MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

What portion game design is about “corporate greed” and “cash grab” anyway like you accuse them compare to other games?

Is it the lack of xmen?
No evo?

How can you even say this is cash grab when there is nothing lock in the pay wall that is obligatory to make the game be experience for modes and mechanics limited compare to it’s previous “standalone” counterpart?

Xmen? They aren’t even part of any microtransaction here and you got the main mainstream heroes that Marvel can offer default the Avengers.

I would agree if the main avengers were lock in the pay wall but no they are not.

There is nothing by design is a cash grab here.

Who was banning this from evo anyway like you said? Do you even know?

Man i know my stuff than you and myself, Regardless of age and adhominem that you continously do. I don’t mind it.

I bring new stuff and intectual conversation from the previous but the thing is you ignore, ad hominem, hasty generalization and blame inappropreciate things to something unrelated because all you seek is a way to justify your frustration from believing fake leaks.

How can they be “lying bastards” like you accused them if they were silent and didn’t give you false hope from some sort of announcement in the first place?

That would be the case for SFV vanila if they didn’t add new decent mode, but not in MVCi.

Unless you have other references that you believe into. Which you do by following fake leaks.

You don’t even have a CLEAR and decent straight forward idea that is feasible of what they should do?

You can’t be straight forward and clear with your answers it expose you.

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This thread is everything I’d imagine it would be.

Anybody using time stone?

you two should fight it out in a best of 5, dont forget to capture and post it here later on.

There are signs of corporate greed here. The main and most damning culprit is how recycled the game feels, character wise, animations, etc. Minus the obvious redirection in gameplay, I would have thought this were UMvC3.5, presentation wise. Secondly, another way this game feels like a cash grab is with the overall feel that the game seemed…rushed. Instead of taking out the time to iron out a few things, they just threw it at us in hopes that those dying for Marvel would just let everything slide under the rug.

Capcom’s biggest enemy here was themselves, honestly.

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Your corporate greed = 1. character wise, 2. animations, 3. gameplay changes

Cash Grab = rush

It’s different from zatalcon

I consider MVCi as a hidden gem. The gameplay wasn’t bad but it was in a bad situation to be playfully creative.

I don’t want to take this further but I have my personal opinion regarding MVCi from the past months and why it bomb that wasn’t inspired by youtuber. This was something I have been talking about in the past months, but here is some of the latest ones.



I know my stand from last year, last month and i tried to see it on details and category not just range opinion or another of those conventional criticism that are widespread and echoing in online.

Yet we can both agree it is rush. It’s really rush, but being rush does not equal to corporate greed either or not do justify corporate greed at any means. The same as cash grab.

Rush =/= Corporate Greed and Cash grab

Rush and poorly execute is the proper term, but the failure was inevitable at the moments because of mainstream trends.

Because the content was appropriate, standard and decent.

  • There were no restrictive essential standard mode.
  • There were no lock mainstream characters in the paywall that Capcom or Marvel took advantage of because of being famous. (You got the Avengers and Spidey by default not some Deuteragonist characters)
  • There were no such micro-transaction that hinders you to access a particular gameplay mechanics that would make elevate you against others that purchase the game in it’s retail format.
  • Actually even without the story mode(this is coming from someone that like Fighting game fanfiction), it is still standard it falls along the vanilla versions of team crossover games.
  • You can play it in it’s standalone format as decent as the previous incarnation even without or with the community or Capcom’s support.

Okay lets talk about Animation?

What change of animation/movement have been radically change and overhaul from TVC to UMVC or XVS to MVC2? Do the likes of Shinkuu Hadouken need to change? I think not and I believe that would be a bad idea.

I think you might be refering about camera angles, stylistic choice and new visuals movesets? They did some like in Spidey. I don’t like the new super with osborn stuff but I like the new special.

The reality is this areas were just minor cause. If DBFZ didn’t exist what would happen? That is the major cause. Presentation wise, Yes it wasn’t presented that good. yet even with so much marketing and presentation they would fall against something that caries everything that they left behind for another idea of innovation(which is not bad either).

It’s like iPhone and Nokia…

Mahvel was Nokia and DBFZ was IOS,

There’s innovation versus Familiarity (not everything that is innovative will be accepted)

Then there’s Brand versus Familiarity in game play mechanics standpoint.

I recall myself in the other MVCi thread during dev stage having a talk about loss aversion and concerns of over retail content using SFV vanilla, I was saying they should be worried about thing they neglect, while some people are saying and belittling that others are just as simple to be all about hype, marketing, reviews and advertisers. I believe hype is an illusion and it’s unreliable.

Which. I strongly disagree and I was pointing out that Capcom should not take thing easily with their competitors because they do not monopolize the market like they used to before, They aren’t the one/solely that dictates the trends(trendsetters) or sets the standard anymore in FGC, that was before DBFZ announcement which everyone was caught off guard of new challenger that is a direct competition.

Believe or not, Those times, I knew MVC franchise is in a very dangerous position about competitors and a rival but the thing is I don’t know who the potential competitor will be and it’s hard to pin point, other than bringing in the usual and potential existing and recurring titles like Injustice, Tekken and etc anime crossover games. I do know the conventional strategic approach won’t work like they are used to and won’t be as reliable to be convincingly better against possible rival titles with the same target audience. It’s not a prophetic things, I’m no prophet and it’s analytical stuff. It’s by looking into shifting trends and blind spots usually are ignored or confident with.

I do believe MVCi did what they should done in the retail, The gameplay mostly is decent but not everything is something I prefer yet those things are personal preference, the characters was not the thing I prefer but It’s average, The content is decent it got story mode and with the essential modes in a traditional vanilla team game. No unfairly restrictive and shady micro-transactions that limit the gameplay experience or divide player by purchase and levels. So it’s money worth.

Yes it was rushed but even whatever possibility it was meant to fall because of DBFZ. They did what they could possible do in the game retail and development. The mechanics are well thought yet few are not my liking but it doesn’t mean it was worst MVC game.

I don’t like the idea that they gave up, if they really do gave up easily rather than looking for a potential in this game to shine and become a new brand to expand rather than surrendering and looking to compete with DBFZ appeal in the current mainstream. They should have lowered their expectation for awhile.

Demanding a closure or hating Marvel and Capcom would just make this worst and probably threaten a potential sequel, expansion or whatever collaboration and partnership this two can do.

In other words the fall of MVCi is not the product but about it’s competition.

MvC2 got played without a patch for 10 years. The issue isnt the patch its you. That “you” is basically any person thats not willing to play the game they have and be happy.

This is the game you have. If you dont like it then thats your problem. But at the end of the day, if you do like it, complaining about capcom or marvel throwing it a bone isnt going to help any.

Instead of being happy you have a game you love with a good netcode, you habe 60+ posts about why other people dont play it. Worry about tbe people who di and give them something to do. If this means numbers grow, then great. If numbers dont grow, then odds are really high that you’ll end up creating a really tight knit community that is super dedicated and has a happy life.

Everybody here is a player. None of you guys have any control over the issues that go into game development. You have full control on turning on your console and playing. So use what you have to build the thing you want.


Yes, these are damning evidence of corporate greed. There is no X-men or Dr Doom because of the whole Fox movie rights situation Marvel was in. If they are going to shove down that MCU marketing politics on this game then it’s obviously corporate greed. Wolverine, Doom, Sent, Mags, Storm, etc aren’t just characters who were in the past MVC games but they are Pantheons of the series. A massive legacy of this game, including the culture, has been centered on the X-men.

Take a look Deadpool’s winning quote after he beats Magneto in UMVC3, what does he reference: “curly mustache”. Try to look at the past meme’s went Sentinel was revealed for MVC3, and all the noobs where bitching about it… what were the images the community posted to laugh at the noobs? The Mags/Storm/Sent image that had the caption: “10 more years”. I could go on.

Every single part of this games culture was just ripped away because it could not sell for their movies. From removing of the characters and even cutting away metagame support (Evo), and to make it all worse, there is not even one single word as to what is going on. We just need figure things out through the silence and ignoring, huh?

You are by far a huge and unintelligent fanboy to not see or understand how none of this is corporate greed. Making a game that has a long time following and legacy into an ad for their movies isn’t a cash grab, GTFO devout.

Would Capcom make more money if the X-Men were in the game?

Think very carefully before you answer this question.

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Okay were back in the loop.

You just don’t like clarity right.

This just prove you have no idea what your accusing them other than just blaming them and hating for unreasonably.

Other than twisting words to fit your frustration from believing fake leakers.

Do really want an expansion or you really just want to find a way to hate them?

An inteligent person following your comment show how dumb your answers are because you how no idea.

Maybe the game your looking for that suits everything you want is a free2play and freemium game design go play Marvel Contest of the Champion it got various versions of xmen, daily, events and tons of support. That would work your 60usd.

It got multiple versions of wolverine, cyclops, storm and even captain america I bet those were better games for you and not a cash grab or corporate greed because your hating Capcom and Marvel as if MVCi was the most worst greedy cash game and marvel related product that exist.

It show how GULLIBLE you are and dumb. FIRST from believing leaks while blaming it to capcom or marvel and don’t have no idea what shady microtransaction. Next is by calling them lying assholes when they were silent in the issues, you call them lying when you believe fake news.

Originally, I think X-men would have helped at least a little bit. Maybe not a lot, but I don’t see how it could have been worse.

In its current form, though? I sincerely doubt it. Too many people have written off the game at this point. You either already love it or it’s beyond saving.

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I was really asking Shaku. I’d like to see how he’d reconcile no X-Men as ‘greedy’ while also saying adding them would help the game succeed (read: make more money). It’s inconsistent to me.

SFV finally got arcade cab after years of not.

Uncanny MVCI is next.



I would like to emphasize.

Lack of Xmen =/= cash grab or greedy

Cash Grab and greediness has nothing to do with the lack of Xmen. Because xmen characters wasn’t lock in microtransaction in the first place or does not announce in anyway/form and we got the more premiuim marvel characters by default in the roster the Avengers. If we get netflix characters instead and most of the avengers characters like ironman, captain america and spidey were lock in paywall that would be a shame and obviously taking advantage.

Another thing how many Xmen characters people would expect?

3?4 or 5?

Knowing Capcom and Marvel for a vanilla team crossover. 3 is average and 4 is decent.

So that would be Wolvie, Mag and Storm.

Then Sent possibly be in DLC.

New Xmen can be Cyclops or Gambit?

So having 3 or 4 Xmen in default roster would those change the game status?

Would people that hating Capcom and Marvel wouldn’t be here?

Here is my answer… they will hate them anyway for other reasons even it is unreasonable like this zatalcon that was frustrated because of being gullible to believe fake leaks like DASVERGEN then calling capcom and marvel using every possible thing faulty like using the xmen.

Was zatalcon really concern of the of lack of xmen or was he really concern of the fake leaks being not true? The answer is follow his activity collect his data and everything he say now is just throwing everything because of disatisfaction from not the leaks being true.

Yet I believe having the Xmen release in DLC will profit Capcom from casual especially with completionist that believes that was the thing they need, If they release it more earlier this year but that already have past in the current situation they need proper timing like movies and other promotion because the hype and attention is low. They need to build attentions.

Yet I also believe having the xmen in initial roster in this same situation would will still end up with hate like people believing in fake leaks, people cries for graphics be like DBFZ. When those were minor stuff.

And arcsys cellshading technology is a refined one that is not a regular cellshading tech that can easily be replicated.

Because I believe what MVCi downfall was being innovative/playfully creative and being loosely when there was a direct competition ahead that offers the exact thing it abaddoned while having the most eye candy visuals. Competition is MVCi downfall, I believe competition was not part of marvel and capcom equation of target audience and investments. They may have high expectation but when they see it won’t hit the target they simply don’t pursue. It’s not cash grab or corporate greed it’s just not into financial suicide because they knew promises would not met. Same case with Tekken vs SF.

If there was no DBFZ everything was as is, but not as good as MVC3 launch and success.

Even people saying that they love MVCi or mourning it was greatly active into DBFZ because it got the essential MVC3 and 2 core.

MVCi is not a bad game, this is not CFJ 2.0 its just not in the right situation.

So I believe having the Xmen wouldn’t change the appeal of MVCi to best DBFZ. All it would do is create momentary hype if they release it this late. And it has nothing to do with corporate greed or cash grab.

Like I say if they add xmen earlier it would be okay but now they need to build hype, and by adding xmen they can but not instant success thing. Adding xmen can only now contribute to building hype to a bigger project that can possible change the status of the game in the mainstream like SFV did.

I mistook you for the other guy zeto. Nice write-up, I guess. My bad.

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You know a dead game is still getting attention when multiple channels have “one year after” reflects for the dead game. Marvel LIVES. When other games die, they just die.


As personal thing if I would picture myself and how I would feel for the game… if there was no DBFZ in existence.

I would just feel dissatisfied with projectile deflect, since I believe it should not be there in the first place and Ryu loosing his previous tools which is more personal because I’m a Ryu fan, but it does make game awful.

Same thing I will dislike Ryu getting a white haired evil alt but it doesn’t mean it’s a bad thought.

Then probably doing character wishlist from obscure reference.

I won’t even thought about bringing back assist but I believe is essential and integral part of Mahvel.

But in that kind of scenario Capcom and Marvel still did craft the game mechanics innovative and good because it’s well though overall, even it lacks Xmen. I don’t mind MVCi lacking those UMVC3 and SFXT trailers because those were just temporary and it doesn’t change what I will perceive the content later even I would watch it a dozen times, The concern here is what the retail standalone product is and I’m satisfied with the cost its not corporate greed or cashgrab.

I’m glad with the efforts of storymode (even I’m not into ryu scientific thing) even without it I won’t hate it I’m more into the arcade mode which I can pick up anytime and play with a different experience and especially Im glad with the fix in chuns face those were minor in the surface but it can affect the whole franchise and merchandise as a whole in the future titles and products.

I think if they had magneto storm and wolverine in the roster it might have kept more people on board. Popular characters that people want to use and also have a history with the game. The one thing I was disappointed with other than how the game looked was the roster. Should’ve just threw all of the mvc3 characters in there lol.

Iron fist would be awesome in this game

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Agree, but it wouldn’t change the liking of DBFZ to MVCi.

And yes it would still be easier to make a move to promote the game.

But in that point they would be oblidge to release fan favorites continously to keep up with DBFZ attention. I think is a good thing but I don’t know if that is good with Capcom or Marvel?

You are a real dumb mark who isn’t going to care to be intelligent. This right here shows you are really that below average in IQ.

Yes, they are not made out of corporate greed because they did not just shove down the MCU. Now, since your are stupid and can’t comprehend worth 3rd grade level, you would’ve noticed the words and phrase “legacy”, “following”, “culture”, “long time” in my posts. Contest of Champions doesn’t have that, it’s not a long time living game that has a community that is as old as MVC’s. What you are doing is trying to shift your stupid views onto mine by making it look as if it is just measly characters and graphics.

You really are a fucking capcom mark and are not someone who looks at these things objectively or intelligently. Just look at how out of context you are in your reply and go tell everyone to take a recap at that “be specific” post of yours just to see how stupid you are.