The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Any idea when Capcom will reveal General Story 2?

At Tokyo Game Show, Brasil Game Show, or perhaps New York Comic Con…?

Tokyo Game Show, and October 15th is possibly the release date imo as this is when the Mike event in Fighting Chance ends and Capcom will presumably make a new update.
And it works with their “once in every two months” schedule:
February - Blanka; April - Falke; June - Cody; August - G & Sagat; October - General Story 2; December - Season 4 Announcement
While I do see Phantom_Miria’s point, I’m hungry for more cinematic story content already, and other than a new story mode, there can’t be any excuse as to why they ended Season 3 so early.
Especially considering the fact that X-Kira deconfirmed Free Extra characters.

Wow now Xkira is now deconfirming free characters, because those were even impossible to happen in the first place at SFV’s very situation. I hope Xkira is now confident with storymode two this year.

Arcade mode turned differently from whatever we speculated that also includes the leaks

Take note of this…

Keiko and Dan in Dojo mode BGS 2018

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More content for the game I love is always welcome. Don’t even care what it is. A 2nd General Story would be perfect.


You love this game?



Really curious tbh fam.

Dan , and who the hell is Keiko?

I think a lot of it comes down to my love for the Street Fighter series in general. This is the first game that actually had a dedicated Story Mode, so that’s (even though a lot of people didn’t enjoy it or don’t care anyway) one of the reasons why I hold it in such high regard. On top of that, I really enjoy the majority of the newcomers compared to the last game.

The main thing that got me posting on SRK forums was the “Warriors Fate” thread back when SF4 released for PS3/360 in '09. That was a thread that revolved around the lore of Street Fighter. Eventually that led to me posting (and getting negged into red for being a moron, xD) on other sections of the forums. I had no idea what frame data was. My understanding of fighting games was hella basic compared to the average SRK poster despite playing them for most of my life.

That thread indirectly made me into a better fighting game player than I ever thought I’d be. In the midst of that, I ended up doing my college project on the Street Fighter world and got an A for it.

So it’s likely not so much about loving SFV specifically , but more so about loving the franchise in its entirety. SFV is just the current game of the series that has my utmost attention. I’ve gotten used to the game and just have a blast playing it.

I make it a point to play every fighting game, but SFV is one of those games I always seem to return to no matter what. Did the same with SF4. Both SFV and SF4 were games that I wasn’t a huge fan of initially. My enjoyment of those games came with time. Stuff like the Alpha series and SF2 had me right from the jump.

My love for the game isn’t blind enough for me to ignore the clear problems (ie balance, input lag, etc) it has, though. That’s exactly how I was with MVC3. I may enjoy these games, but I can understand why others aren’t in love with them. I just make the best of the situation and hope the improvements can make the game more appealing for everyone. Street Fighter is a huge part of my childhood and life in general. Most of the friendships I have today wouldn’t have been possible without this series.


I’m not sure how I feel about this. Ono is a great man who took great care of the SF story. :sob:


Eventhubs is extra late on this :rofl:

Ono is still the face of SF. He’s just not the top-dog in the division.


Gotta see if this will actually amount to anything substantial.

I love Ono’s passion, but it’s hard to deny that a shakeup was needed. With that said, I hope that Ono will retain some importance so that the series identity will be kept intact, just in case the new superiors have any strange idea.

Also, as Doctrine_Dark said, this is actually old news.

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Can we honestly pin MvC3 on Ono though as the article attempts to suggest? That game was doomed ever since the “characters are just functions” PR disaster hit.

SF5 started out on a bad note yes, but it’s probably profitable now and the new business model was several steps in the right direction for Capcom and SF.

Also what will the MHW producer bring to the table.


Other than being present during meetings and being around during development, I doubt Ono really had much influence over the game. That was just a bunglefuck from Marvel and Capcom.

No telling what Tsujimoto will bring right now. I’m just hoping he’ll be able to make sure the amount of effort put into Monster Hunter will be reflected in their fighting games. At launch.


Let’s hope this ensures a substantial shift in art or creative direction for SF and other future fighting games. That said, putting the Monster Hunter guy on charge looks shortsighted “he made 8m sales in an another game surely he will make SF6 sells 8k too since they’re both videogames after all”.

I know nothing of MH. How competitive is the game? Where does it falls in the campy and goofy vs serious and edgy spectrum?


My thoughts exactly. Ono has fucking heart and he undeniably put it into this franchise. What is this guy’s relationship with SF besides owning 4% of Capcom’s stock?

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I know nothing of the series, but it looks like it’s got a lot of charm and nice character design and art direction. Looks like it has a sense of humour and flair also.

Glad Ono is still around though, I love the guy and what he’s done for SF5. Kinda confused as to what exactly has been and is gonna change, but I hope they both can collaborate to keep up the momentum that AE’s built up.

I’ve been reading around and now am confused. So, Ono is just a general manager now? Is he tied to SF at all? Is it that he has a reduced role with SF or is he cut completely? When do the changes start???

I liked Ono, but I dislike what happened in SFxT. It was well promoted, marketed and advertised very possitively.

The game was fun, the tag system was interesting and had great potential.

I’m not part of those whine because of the DLC was on the disc, because the initial numbers of characters was even okay and standard along with the modes.

My issues was the gem system was scattered all over not optimize selection unlike Fighting EX Layer, MVCI Infinity Stones, SFZ3 ISM and CVS grooves… Obviously that areas is were they intended to cash in.

SFXT was a great game but a very missed opportunity, I hope someday they would rerelease the game for new generation of console and PC with optimize gem system selection.

I believe they have huge expectations with the SFXT with all those promotions and creativity pour into it but was surprised how in went through, I even believe SFXT has the best version of ultra/SA and special of their SF4 counterpart.

I understand why didn’t port USF4 in Vita during that time to turn the hype sole to SFXT and avoid competition with their 3DS counterpart, they should have still release USF4 afterwards even through it would sell out THAT TIME, Since vita was a powerful device and influential device THAT TIME yet it’s now dead.

Now is also a great time to take advantage of the switch success an exclusive SF4 version for SWITCH with Karin, Mika, Alex, Urien and Nash in it.

As for MVCI, Whatever Ono was involved in that game it has nothing to do to it’s failure. Agree with the PR talked and that wasn’t even Ono in the first place.

What made Ono exeptional is that he already learn from the failures of the past, yet it’s up to him if he would try to find a way to workaround and insert those wrong practices in future games or avoid them. He learn what characters should be prioritize and how the story should flow.

Not just going to the trendy demands, curiosity demands and what if demands from the taste of the current loud internet community that is hard to please and sometimes just didn’t really know what they want and just curious of the what if and should if. Those are the ever changing loud people that are subject to change every 5 years.

He knows that SF isn’t just a famous fighting game, not just a fighting game brand but also a historical gaming franchise that is also valued not for it’s play style and appeal, but its undeniable pop culture influences and merchandise.

The major thing I didn’t like is the goofiness of the design and emotion expression that was approve, Frankenstein STICHES with Nash and other things like giant donut in Birdie win pose. Those break the law of physics and logic along with the feel/immersion of the environment as if there was Darkstalkers and Deadpool in SF universe that shouldn’t be in the first place.

Even through SFV vanilla was a major failure and poor quality as a package in launch they learn how to make a DLC worth it from costumes and stages. Not just selling stages and costumes. Arcade mode was a neat comeback, I’m not into the mystery crate loot boxes system they implement.

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I’m very glad Ono is gone. I want someone who can manage good stories and not ruin them. I’m looking at you, Nash.

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I don’t know what think about that

There things that i dislike about the Ono era, but he love SF and clearly think SF is first for SF fans

And i don’t trust capcom at all when it comes to this, recent DMC news made me think we was lucky af to have a SF directior who is a SF fan

DM4 was a japgame half-ass made but still sold decent, and fans loved it
DmC was an antoniades crap to dickride the west and get dat COD money in Capcom heads. Fans voted with theyr wallet and game bombed despite having 10 times the help of DMC4, with Itsuno itself having to be involved to try save it
Now finally we got the true DM4 sequel fans wanted (DMC5) and it looks like a fucking DmC all over again.
Half people here a couple of months ago said i was being blind accusing them of this, yet recent interview Itsuno admitted the aesthetic come from DmC because lot of peoples (not fans) like it
Essentially DMC4 done better than expected, DmC done much worse, they finally drop the “reboot” and still it’s not DMC, because retard modern capcom

DMC lost it’s charm, RE too, lot of brands straight disappeared

I don’t know what made SF a different happy island, i hope was’nt only due Ono.
I don’t want SF6 to looks like that netherealm crap concept pic they did before somebody -probably Ono- told them fuck that shit

SFV package wise was just 2 little things away to be great

  • trust more in jap aesthetic having a stronger art direction
  • don’t have retard marketing, the “let’s start mediocre, game will shape up complete throught 5 years” plan is a suicide

I love how SFV is shaping up the more they add stuff, but most of consumers will just miss all the improvements, at this point they’re just working to get our fans $$$ (wich i like a lot, but is’nt smart)

I don’t know MH games much, anybody can tell me if theres huge stylistical difference from MHW to classic series?

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Not really, it looks the same.

While DMC5 is a far cry from 4, I still think that it fits the series and looks good, same for RE. The new RE looks like a gradual evolution from the past ones.

While we have discussed 9000+ times, the only major series that has sold out is MM (at least classic).

I think Capcom are aware of the fiasco that is SFV launch and will not repeat that launch and if they do then it’ll probably be in a more better approach.

As for Ono leaving, that was like 2 months ago so, why now?
Part of me thinks it is unfortunate as he clearly has passion for the series but passion doesn’t necessarily mean talent/direction and he lacks giving SFV a dignified image for non-SF fans. But at the same time, I can’t wholly blame him on that, SF’s fanbase isn’t exactly “sustainable”.