MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

Wow you even have a hard time to pin point what is half assed here? the last time I ask you in the more earlier comments you said as a whole?

Those two reason isn’t even related.

What would even make if FULL ASSED anyway? Evo tournament? S2 DLC? Xmen?

It doesn’t even need to be character specific what it needs is character count and the mainstream characters included not in pay wall.

You never even have a more elaborate problems other than blaming Capcom and Marvel for not being in Evo and that justify the game half assed? What?

Capcom CEO doing games in the past because for ART SAKE? That’s absurd man!! Where were you from?

They aren’t even lying assholes here the problem is your believing fake news.

I happen to agree with the A Look Back at Why MvCI Bombed Video. Honestly wish Marvel or Capcom would give the fans some type of closure if they decided not to continue support. I mean they were able to do it with Puzzle Fighter.

With that said, NYCC is coming up. It’ll be interesting to see what Capcom announces. Don’t get your hopes up, but who knows.

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The thing is the difference with Puzzle Fighters it is a freemium game for mobile(obviously not comparable) that is boost by a lot of microtransactions.

And if a game that is sold have freemium styled microtransaction and mostly locked the standard and essential game features in a paywall that is when you can say the game is greedy. So MVCi didn’t fall into those category. It’s not because there is no Xmen or Evo tournament.

I believe that their is still hope and that depends on the majority reactions and preferences.

Ehhh? Did I miss something? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Boys, boys:

  • It would be odd to label the first and only DLC content as ‘Season 1’, and even consider alt attire sets as ‘Wave 1’ if they had no intention of further support. Even without the leaks you could safely guess that there was another round of content coming, content they likely abandoned due to the controversy.

  • Greed is not the word I’d use to describe the failure to support or communicate. It’s the last word I’d use, actually, since greed would better fit a microtransaction system or simply dropping extra characters of dubious completion (Injustice 2) just to grab money. That doesn’t sound like a greedy project.


Not really I just pointed out the different treatments regarding a freemium game compare to a game with retail price tag and why they have a strong responsibility to notify people if they are cutting and discontinuing support/service besides from it since it won’t be entirely be playable in some sort.

Namco did that also to Tekken Card Tournament and also their other Tekken freemium designed title namely Tekken Revolution which also falls in the same category of Puzzle Fighter Mobile another freemium title in other words a free to play game with micro-transactions that heavily affects the fundamentals of the game and also cannot be played again by any possible means at this moment as soon the support is cut unlike MVCi.



It’s for the competitive community, if so then why wasn’t it in Evo and why are the X-men not in this?
It’s obvious that the whole creative behind it was for the sake of contributing to the MCU and not towards the long time fan base. If they did care about the fan base, especially the long following community, then this whole “Fox ban” wouldn’t have been an issue. But it was, that is why long time favorites such as the X-men and Dr Doom aren’t here. The reason why is because they can’t market anything MCU related off them. That is corporate greed.

we did not have any of this nonsense from XvSF all the way to UMVC3, there were fan favorites to metagame/community pantheons and at the same time metagame support. Here is none of that. Even IJ has metagame support from it’s producers so that it’s community doesn’t fully disappear (regardless of how small it is).

You don’t understand the term “art”. What that means is that devs during that time cared more about producing a good game that their fans will not just be satisfied but grow and follow long term. They did not shove down corporate money laws such as this “Who isn’t in the MCU can be in this game” they took the time to develop to create a good soundtrack, introduce new characters, and whatever elements to make the game good for the genre and their following. Here you don’t get that…

Yes, and this is to show how flawed your argument of “well capcom didn’t say this game wasn’t finished yet so we are just assuming because we believed fake leakers… that’s why everyone is angry… the game is not bad, they did the right job but it’s just us”. The roster count isn’t complete, you have more marvel characters than you do with capcom characters. I predict you are going to bring up Galactus as playable in UMVC3, the secret characters in MVC1, and Norimaru in MSHvsSF as a counter to this, but this not the same here.

There are so many factors that make it obvious that this was all greed and just ditched because of not making enough cash.

And from these two long posts of fanboy defending you just gave, you have clearly ignored answering as to why the X-men are not in this game. Instead your huge walls of text show your struggle in understanding the concept of the term “art” when you don’t even realize that your arguments still lose the fact that Doom and the X-men are not in this game.

If Capcom/Marvel cared about making a product for a long time franchise then they would not just remove characters because of movie rights, have it not in evo, and much more be that silent towards the fanbase. I understand you love capcom, and i do too, but get real already.

It seemed the people working on it from capcom were trying to create something for the community with a small budget, while marvel had a bunch of restrictions and the mcu in mind. Not too complicated


I’m not fully blaming capcom. Marvel is the biggest culprit of all of this. It’s a possibility that the reason why Capcom hasn’t said shit about this game is because they may have signed a contract or something in where they need permission to address whatever if Marvel approves.
At the end, this game has been shitted with this corporate greed that has corrupted nearly every genre of entertainment in this generation. That is why it should not be supported. We are entertaining a bunch of asshats who care only about themselves and how our money can be taken instead of the art of making a video game/product.

So that justify the game is made out of corporate greed? like you keep insisting? because of the lack of Xmen in a game that is all centered for MCU.

So the lack of Xmen now is equivalent to corporate greed that’s dumb logic. What if the Avengers instead was lock into the pay wall while you got Wolverine, Storm and Cyclops in return?

So you mean MVCi is trash than the rest? I said CEOs not devs. CEO that funds devs, You know what CEO does that funds project right? Or you didn’t know they even exist? and your saying Capcom was an ART charitable company? Are you born yesterday?

I have literally stopped paying attention to these ridiculous walls of text aimed at each other.


and your continuously ignoring to ELABORATE and be SPECIFIC on the thing you use to accuse Capcom and Marvel to be called greedy.

You know why because you don’t have any idea what you are even talking about your frustrations from fake leaks lead you to this.

My question:

Your answer

See you just want to accuse them greedy because they the game didn’t have XMEN? and you don’t have an idea or straight up answers on those question that I questioned a lot of times you skip because you don’t even have a idea what are those.

I have answer a lot of times why the lack of Xmen doesn’t make the game a corporate greedy. the thing is you just ignoring it because you can’t accept the facts that the character count was decent.

actually your the one that ignores just simply look in to the past comments you skip and accuse.

because you didn’t even know what should they do or you didn’t have any idea they what they should do with the game. That’s why you even twist the word art for the sake of compromising your tantrums and frustration from fake leaks.

Your the one that tries to used the term art in a inappropriate way, like Capcom Ceo develops games for the sake of art? what? Now the lack of Xmen and Doom is related to Art?

So this statement of yours justify why they shouldn’t listen to the likes of you and it is senseless to talk you. because your a whine unreasonable and no substance rather than whining and blaming because of frustration from fake leaks.

zatalcon1: (wall of text) The game is made up of corporate greed because they are silent
zatalcon1: (wall of text) The game is made up of corporate greed because it’s not on evo
zatalcon1: (wall of text) The game is made up of corporate greed because it lack xmen
zatalcon1: (wall of text) The game is made up of corporate greed because it is halfassed
zatalcon1: (wall of text) The game is made up of corporate greed because it is a huge disappointment

ME: Answered, Elaborate and Explained the technicalities and consequences but ignore then asked what is his preference and idea of his accusation?

ME: What is full assed? (Mine was CVS1 for a vanilla crossover game with team mechanic)

zatalcon1: (wall of text) it lack xmen
zatalcon1: (wall of text) past capcom game were done for the sake of art
zatalcon1: (wall of text) no evo tournament
zatalcon1: (wall of text) the game is full of corporate greed
zatalcon1: (wall of text) flawed in your argument
zatalcon1: (wall of text) your a fanboy

ME: What makes this half assed? (My example was vanilla SFV)

zatalcon1: (wall of text) it lack xmen
zatalcon1: (wall of text) past capcom game were done for the sake of art
zatalcon1: (wall of text) no evo tournament
zatalcon1: (wall of text) the game is full of corporate greed
zatalcon1: (wall of text) flawed in your argument
zatalcon1: (wall of text) your a fanboy

ME: What is the decent character count for a vanilla retail content? (Mine was CVS1 is decent)

zatalcon1: (wall of text) it lack xmen
zatalcon1: (wall of text) past capcom game were done for the sake of art
zatalcon1: (wall of text) no evo tournament
zatalcon1: (wall of text) the game is full of corporate greed
zatalcon1: (wall of text) flawed in your argument
zatalcon1: (wall of text) your a fanboy

ME: What modes should have been? (Standard is Vanilla SF4 that has standard mode present like Arcade, Versus, Online and etc)

zatalcon1: (wall of text) it lack xmen
zatalcon1: (wall of text) past capcom game were done for the sake of art
zatalcon1: (wall of text) no evo tournament
zatalcon1: (wall of text) the game is full of corporate greed
zatalcon1: (wall of text) flawed in your argument
zatalcon1: (wall of text) your a fanboy

Me: Can you give me specific answers and details

zatalcon1: (wall of text) Capcom and Marvel are lying assholes
zatalcon1: (wall of text) see lack of Xmen is corporate greed
zatalcon1: (wall of text) like the good ol days that they do games for the sake of art
zatalcon1: (wall of text) They are silent because the game is corporate greed

Me: the lack of Xmen isn’t the major problem here you got the avengers not lock in the paywall so and you got decent amount of number of characters diverse from mainstream heroes like the avengers(captain america, spiderman & etc) and villains, I would agree if that would be design greedy if the likes of spidey, ironman and cap was lock into pay wall but it’s not (I even got tons of variations of answers for this)

zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) Capcom and Marvel are lying assholes
zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) it lack xmen
zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) past capcom game were done for the sake of art
zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) no evo tournament
zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) the game is full of corporate greed
zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) flawed in your argument
zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) your a fanboy

ME: Previous fighting games isn’t done for the sake of art, that are what artist supposed to do when they are paid by those that funds their project like CEOs and corporate owners. Capcom games wasn’t a passion project or something from kickstarter or indiegogo along with my repeating answers.(I even got tons of variations of answers for this)

zatalcon1: (denies facts and reality then proceed to wall of text) Capcom and Marvel are lying assholes
zatalcon1: (denies facts and reality then proceed to wall of text) it lack xmen
zatalcon1: (denies facts and reality then proceed to wall of text) past capcom game were done for the sake of art
zatalcon1: (denies facts and reality then proceed to wall of text) no evo tournament
zatalcon1: (denies facts and reality then proceed to wall of text) the game is full of corporate greed
zatalcon1: (denies facts and reality then proceed to wall of text) flawed in your argument
zatalcon1: (denies facts and reality then proceed to wall of text) your a fanboy

Me: Talking about greedy game design and companies like EA, Mobile games, Freemium and Microtransaction and etc, then explaining why Capcom isn’t belong to those greedy category because the game didn’t have shady game design that lock gameplay essentials like modes and mechanics to a paywall or a random roulette. (I even got tons of variations of answers for this)

then were back in zatalcon1 loop…

zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) The game is made up of corporate greed because they are silent
zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) The game is made up of corporate greed because it’s not on evo
zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) The game is made up of corporate greed because it lack xmen
zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) The game is made up of corporate greed because it is halfassed
zatalcon1: (ignores and wall of text) The game is made up of corporate greed because it is a huge disappointment

Obviously he didn’t even know what things should have done in a elaborate and detailed manner and he didn’t even have an idea what would satisfy him or what are he see is standard?


WTF corrupted every genre of entertainment in this generation? is this madness?

WAIT are we even including the music and film industry? just to throw senseless disappointments because of the frustration and hate from believing fake leakers along with cannot be satisfied preference?

Yes. The last part of the sentence explains it. It was all centered for the MCU not in line with the MVC fanbase or series. That is why when the game failed on sails they pulled all relations with it which is why the fanbase couldn’t get an evo for it and complete silence. In short they are making sure this game dies out on it’s own.

Because why aren’t they in there? Your second sentence of “what if” is stupid as hell. Who cares about what if’s. The reality is the reality. The lack of X-men is obviously because of the whole MCU which this game was all meant for. You are telling me it’s not greed to shove down another part of their media onto a longer/older series with it’s own following just so you can market more from the movie industry? Are you that blind to not see how that isn’t greed? Man you are the biggest mark i’ve seen in the internet.

PS: this answers all the rest of your 4 long posts that follow after this one so no need for me to make a huge tl;dr to entertain your circle jerking.

CEO’s, Developers… whatever you want to name. Regardless the entire direction and purpose had actual art (philosophically speaking just in case you still don’t get the term). I guess you are going to make this CEO - Devs thing a big argument now because of how silly you’ve been sounding on the defense.

You then add two more following posts of long text of crap. LMAO at your answer about the X-men and also evo and how you can’t see that as greed. You clearly have zero understanding of the term art also and i bet up till now you’ve been thinking about art to reference the visual aesthetic.

I pretty much answered the questions if you could read and comprehend normally, but i guess i should dumb down my posts now and paraphrase it for you here.

character count of the initial roster ? The count doesn’t matter (as long as it’s not too low) but it has to be even much more if this is the final product. Mode? I don’t care about modes; the standard PVP is fine, whatever modes they want to add after is up to them. But hey, we can’t even get the highest level of PVP on the biggest stage for this game for some reason? This game is half assed.

You clearly have won the title as the biggest fan of a company, in the world though. You probably have reached devout status, and this activity is the most frequent activity this board has gotten since the first few months the game came out. Good job trying to fight and defend anything that tries to smear it’s products, regardless of it being true.

No it’s still doesn’t justify corporate greed or them being lying assholes.

because you don’t have definite answer and fix preference or even known standard… all you do skip and accuse.

They are different, see you can’t even do differentiate the two? CEO doesn’t fund games for the sake of art like you keep on saying and devs didn’t work for CEO for the sake of art like you imagined. Capcom isn’t establish for the sake of art alone.

No your the one who doesn’t understand you want company to produce games for you because of just art alone? Artist do stuff for art but it’s about there personal interest and passion not charity if you want artist to serve you, you need to pay them. CEO hired artist to do art for there games that dev does and payed for ther work. MVCI isn’t a passion project to begin with.

You keep misusing the term art in gaming as a form of slavery to serve you?

If this was like those kickstarter and indiegogo projects that you fund while they said and promise something you can hate like that but this isn’t.

See you clearly exposed since have no standard and basis of what should be or should not be. You don’t understand what should have been and should not been and you just end up hating and calling the game greedy?

I bet you didn’t have any idea what game was built in corporate greed in the market? even you would point some but you can’t tell specifically why it is the same with MVCi.

Why? because you have no concrete baseline, standard, understanding and preference other than frustration and hate. All you do is generalizing thing in a wrong way.

Here we go again with ad hominem and false accusation. I’m a fan but fair enough and understand what the technicalities, but I am not absurd seeing a establish game company with a CEO funding game projects for the sake of art alone because I know the difference from passion projects and not.

Just stop being a follower of fake news to save your unnecessary rage against Capcom and Marvel.

In the end you just skip a lot of my question and denied my detailed answers.

That was hard to conclude still yet your jumping into terrible conclusion?

I even believe there was hope in the last month?

So if Capcom says they won’t continue producing stuff for the game anyway. It won’t satisfy you and you would blame them anyway and call the game corporate greed and lying assholes?

What happened was unseen circumstances and beyond control. It wasn’t by design at any means with the game so it does not have any sort of relativity with corporate greed and lying assholes.

Here a friendly advice again please just stop following fake news and blame it to other people.

zatalcon1: silence and didn’t make promises that aren’t possible = corporate greed and lying assholes
zatalcon1: noXmen even with decent character count = corporate greed and lying assholes
zatalcon1: the game isn’t a cash grab = corporate greed and lying assholes because of silence
zatalcon1: the game has standard modes complete= corporate greed and lying assholes because of silence

ccccombo breaker