MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

I never said companies create games for art sake back then. Video Games wasn’t even considered an art during the atari era. It was either for personal entertainment and profit not art. What I said clearly is for companies that is in for passion projects to be specific and Capcom isn’t one of them back then even in the era of SF2. I’m not including the guys in the creative dept (sound, art and mechanics) because they work for the art itself and they are hired to do such greatness.

What I mean is the decision of big bosses to motivate to bring game project into development. They don’t order and hire people to create games because of the passion and art, They do it for investment and profit. It’s not corporate greed it’s just how thing work out for those people that build companies not as fans of the genre.

SF4 wasn’t done because of artistic passion of CEOS, it was the hype and desire of several people that put the pitch into green light.


That is the definition of art. You see, video games back then showed a level of passion and imagination that the creator(s) wanted to share and immerse others into. There was a desire to produce something that sets the bar, that can be something in where they can look back with pride… now it’s the other way around. It’s “what can create the best initial sales and draw in more dlc’s… and since this is more than 10 years why do anything so awesome?”…

Come on man, you are making all these excuses for them as if you don’t want to accept that everything about this game was a “reap what you sow”. Have you heard anything from Capcom or Marvel on this? If not, why are they silent? The silence alone shows that there isn’t any more passion in creating something.

I think you should first understand what made popular ideas to be bring into fruition that became popular and successful to be known today and also what drives an idea to pitch. There were artist involve but it doesn’t mean the companies are doing it and hiring them for the sake of art. You should know what passion projects and isn’t.

I still enjoy this game, I made my mind up a while ago that we won’t get anything else from the devs, it’s abandoned, I still feel the gameplay is amazing. Also what’s this talk about players going back to playing umvc3? Trying to revive it??

I think there is some form of cognitive dissonance if someone chooses to believe that things were different back then than they are now. If anything, video games are more about art now than ever before and I’m sure there is an argument to even suggest that Capcom takes artistic risks in their final products.

It seems that these “rose tinted glasses” that the community seems to be wearing are what caused the decline of mvci as a community outlet. What exactly were you expecting? It is supposed to be about art yet the superficial things like graphics, UI and character roster somehow contribute to you deciding not to play the game?

We know that the game is fun. It has a decent fanbase behind it in comparison to other fighting game franchises. I know it sucks that we won’t be getting anything new from the devs, but why is that the basis for determining whether or not to play a game? Just play the damn game if you like it.

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I agree, I’m a UI and UX Designer. The problem here is some people doesn’t understand were Capcom and Marvel higher ups is and expectations were kinda fancy.

I understand the issues with the UI being dull and meh in some areas I believe it was rush in the issues.

I was never against the chosen style of art direction, but I prefer it to be more cell shaded(2D like) with stylize huds and fonts like SF4.

What I was more concern earlier were some areas in the mechanics and the modes available in the retail product.

I think the fancy expectation of style of graphics is when DBFZ did raise the standard, the thing is Capcom wasn’t into that style and wasn’t investing in that kind of style. GGXrd was doing that for a long time, Yet the overall package of MVCi from initial selectable characters and game modes, it’s worth the value.

The problem here that I was trying to clarify was the misconception of believing that Capcom is greedy and obliged to release DLC updates because it was an ART and they should do it for the sake of art because old games that capcom was doing stuff for the sake of art… I believe it was wrong, the comparison was wrong… even looking into standard games by comparing it other CVS, MVC3 and TVC games Capcom did a good package with MVCi compare to the vanilla SFV.

When i’m referring to art, i’m not talking about graphics, UI, and all of that. That is all design. I’m talking about actual passion in producing something people will enjoy more than people will buy.

Look at the older games from other genres, take a look at how much imagination they put in their stories, characters, music, themes, etc etc. Here, with MVCI, it isn’t like that.
The fact that not even a word has been issued is proof of how we have fell victim to the corporate greed that rules this generation.

I agree with you in the specific case of MvCI, since Capcom royally screwed the pooch on this game in basically every way except the core gameplay.
But if you’re talking about modern games in general, I think that’s a pretty narrow and inaccurate view.

Consider all the indie games that are produced these days that are literally products of the designers’ passions.
Consider Smash Bros Ultimate, which is essentially a love letter to old school gamers in general, and Nintendo fans in particular.
Consider every pet project Hideo Kojima has ever worked on. That guy doesn’t work on anything unless his heart is in it.

I agree with the lack of passion part. Looking back to the insane amount of passion that was put in this intro makes MvCI looks like a complete joke

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That intro is gdlk. Deadpool riding Wright’s objection cracks me up

The uniqueness in the characters is what makes that game so good. Was unfortunate that the TODs basically took over the game

@zatal So your requesting for MVCI to have a major overhaul/complete change of ART Direction revision update as the support you keep on mentioning in the earlier comments rather than a update not additional season DLC and expansion?

I could agree with the art but what kind do you expect?

UMVC3 and TVC was better made and compiled than MVCI no contest.

But comparing it to MVC2 and MVC1 it’s not. Trying to be realistic here, I know those were classic but MVCi was more designed with attentions from many aspect than those two games.

Your using the graphics and UI as an overall judgement in the to say MVCi is made out of greed is very wrong. The mechanics wasn’t bad at all but it indeed try to experiment.

This is what I wish more people would see in this game. I honestly think that from a gameplay perspective that this is probably the best marvel vs capcom game released ever. But unfortunately the bad press and the way the game has been perceived as a result of this has robbed the community of years of a great game to play in major tournaments.

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People might confused me loving the entirely MVCi overall. I dislike some of the mechanics but it doesn’t mean it’s greedy and poorly made. I prefer the assist mechanic to return while ditching infinity surge that I felt was changing the core idea of building a team from consequences and liimitations, this is a personal analogy. Again regardless of my preference it doesn’t mean that the mechanics in the game was poorly planned and designed. The thing was they have different priorities, expectations and vision of how it was supposed to be played and how their target audience would react and accept it cause of the brand… it’s mahvel baby.

Bandai with Namco has their own company that create numerous DB games and fighters throughout the years that is also accepted by their core fans whether cell shaded yet they decide to go a different route and collaborate with Arcsys because of their custom craft modified engine. DBFZ was an unexpected surprise competition entry to the FGC community which change the whole perspective on how a DB fighter is invision.

GGXrd has been doing what graphic like innovation that was done with DBFZ, The visual issues were minor, it was the game experience that took off the attention to DBFZ. It got almost all MVC establish and traditional mechanics and impression all over it. Yet casuals most look into visuals and aesthetics… I’m a casual too but I understand were this went wrong in a different perspective and I’m also a keen follower the updates of this game from it’s development stage.

DBFZ was just in the right time and moment to take over the mainstream while MVCi was playfully creative, experimentive and have different priorities also vision that went overboard. Even if Capcom would change the whole game into cell shaded graphics, add new characters, add new trailers and redo the UI while the mechanics stay still, people would still go with DBFZ because it feels more Mahvel in Basic Mechanics than MVCi.

Both UMVC3 and TVC has more Marvel vibe than MVCI comparing it with.

There was definitely a lot of passion put into MvC2’s story.



One of the worst trends ever to infect the FGC was this sudden priority for ‘story’. It is now spoken in the same breath as netcode and that for me is a sign of the coming rift.

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I prefer more a Randomizing Arcade Mode with Cinemagraph and Motion graphic/comic(animated comics) like as an endings than a general cinematic stuff… Yet I like SF fan fiction.

no, i’m not saying that. I’m saying there should be some respect. Come on man, don’t you realize how wrong it is from Capcom to not even say a word as to what is going on but instead just left the community in the dark? All because of what, poor sales?

What is the actual reason why this game is dead and just left in the dark? Answer that and whatever reason, is it justified?

The fact of the matter is, you can pull out whatever pros you see in this game but even a blind man can see this was more for marketing advertising (the mcu) than actually making a game.

Capcom wanted to make a game. Marvel allowed Capcom to use its properties only because it would help advertise the MCU.

Capcom cut a lot of corners on this game and definitely deserve some of the flak coming their way, but I think we should be clear on what Capcom did wrong and what it didn’t.

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That’s what other FG games also do like UMVC3 and TVC… it’s up to the community to up it’s legacy even if it’s not on evo. It’s not just bad sales, but the interest of the people to continue it.

I don’t really believe the crap of blaming disney and marvel, of why the Xmen wasn’t in the game or the other crap why they choose that that style of 3D instead of cellshaded, because I believe that Capcom knew even with the Xmen and cellshaded style they wouldn’t stand a chance against DBFZ reign. I don’t even believe it sold so so badly… but the thing is it didn’t went mainstream that’s the case not sales, so no point selling out additional characters.

The game as a package wasn’t half finish and the package was standard. it wasn’t build into false promises of expansion compare to vanilla SFV retail which has very few characters that many thought would have additional characters as DLC to compensate but instead were paid DLC. The thing is your expecting something more and big to continue.

MVCi wasn’t also false advertise, Capcom didn’t false market the game by using expectation that weren’t in the game retail package. The dev team sometimes is silent in the dev stages but wasn’t enigmatic and misleading with it’s retail package content from initial roster characters and modes, they didn’t made people expect something would be free and additional free. Capcom and Marvel wasn’t greedy in MVCi case.

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Sir, how many times should it be reminded that there isn’t even any word as to what or why?
So it’s not just lack on interest, up to the community, etc etc as to how you put it. It’s been obvious that the community has been wanting some form of info coming in; in fact, look at how many “rumors” came in over the last 3 months?

The amount of corporate greed around this game is so obvious.