MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

It’s like your throwing words that are disconnected just because of unreasonable dissatisfaction or does not compromised to your vision, preference or interest.

Are you even familiar with other gaming companies? like EA? or loot boxes? microtransaction?

Capcom doesn’t put shady stuff in game and what they said with the characters and modes in the retail did appear complete here.

Capcom and Marvel isn’t greedy in MVCi.

MVCi having no UMVC3 like CGI trailer doesn’t make Capcom and Marvel greedy

MVCi having no additional DLC doesn’t make Capcom and Marvel greedy

MVCi isn’t in cellshading style like DBFZ doesn’t make Capcom and Marvel greedy

The chosen 3D style in MVCi wasn’t bad and it isn’t mobile like that many accused it, take a look into the details.

MVCI’s game mechanics is also crafted and designed well but it just doesn’t go with the current generation of mainstream because of the competitions, unexpected uncontrollable circumstances.

The game was complete and has decent standard package, or a game that complements its package to what was the mode and character for a decent game in the last decade.

In everything that was lacking there would be a side of interest trying to be loud and wanted to be heard. The thing was it’s them that measure it. Let’s look into Darkstalker, Rivals Schools and Powerstone community…

As for the Rumor, they are so unreliable a lot of them came from fakers that wanted attention to be talked about or 15 minutes of fame in the internet.

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Um why is this so hard to believe? By the Capcom standards that I am used, this game was wildly half-assed. Cmon y’all…they just threw some shit out there to get a few dollars. It’s so obvious, that I’m totally floored that only one guy here sees it.

I mean…it’s not like this would be the first time that a video game company hurriedly slapped some shit together, flipped it for a quick buck, and then swept it all under the rug like it never happened. Right?

Like mvc2?


so are you going to answer the question as to why they have been silent about this game yet? You wrote this whole wall of text showing how much of a big fan you are that you’ll love anything they put out yet you clearly disregard the fact that they have ditched the game.

No I didn’t wrote how much I am just a bigfan. I wrote both of my disagreement and agreement with the game design and why I thought they wouldn’t proceed adding support on DLC.

They probably assumed that their target audience have gone into other games identical to what they are selling by this time. So probably that’s what discouraged them to proceed.

I believe MVCi retail package is decent and complete already it’s not the same case of SFV vanilla that people had the right to hate because of false expectation.

The best thing that MVCi fans would do is do the same as MVC2, UMVC3. SFXT and TVC crowd does to show your interest for support that the game is deserves a sequel, expansion or attention from Capcom and I believe it does.

People keep saying the game was half assed for your money worth? Where is the area of the game that is delivered poorly? Visuals? Cinematic Movies?

What do you expect them to do?

Do a sponsored tournament of MVCI?

Ya, but why are they silent on it? Why is it that there is no word, even during the time the community was slightly hyped because of assholes lying about updates?

I don’t know and it’s not what you just describe of them.

They never advertised or said any future DLC, Unless your believing and taking it serious what those fake leakers are saying and spreading, Which you do from the past post in this thread.

They were silent and the HYPE you said came from the fake leaks, which is definitely not their responsibility and liability.

But here is a thought there might be a chance for a new set of DLC and it depends on the hype and support of the community. That’s it.

It is their responsibility to say something. No Evo, no updates, no anything… with all the negative attention and reaction this game got. You can’t be serious with this post of yours, you are telling me that this is it?

They owe it to the community to say something as to what is going on. You are really defending this and it’s silly.

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No it is clear that you kept believing fake news from Dasvergen in the last post and blamed to them. Which I gave you a friendly advice.

What would they say? Did they did something similar in the past? They didn’t do such thing from TVC or UMVC3?

The point is everything is not what it seems because they are not totally closing doors for MVCi, So the community can show them that they really enjoy and care for the game despite what some of the critics and popular opinion says. Then they probably give a surprise update or expansion like they did with SFV.

What? Although I know everybody, including myself, hoped one of the leaks where real.

Uh the difference was that the community was actually happy enough and very active in comparison to now. MVC3 was given UMVC3 had spots in evo.
The situation is completely different now than it was then. Here, many are not just disappointed with this product but also have been asking to what is going on. There is no response.

Just the sake of being fair not being a fan. It was the fake leakers where you build false hope and assumptions that betrayed you not Capcom or Marvel.

Clearly your disappointments were from the leaks being untrue and fake not their promises and the final products, because your not someone that needs an update but rather someone that request and demands a different game package entirely.

The measurement on happiness is kinda vague, you know when the game is worth it when it had the standard features from both casual or competitive but there would be always a wishlist along with certain rants because no one is really satisfied that is always given, Everyone has their own vision that include fake leakers that you gave your trust into, the thing is if it is plausible and feasible by design.

When did Capcom announced that they will discontinued support from TVC and UMVC3? Like I said it’s up to the fans if Capcom would release something. I did say a earlier that continue with your character wishlist.

I actually think Capcom did say something about discontinued support for UMvC3. I know at one point in time the MvC series was taken off the market (psn/xbl).

That was because of license issues so it was critical and it’s not about closing doors for possible expansions or sequels.

That’s not just UMVC3 but the whole Marvel related stuff that includes even the MVC compilation not just from PSN and Xboxlive but also other stuff like MVC2 taken out from the app store.

Can you post a link?

I have no idea how on earth you have some how gathered that this is all because of fake leakers.
If this is the final product and they are not obliged to respond to the amount of rage the entire community has had then you have to be a complete cocksucker to not see that this was a simple product of corporate greed. TVC and UMVC3 had a healthy metagame. This does not. Look at this board alone and how barely anybody contributes to other threads outside of here. For you to make a comparison with the “discontinued support” with MVCI is stupid.

All of your entire capcom loyal-fan defense is thrown out the window because of the fact that it has also been taken out of Evo. Did this happen to UMVC3? So you can see how absurd your whole comparison of “discontinued support” is. UMVC3 had a supported metagame, this does not. So you have this disappointment of a game and a drop from evo, and yet you think they have no obligation to
respond to the fans on what the hell is going on?

I’d honestly have to dig deep for that and its been years. Did find something about mvc 2 being taken out from the app stores though.

Your rage was from the fake leakers dude. Look into your past post and activity compare it to others that usually contended and just want additional characters or balance changes.

You even want a major game overhaul. So probably your not into MVCi but rather a whole new game.

Yet your keep on accusing Capcom and Marvel corporate greed and assholes? because of what?

  1. not compromising with the hype from the fake leaks?
  2. not compromising to your wishlist?
  3. visuals? UMVC3 trailers?
  4. Not notifying you that their won’t be any additional content (they didn’t promise any and they delivered standard features for both casual and competive fairly and unbiased)
  5. No Evo tournament (that’s base on community interest and Evo not Capcom or Marvel)

Just stop read fake leaks and continue supporting the game or posting your character wishlist.

There have been no such thing shady stuff in the game design for you to call Capcom or Marvel greedy. Thre product was delivered with decent features along with non-standard stuff.

You even said companies should do game for the sake of art in the early post what? this isn’t even a passion project.

Are you even looking to the real situation here are you even aware that DBFZ even exist in the mainstream that is plays alike MVC2 and MVC3? Mahvel isn’t the only game right now on the mainstream you should think about that.

Shakunetsu, it’s useless to talk to you with any form of reasoning because you are clearly an idiot fanboy who isn’t going to wake up and just stick nut sucking his favorite company regardless of what is obvious. Count the roster in this game, tell me if it is even or not? Look at the amount of people who got disappointed just after this game was released.

What the hell are you talking about in that #5 of yours? It wasn’t in evo because the community didn’t want it to be?

If this was not corporate greed then why aren’t there any X-men in this game, why does the Marvel characters out number the capcom, why was it not part of evo’s line up, and why have they been silent on all of that? Damn, you’ll continue to defend capcom no matter… they could make a game called “fuck the_shakunetsu” and make a parody of you doing stupid stuff, and may go interviews and tell that they made this game because of how much of an idiot you are… and you’d probably still defend them.

What disappointment? graphics? no xmen?


take a look of your thoughts? Like…

they need to continue to do expansion because for the sake of ART?

they are greedy because they didn’t notify you that there aren’t any DLC?

they are greedy because of no xmen characters?

they are greedy because there are more marvel characters than capcom?

they are greedy because of they don’t have a tournament at EVO?

they are greedy because they didn’t compromise with the leakers fake news?

Thats ABSURB man.

You need to look closely into the content then compare it with standard content and how the microtransaction and dlc is obtained and required within the game. Capcom and Marvel did fair.

If the mainstream characters that was lock into paywall was the majority of fan favorites that would be an intentionally and greedy like mobile games but it does not.

Are you even aware of EA and shady practices in gaming industry?

I believe an Xmen representative should have be there like Storm, Wolverine and Magneto, but still the character count for a crossover series is decent and standard so it’s fair, plus you still get by default the other more current mainstream characters lronman, Captain America and Megaman not lock into a paywall right?

I defend them for not what they shouldn’t be accused with.

Because I am unbiased and not absurb, I’m also one of the fair critique from both art and mechanics, my past activity would be the evidence with that.

I do even believe that even Capcom or Marvel would announce to everyone that there is no hope an expansion for MVCi. You would even hate them and demand to continue wish list for the sake of ART? WTF?

It’s like your doing unreasonable tantrums throwing words of accusations without substance.

I believe Capcom is giving us a chance to show that the community like the game via feedbacks and plausible wishlist.

What community are you saying that MVCi needs more evo tournament? are you even aware of the attendees and registration? What should Capcom do promote tournaments with huge pot money?

If you were Capcom or marvel what would do for MVCi?

Create new stuff for the sake of ART? Give a huge pot money for Evo tournament for the sake of ART?

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Yes. You are arguing that there is no corporate greed with in this game, that capcom and marvel is just doing the same thing, as passionate as they did with the previous games. So i am giving you every single factor in this game that shows how invalid your defense is.

If this game wasn’t about greed, and they did this for the sake of making art (just like with the past games). Then why are there no X-men? You try to make ridiculous excuses for other factors like Evo, the imbalanced roster count, etc… so now let me see what excuse you can make for them with this X-men question. We all know why in the end, it’s all because of the MCU issue and that is what this game was made for, which is the reason why so many fans are highly disappointed (i would like to see your excuses on this part nevertheless).

This game not only lacks the proper content but it also doesn’t have much of it’s traditional connection to the long time meta.

This accusation of greed isn’t about just the lack of DLC’s or because we believed fake leakers, the fact is this game is half-assed in quality and it has been shaded out from events and even in any form of mentioning. In short, it’s been ditched and regardless of all the fans - the long time community- trying to get some form of answers, there is nothing but silence.

You are the only one who is being absurd. Learn to look at things objectively not like some fanboy who is going to be loyal to even the biggest pile of shit given to him on a plate.

Like I said in the previous post this isn’t a passion project, this for the competitive community and casual followers along with MCU fanbase. And this people are not just making stuff because they are fan of it because this isn’t a passion project funded from kickstarter or indiegogo

What the? They did the past game for the sake of art? Where are you getting those ideas? Capcom programmers and game designers did XVS, MVS, MVC1, MVC2 and TVC for the sake of ART?

Art isn’t charity man. there is art in design and employed artist do thing for art the one(CEOs) that funds and gave them montly salary doesn’t do things for ART but rather for investment.

Your denying rational and practical stuff that motivate a company to invest just to cover your unreasonable tantrums and demands.

I have said it already what I think why there is no Xmen. It doesn’t matter already because we got the mainstream Marvel heroes along with decent character count. The lack of the Xmen is only minor stuff because you got the main Marvel here not lock in paywall. I repeat it again.

What is proper content? What are your basis? CVS1 is standard and fair proper content for a vanilla crossover game with team mechanics and MVCi did exceed those expectation unlike CFJ.

Your the one that said Evo and imbalanced roster between marvel and capcom side.

So any idea what should be the character count of initial roster?

And what mode should be available the initial content?

Can you be more specific what is the half assed?

and No you didn’t because your not disappointed with Capcom or Marvel your disappointed because the fake leaks didn’t happen.