The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Btw this also can explain no Ono in Capcom’s TGS 2018 schedule

It’s sad that the whole attention is now on all Ono did wrong and not much on what did good.

And even more invisible than that, Ono will never get praise for all the capcrap modern capcom will have done to SF without him

Ono may be a douche but a good heart one
Modern capcom is made of heartless douches, so people pointing at Ono’s douchebaggery are trying to use cancer to cure a cold lol

I will all be to remove him if mean get a smarter guy with same heart, but usually with capcom we get opposite result

Also before applaude peoples should consider SF started a new path with Ono (well, returned to exist to begin with)… with SF4 and now SFV

I will have liked a SF6 that follow this path
Now maybe we will get an “reboot” where they will touch things that worked and are loyal to the fans/brand tradition, instead go fix retard marketing and ball-less half-committed aesthetic (both sons of modern capcom)

Capcom is still traumatized by the past PS360 gen to the point of not even notice the current one has strong lead (stronger than X360 was) in a jap console.
They still have COD nightmares and fear to invest on japan, when they used to be the flag of it

Start praying next gen will still be Sony lead again, because without Ono anothe MS gen will give us the antoniades reboot of SF history

Also because as much i shit on antoniades, they was going to do a 50% crap on the brand still sticking half to old DMC (i guess kinda like DMC5 is doing now)… then Capcom douches told him “no no, we want a 100% crap on the brand!”
The rest is history,on that crap modern capcom was the brain behind antoniades anus, modern capcom want nothing to do with Capcom (the true, dead one) fans

I think people will miss Ono when the damage is done, good luck Street Fighter


I’m very sure that most eastern 3rd party game developers have acted like this since around 2004-2007: SEGA, Capcom, KONAMI and several others. They feel they need to play safe or that they’ll fail.

I’m sure that at the moment PS4 is champion, right?

There’s no denying that Ono not only revitalized SF but also made sure that it was the only one that still had some sort of spirit. Now, in this era where Capcom’s IP are coming back it really is a uncertain time.

Art and creative direction is exactly what doesn’t need to drastically change in Street Fighter.

The thing I fear the most is for this series to go from colorful and charming to a disgusting edge-fest with washed out grey colors. Street Fighter should keep its light-earthed-that-can-also-be-serious-sometimes identity.


The net result of the SF franchise under Ono’s guardianship and supervision is tremendously positive. Ono was the best thing that happened to the SF franchise since the Alpha series and Dream Matches.


PS4 is nobody’s campion, more a boring neutral president

Better than nothing i guess

Sfxtk was convoluted. A cluster fuck of too many things going on at once. The shitty dlc strategy and ugly wirerd bright colours didnt help things much either.
Presentation and music were really poor.

I think this will be good for Ono. Instead of managing an entire division he will just be responsible for the fighting game bit. No doubt he had some non sf/mvc responsibilities which he didnt want and took its toll.

Personally I wish SF will go back to being “serious”. I cant quite put my finger on but some of thr supers in sf4 and 5 just felt weird and not consistent with what the character would do or sometimes just way OTT

Edit: compare Yang SA2 in 3s vs sf4. In SF3 he kicks them up into the air. In SF4 both he and the opponent stay in the air while he does some extra stuff. It judt looks and feels wierd. Like the momentum is completely wrong.


Kira is teasing Rose’s palace stage


I think I’ve already put across my thoughts on the light vs dark:

I’ve been playing MH games for a while now, and the cutscenes Shockdingo posted basically show this - MH’s tone is very much like Street Fighter’s - it can be serious, melodramatic, and goofy equally - always has been, really. There’s a tonne of work and care put into localisation too: the NPCs only get a couple of lines of dialogue each, but they manage to get a load of personality bundled in.

It’s basically Street Fighter in tone - tells a sometimes meaninfgul story, but hasn’t got its head up its arse, and certainly doesn’t take itself too seriously.

There’s zero competitive play in the game, but I can honestly say for third person combat, it’s regarded by many as best in class - layers and layers of hidden complexity for each weapon that players have to discover themselves.

I get that it’s a totally different beast to 2D fighters, and it’s not like the whole team is going to sweep in and replace everybody, anyhow, but they clearly work incredibly hard to refine the combat mechanics.


The sound track of SFXT was decent and does hype especially those that appear in trailer compare to what SFV and SF4 indestructible… that went obscurity easily

Those trailer gives me the vibe how KOF MI gets me hype to with it’s miniseries…

After those whatever Trailer soundtrack in the new age of SF and Kof gets a memorable lately?

That can be included to the likes of True love in the making and I want to take you for a Ride?

While MK gets the most legendary soundtrack that is so immortal until now engrave in the 90s history… SF needs something like that…

HD remix got something that never easily dated but wasn’t an official soundtrack

I’m not into entirely into new people and fresh, we need someone that was from back in the day someone that knew SF characters not just someone that is concern with gameplay, marketing and hype or concern of instilling personal preference.

because we might end up like this…


Then the PR will say they are just function and fictional characters, because everything is just gameplay.

There are more danger in experimentive people than perfecting SF assets. Sometimes people think they innovate stuff by aligning it to their mean but rather they end up alienating it and losing it’s identity to sell out and be relatable.

If people wanted to start with something new and fresh, just do it with new characters and take the spotlight away from the previous protoganist like the (early) SNK/(not the current) did with K Dash and Kyo rather than rerewriting Terry and Ryo.

Another successful character was Batman Beyond because it wasn’t another version of Bruce Wayne.

I was fine with all the things SF games (since SFII) have offered, from soundtrack to artstyle and from roster choices to gameplay. II, Alpha, III, IV and V are unique games, yet they’re all awesome in their own right and actually have the Street Fighter spirit in them. I’m sure SFVI won’t be an exception despite having a new head of the division. C’mon, there’s no way Capcom would mess everything up this time.


I think a more polished version of that alpha build could have potential. Plus, that model of ryu looks like his limbs are long enough to actually play some footsies

DON’T JINX IT :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I think I read there even are Monster Hunter tournaments, and their players take that shit seriously

That’s the wrong Rose stage to get, both the Venice concept and SFA Genova/Venice mix were better

But Palazzo Mistero can work also as Menat stage too, so at least she will get one i guess

Imo, the game need more indoor stages. That palace stage seems like a logical pick.

As for a stage for Menat: X-Kira did mentioned in the past that Egypt is coming. So, that one goes for her.

He says we’ll get both

He mentioned a heap of stages months ago and none of them have come true. I don’t take any stock into what he finds.


Don’t forget dramatic mode leak from Xkira last year.


I don’t have particular preference between indoor/outdoor, it’s just that Palazzo Mistero sucked dicks design wise while the Genova/Venice hybrid was beautiful

Personally i will like more around the world stages, less USA/Japan focus (same cast wise)… we got 7 japanese stages lol

Regardless of what leaks say will come , what i personally will like

-Aztec stage for Necalli (Urien’s nostalgia atzec one can work)
-Egypt stage for Menat (Urien’s egyptian one can work)
-China/HK stage (or lab stage) for FANG
-New or Nostalgia for Ken
-New Greece stage for Urien
-A snowy winter stage for Kolin (can be an alt outside version of Gief one)
-New or Nostalgia for Blanka
-NewShadaloo stage for Ed and Falke
-Stage for Zeku, can be Bushinryu related with Guy cameo, or “Strider origins” related
-G stage, i guess “Times Square” judging by the AE trailer
-Will like a FF tribute one for Cody

These may same a lot but are actually what will take to have everyone personal stages, problem is they did’nt took that direction from begin

Whatever, i guess if (as i hope) we will see 2nd Story Chapter, a bunch of new locations will be needed

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