise is made up Kira-crap

It’s also possible and likely have a third option where he was being honest on some stuff he leaked, but Capcom then changed idea/schedule… aka contents being delayed, dropped, merged etc

Example Boss mode may never happen, because they changed mind on “Boss” characters (or ever was theyr role) and chosen to utilize them just as Extra Battle mode

Said that Color Edit pls

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Exactly. Capcom decides when they’ll add these modes, I do believe that they’re being made.

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We come up ( i was first then other have there own interpretation) first with are invision of arcade mode here, before even xkira made his and declared it was a leak… yet arcade mode was different from everybody expectations

It’s not like any of these alleged leaks are amazing ideas. Mostly, they fit the same kind of “prediction” model that psychics use.

Look at the massive stage list leaks posted last year, and reposted this year. It consists of classic stages for returning characters that do not already have a classic stage in SFV, and rather vague descriptions of new stages for new characters. This is a very safe bet, because if Capcom adds new stages they’ll almost certainly be either classic stages for returning characters that do not have one yet in SFV or new stages for new characters. What makes this an even safer prediction is that it lists so many stages. There are very high odds of a few “hits”, and any hit acts as (unfounded) reinforcement that the whole leak is accurate.

More Critical Arts and even a second V-Reversal is again a safe bet, particularly since Capcom did give everyone a second V-Trigger. They are also long-standing popular requests, and items that people have been predicting for years. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t happen, then people forget about the claim.

Boss Rush hasn’t happened. The claim that you’d be fighting all the NPCs from Cinematic Story mode, that you’d fight against Shadaloo, Neo Shadaloo, SIN, and the Illuminati in the Ring of Power stage, that never came true. Saying that it came true because Capcom released a few Extra Missions where you fight a single round against a beefed up character is rather beyond reaching.

The promised Season 3 Story, again not even a unique prediction, didn’t happen.

The December promise of a “Patch Version” selection for characters was rather unbelievable. It also didn’t happen. But it was the kind of thing that some players wanted to hear, which helped spread the news about that “leak”, before being forgotten as yet another unfulfilled claim. This also “helps” in that it gives people something that they want to believe in, they want to believe the leaks are true.

The recent "leak"s claim of a new V-System are arguably even more unbelievable than the previous Version Select claim, yet this again is what captures people’s imaginations and causes news of the “leak” to spread like wildfire. Look at everything it promises. Combo breakers, Feng Shui Engine/Genei Jin for everyone, a totally-not-FADC, Ultra/Meteor Combos, and possibly more? And this is presumably planned to be balanced against existing options? (One of the alleged V-Custom button combos has its replacing V-Skill, and the not-FADC would replace V-Trigger.)

Maybe some of the “leaks” will come true. Several individual pieces have high possibilities of coming true just by sheer coincidence or careful guessing. But I wouldn’t put any weight on any of it. And even if a few bits do come true, it doesn’t mean the source was reliable.


He most likely tried to say that these new mechanics are part of a new mode separate from two V-Systems, there can’t be any other explanation to some mechanics having the same input.

Nice analysis there i have the same thoughts to but I never care to elaborate the details to easily spot the difference from fakes and leaks.

I have a strong suspision that they are following trendy hype talk threads here or neogaf and compiled it in a week later as leaks and prediction

Didn’t he leaked that arcade mode would be 3rd Strike style?


Yes, but that’s what I meant by the balance issue. If V-Custom and not-FADC are replacements for V-Skill and V-Trigger, then you’d expect them to be roughly equal in ability. But it is kind of hard to see how they are going to be balanced, particularly if V-Custom allegedly is giving you three abilities on its own. (Though the leak is so vague about just what V-Custom does, that could just be three different durations of the same ability.) But then the Ultras/Meteors are included as part of V-Custom, and V-Break might be part of V-Custom’s overall system…

It could be that Capcom is just throwing everything in the game at letting people cobble together a few desired abilities, but the leak reports made it sound like VT1 and VT2 were staying the same while these new options were being added separately. (Mind, even if all this were to come true, one should also remember that Capcom couldn’t even manage to give everyone a reasonable choice between even two V-Triggers.)

Honestly, the whole thing sounds very Mysterious Mod. (I wonder if the not-FADC is Mysterious Mod’s V-Cancel?)

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No we first did something like that.

I remember doing a comparison with the results in the other earlier thread

I remember that Xkira did talk about something special fight with SHENG LONG with absurd buff to appear in extra battle mode after I and some did some thoughts on sheng long to appear in SF2 Bison stage that wasn’t still release.

I think it’s better not correct fake leakers until the date said is pass so that their errors could easily be spotted. without taking it back

Quiz (where are Marz and Fevrier?) and many other things.”

Agree, I have pointed this out earlier when I heard it, It’s very much impractical. Waiting for Xkira to deconfirm this.

Oh, I forgot about that bogus October leak as well… I remembered the Color Edit promise (never happened), but not the rest…

When, after seeing Viewtiful Joe Rashid, he threw out a bunch of popular Capcom franchise characters as new costumes, and managed to miss almost every single one of them. One that he coincidentally got right, Donovan, he claimed would be a costume for a character who isn’t even in the game, Dan. (Nor were the Darkstalkers costumes made available through Extra Mission; they were Premium purchases only.)

And oh yeah, the claim that the cosplay costumes would have special movesets. And the Dolls would be playable. And there would be a Quiz mode. And of course Sheng Long.

Seriously, why do sites keep reporting these X-Kira leaks as if they were actual news, instead of fakes? Looking back only makes it even more laughable that SRK’s news posting for the August “leak” dared to call it “very reliable”.


There is certain pattern here, I have noticed when some post a certain idea here or wishlist of some kind in a other threads when it becomes a hot discussion… a week later or within the 2 weeks the leakers will post a version of theirs using it as a template calling it a leak.

I discussed the same also earlier in this thread about the color edit mode, and why it is pointless and impractical like V-Custom. I said also that the other leaker known as Dasvergen is doing leaks that are similar to how weekly horoscope are written in the newspaper. I did even did a breakdown regarding that statement when it was posted here.


Still hoping they complete the “EX Colors” bullshit at #10 as the page seem to hint (we reached EX7 and have still space for 3)

And then we can move on to something decent like Color Edit a la SFxTK, special considering these colors they’re adding are even worse than the already poor standard 1-10 they did, withc metallic crap, fluo colors and nonsense shit

Best approach possible will be get Color Edit + the option to NOT see online pink fluo crap edits of douchebags

They can even monetize it with FM or $$$

From what I understood from Kira, you will choose between the V-system and the V-mode. V-Mode isnt an extention of the v-system, its a new mechanic entirely.

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Some more info from Kira about General Story 2:

Will focus on Shadaloo after its fall. It will say what happened to the dolls - the story will introduce a new doll, that has replaced Juni. It’ll focus on the Illumati’s, G, Shin Necalli, and some other stuff he decided not to mention.

(by the way, he says the playable NPC mode offline is definitely happening and even dolls like Xiayu and Noembelu will have a moveset too). I’d guess a half assed moveset like the others, but one nonetheless.


A September update is gonna be full of surprises, according to him. Weather Conditions, a mode where we’ll be able to use NPCs from Extra Battle, and even General Story Volume 2 itself.

The test380 is fully compatible with DLC “Splitstream GEN vol.2”, that says it all.

He’s not saying all of that will come in this September update though

Yeah, Dojo Mode is probably one of the three SFV announcements planned for Paris Game Week.

Also, Evil Ryu, Captain Commando, Ingrid and Shadow Lady will appear with their own movesets in Extra Battle in the future.
R.I.P. Evil Ryu, I guess.

He said that last year, too. Just like he’s been promising a second story mode since last year. Just like he promised all those stages-anyone-would-guess-to-be-added since last year.

Make a ton of likely promises, and keep making them, and bask as everyone calls you amazing when a few coincidentally come true. Get enough believers and people will even do some of the work for you, willingly twisting some new feature to fit any remotely similar previous prediction you’ve made.

You can even risk throwing in some fancy attention getters if you either think they are highly likely or you can break them down into several smaller “But they did do this” elements that will still allow people to claim you were right.

It is the same tactics psychics and other con men use.

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TBF, he never claimed Story 2 would come out in 2017… he just leaked that the mode would be added eventually, and now there are lots of signs that it’s coming out soon.