MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

The only thing that can ruin Infinity Storm is making it activate simultaneously while the other Storm is activated, I’m glad they didn’t went that route, that’s terrible making other Infinity Storm usability poorly because it would end up into counter picking decision rather than a more healthy decision of choices for creativity by exploiting the team assets and advantage.

I hope they could also bring Dio’s Za Warudo as an infinity storm someday.

any opinions on black widow now that the character has been out for more than 6 months? Was under the impression that she was a secret top tier due to her reset potential and easy full screen carry that ended in untechable resets.

doesn’t really matter these days… very few play and many are dropping this game.

Yeah after a whole Summer con season getting snubbed, not so much as “sorry guys but we’re listening”, it’s almost self respect to move on. There’s plently games not actively insulting my devotion.

I’ll still play offline sessions and if I catch anyone on ranked (search times are getting longer and longer), but the whole commitment thing outside of that? Nah, I’m good. They don’t deserve that. Probably done with this thread, tbh.

Been good times, boys.

“I want Megaman X in a Marvel vs Capcom game!”


Well, I really enjoyed this game. It seems that lots of offline locals are still around for this game with decent turnouts (for a “dead game” anyways.)

Online shouldn’t be the be all and end all for a games lifespan. Neither should esports or money. Just play what you like and you will have a scene.

Case in point, look at the Sailor Moon S scene in Toronto. For explanations purposes, the game is terribly broken, dated and unbalanced. Yet, it is now going to be a main event with travellers coming from around the world at Canada Cup this year because of the dedication of the players.

Just wish we could see that with mvci (among other games)

Black widow doesn’t have the buttons or mobility to be top tier imo. Unless she has some sort of ToD or something then I don’t ever see her being top tier

She reminds me of Viper without the movement and fireball. You can let her startup or steamrool her as I don’t believe she has anything invincible. Plus, when gets zoned hard. I remember playing this BW against my Jedah Doctor Strange team and dude ragequit because he just couldn’t approach them. Characters who can fly and fill up the screen are a problem for her. And she bleeds too. Granted, if she lands a hit she’s good, but that goes for the vast majority of the cast.

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I mostly agree with the analogy of “Viper but worse”.
She does have multiple projectiles which all have great utility (especially Widow Mine), but none of them are as good as Seismic Hammer was.
Also, her grab super has a lot of invincibility to it, but the recovery is so bad that if you miss the grab you’re probably dead anyway.

Forgive my ignorance, but is she viable in a projectile war? As Doctor Strange EOD in neutral seemed to nullify her. And she bad no answer to Jedah’s pinwheels.

Not really. At best she might be able to defend herself with a mix of Widow Bite (spark) and Widow Kiss (smoke). But also like you said she has very bad approach options, so even in her best case scenario she has no way to regain momentum. Most likely she loses to anyone with a strong zoning game.

To me, it doesn’t matter anymore if there are still people online.
Back then (15+ years ago), It was "lets make art that others will enjoy and what we can be proud of, with money as the bonus. Now it is, lets make money, and the enjoyment/satisfaction of the consumers is a bonus.

No matter what form of business it is, Movies, Music, Literature, Video games, fuck even religion and philosophy… nearly every company produces shit that is out of the ass of corporate greed. It’s not about passion; it’s not about making art; It’s “what/how we can make a decent amount of money with a few little things, and if things go wrong, lets drop it instead of finishing the piece because we want money”.

This game and what we have is a product of this corporate greed in our generation that i refuse to support. Why play/acknowledge this product of theirs when they can’t do it themselves past 50%? They don’t even acknowledge their long time consumers, yet i’m still going to? Oh right, it’s because the partnership is in a situation on what can benefit other forms of media cash cows?

Fuck that.

This is where I believe we don’t agree. It seems that there needs to be some sort of “allegiance” to a corporation or company in the name of either money or art.

If I understand correctly, you don’t want to play mvci not because of the game itself (and it’s current state) but because of the company involved with pushing the product out.

Rather than playing the game for what it is, it seems that we have a weird focus on partisanship in video games and adding an unnecessary component to a hobby.

While I understand your frustration, I don’t understand why constructed differences in opinions have a toll on scene building and keeping people from playing an otherwise pretty great game.

Sort of yes. I don’t want to support this game because imo, making video games is not just a business but it is a passion of art and science.

This game had 80% greed put into it. I see the positives in this game but i don’t understand why they can’t finish/improve it. I support what was given a passionate effort and art, with this I can’t. To me it is all “well we can’t put this character because we want to advertise this upcoming game and/or movie” that eventually became “well, this game sold badly so i guess will just ditch this and just ignore the fans who followed/supported us for more than 10+ years. Let them be, we don’t need to respect them so silence is fine”.

Hey man, Don’t hate, but back then it was always the same even more than 30 yrs ago unless we’re talking about passion projects like Arika did lately for Fighting EX Layer or companies/indies that is starting and did gaming as a hobby not a something they did traditionally like Super Fighters, Cuphead and etc or something like a collaborative project that you see in kickstarter and indiegogo or even the likes of mugen forums.

Investment are a priority for a long standing company than winning fans support not being BS here. Capcom and Marvel aren’t in those areas that need FGs to sustain the market, I’m just being realistic and frank here don’t confused me to be someone that is trying to discourage you. I like Marvel vs Capcom games especially Street Fighter from the bottom of my heart. I collect SF toys and do fanfiction compare to my other interest franchise like final fantasy. I am one of the happiest if there was a Capcom FG of whatsoever sort is going to be release.

MVCi package was done right and enough it’s not lacking compare to vanilla SFV, the problem here is the lacking of support due to the current FGC interest and priority. We can’t blame Capcom and Marvel here or even the community, the circumstances in the mainstream games is different. I’m not into the game fully I have my own disagreement with it’s mechanics personally which I have discussed in earlier post months ago, but the whole package as a retail isn’t greedy to be fair with the team in charge of this. I’m not a blind BS Capcom Fanboy either.

The only thing you could wish for is a Marvel desires to collaborate with Capcom again so that there would be hype as a measurement to raise a new pitch title. Many events have pass and we don’t heard any news yet.


I highly disagree. Back then, people cared about making something their consumers would enjoy. These days it’s all just how much and how many would buy over the whole contentment.

I don’t care if MVCi was done better than xyz game; you have stated what the problem is: lack of support. Why is there a lack of support? You have a long following who has been trying to get to you to understand what is going on and look at the response. Silence.

We all know the whole “sales” thing is the reason why they ended up ditching this game, to the point that it couldn’t even be in Evo. I do think this is more of Marvel’s fault however, but everything about this game has just so much wrong and stench of corporate corruption that i strongly think it shouldn’t be supported until we are shown the respect we deserve.

Like I said it depends on the company not the time/era. Capcom isn’t a small player, they have been existing before FGC and they survived the dark era of FGS without any FG releases. That’s why people should be concerned with the initial content not the expectations of expansions and dlcs. Back then DLC and expansions isn’t known yet.

I’m glad that the realization is sinking in with this game. Last thing we need is for players to hold onto false hope.

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i was wrong :confused:

Exactly. As i said, in this generation it is less about making art but what milks cash. Back in the time you mentioned, companies created art with passion while money was the huge bonus, it’s the other way around now. I don’t mind DLC’s, i understand that is today’s world but why just make a half rate production and then ditch it when the “desired” sales haven’t been met? This is a long time series with a long time following, not even one word has been stated as to what is going on.

You can claim how fun this game is but no one can deny that nearly everything about it smells corporate greed over producing actual art.