MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

These guys are single handedly keeping the MvCI forum alive. I think it’s great.


So what are the odds of something being announced at NYCC? ( Good or bad) It’ll technically be October by then.

It does. You just are acting like a devout who is being told truth that he doesn’t want to believe or accept. You are saying that shoving down the MCU on to this older franchise that has a long time following, not greed? How is it not obvious that this shows more care was towards feeding the cash cow that is the MCU? They did not care about the culture, the history, or the community at all that is why they removed pantheonic elements such as Doom because they care more about the fucking movies. LOL at you being that stuck up in fanboyism for not seeing the obviouxs.

I do not skip. Your ramblings are all the same in it’s context that can be refuted by at most 2 paragraphs. Why would I take the time in making walls of text after walls of text. The whole lack of X-men and no Evo - this sentence alone dismantles your entire fanboy defense walls.

Ok. Then CEO. You can nitpick this because I know you want to have something to use against me. At the end, companies in general focused more on product (i’m changing the word art because this term clearly passes over your head) quality and reputation other than easy money grabs. Good job trying to explain roles regardless, but at the end the general direction for video games (this as an example) is not for the sake of quality or any form of artistic pride, but for money. That is why the “fox owned” characters -who were pantheons to this series- have been removed because if it doesn’t contribute to the cash for the MCU then it’s not included. You get it now or are you going to write another huge useless post about me getting “corporate/production” laws owned? BTW, your understanding of CEO is also completely wrong, i’m not going to shift and make this a new argument because i know that is what you want… but it is. Learn things such as Art Director, Creatives, etc etc. And just as you are typing in creating a blog about “oh you don;t know what these roles are they do this and that…” just be reminded, I am not entertaining your cop out tactic of a new topic to argue so you can safely flee from the evidence shoved up your fanboy ass.

We are. Maybe the_Shakunetsu can also explain why this board is dead and only frequent because of his #capcom4life posts.

We had hopes like this all con season. And even now at TGS, nothing.

They aren’t doing shit.

Then who are you blaming Marvel or Capcom?

Who owns you the apology? Marvel or Capcom?

You have a hard time to be specific and be detail other than echoing XMEN and Silence then lying assholes with corporate greed.

Nah you did skip. were doing loops…

So you mean the lack of xmen justify your hate and accusations? or because your believing those fake leaks.

What’s nitpicking when both are different and both isn’t working for just the sake of art like you said? Where are you in 2018?

Artist are hired by CEO to do Art, CEO hire people to like Artist to invest and business and not Art. CEo build businesses to earn money not to do stuff for art alone. Your acting dumb and it suits you.

Honestly you can’t even pinpoint which is the money grab in the game? other than saying the lack of Xmen and silence?

How can they be lying assholes like you accused when they are silent and never trick you with false promises and false hope?

You have a hard time to be specific and be detail other than echoing XMEN and Silence then lying assholes with corporate greed.

Okay I’ll believe you enough with the tantrums yes, the CEO build company and make games for the sake of art like before.

You want expansion on right? it’s easy to see through you but you get frustrated because of being gullible for continuously falling to fake leaks and blame it to Capcom or Marvel… please rather than FINDING A WAY TO HATE CAPCOM and MARVEL MORE BY MAKING THEM do a announcement that they didn’t own something which would hurt you more. Just post some balanced changes, gameplay videos, combos discoveries and character wish-list if you want a possibility on the game expansion rather than demanding closure from something you cannot even pinpoint exactly who you want to blame?

Marvel is 80% to blame… unless my assumptions of Capcom being forced to keep quite about the “why’s” because of signing an agreement is proven wrong.

The banning of fox characters is very easy to understand. There is no reason why this game had to be forced as a MCU advertisement, especially since the MVC community predates the MCU fanbase and has it’s own long living culture. We don’t deserve to be kicked to the curb all because of a business model for movies.

And no, there is no skipping. Your entire fanboyism is logically destroyed by that X-men and no evo mentioning you are just too much of a devout to understand that. Your whole understanding of the term art is fucking dumb already and no matter how many times i’ve dumbed it down, you still reply with a wall of dumb in return. Look at how you still go in depth about CEO roles just like I said first hand you would. LOL so you think i should quote every single repeated nonsense you have and just repeat the same answers that fully refute you, further extending my time and my post?

See thats what I thought as well, but now it’s been a full year since the game released. Not to mention there was a rumor of mvci shutting down in October. So I’m expecting some type of news. (good or bad).

Tbh I don’t think anything mvc related would ever be announced at TGS. Idk, it’s just been too quiet for my liking.

Lets see? Then what Marvel should do? You’ll skip this one right?

Refund? Apology? or etc? You have a hard time giving concrete and specific ideas

There is no skipping?

What? What about this loop?

I get it this portion of your comment belong to another of those because the lack of xmen and no evo right? to justify your baseless accusation and senseless tantrums?

please expand the quote below?


and this?

Lack of Xmen or silent?

Spider-Man, maybe Marvel’s most popular hero to Japan was revealed at a TGS during lead up to MvC3. His Capcom counter part was Wesker, I believe. MvC can and has been at TGS.

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Well there you go, I stand corrected. lol

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Either update the game, or give an answer as to what the hell is going on that not even an Evo was allowed. You see the answers are being repeated right because generally this is the answer that is going to be replied, so you can’t say i’m skipping. Because in reality i am not, i’m just not going to repeat and dumb it down over and over again so you can comprehend i’m saying.

Both. You have not understood that i’m pointing out multiple factors that shoot down your fanboyism? So is that why you are that dumb and saw this as a contradiction; there is only 1 factor that spells out “corporate greed”? lol, you can;t even see how silly you are getting. Just stop.

Look at you and how stupid you are to go “look you are contradicting yourself, is it x-men now or is it evo”… how dumb can you be to not understood the concept of multiple factors. This is also in response to your “summary” part. Just in case you think again that something has been skipped.
Holy fuck man.

I see the time loop went beyond the DBFZ thread.

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But do you think a major MvC announcement could happen at TGS like SF V AE? Not just a Character reveal.

See you just skip majority all the stuff because you have no idea all you do is just hasty generalization because of fake leaks then blaming it to Capcom or Marvel then do this:

or this

Lets try something you different

So what would you do Marvel say, it’s not theres responsibility and it’s Capcom?

be specific.

What would you do if Capcom or Marvel says that "You bought the product without false promises and advertisement into it and there is no further addition?"

be specific.

So what can you do if Marvel says they won’t do any follow up?

be specific.

What kind of promises did made Marvel or Capcom lying asshole like you said?

be specific.

What part of the game transaction is decisive that made you to pay cash like you accuse as cash grab or corporate greed?

be specific.

What should Marvel or Capcom do if they can’t give additional stuff for MVCi?

be specific.

Being that MvC has always been Western centric I wouldn’t go so far as to say a ‘major’ announcement would happen there as opposed to E3 and obviously one of the two big comic cons (or EVO). I was just correcting that TGS isn’t off the table as far as presence.

edit: fuck it…

I’m not sure why MvCi being at EVO is so important, personally.

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Do I think it could happen? Sure, anything’s possible.

But I haven’t expected anything for this game for a while. EVO, E3, and SDCC all came and went. If they didn’t announce something at one of those, chances are near zero they’ll announce it anywhere else.

I can still see your edit and it expose you that you have no idea what they should do and you don’t even know what you want.

Overall your just looking for an opportunity to troll, hate, bash and accuse them because of failing to meet your expectation that you believe from following fake leakers.