MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

You are a real dumb mark who isn’t going to care to be intelligent. This right here shows you are really that below average in IQ.

Yes, they are not made out of corporate greed because they did not just shove down the MCU. Now, since your are stupid and can’t comprehend worth 3rd grade level, you would’ve noticed the words and phrase “legacy”, “following”, “culture”, “long time” in my posts. Contest of Champions doesn’t have that, it’s not a long time living game that has a community that is as old as MVC’s. What you are doing is trying to shift your stupid views onto mine by making it look as if it is just measly characters and graphics.

You really are a fucking capcom mark and are not someone who looks at these things objectively or intelligently. Just look at how out of context you are in your reply and go tell everyone to take a recap at that “be specific” post of yours just to see how stupid you are.

Ya, but until then there is nothing left to assume other than this game was all greed over professionalism (changing the word art because Shakunetsu kept on interpreting that to be the same term as painting and drawing… what an idiot). The argument wasn’t about this game being dead or not, because with out any support then it’s not likelygoing to last long at all.

As much as Shakunetsu can’t understand, the whole X-men ban being forced on this game because of the whole MCU situation is greed. If the main intention of making this game and taking full regards to the MCU over the long time fan base, then that is greed. Everyone here who i assume has a normally functioning mind can’t deny the corporate greed that was painted all over this game during it’s junior, and only complete fanboy devotes can’t tell or won’t admit it.

Shakunetsu has not yet given any intelligent reasoning (or an answer) as to why there is an X-men/Doom ban, why this got cut of from evo, and why they are being complete assholes about this by leaving everyone in silence.

WTF. Your so dumb to think Contest of the Champion or whatever F2P Marvel Game is better than MVCi.

Calling MVCi the worst in game history and culture proves your dumb compare to other Marvel games.

Go head cry following fake leaks then call them lying assholes when they are silent.

You can answer question straight you want thing blurry because you don’t have any idea other tha wanting fake leaks to be true. YOUR GULLIBLE man and redirecting your hate falsely.

Yeah you said gaming companies do games for the sake of art right? From where have you been?

You said ceo and dev are the same?

You said capcom do games before for the sake of art unlike now? Proves your living under the rock.

MVCi is well designed in mechanics its not a compilation game.

Never said those two sentences. Have you been interpreting that or are you being an asshole intentionally?
I said, Contest was not made out of corporate greed, and I never said MVCI is the worst game in history. I have no idea how you got that from my posts, but hey… you are stupid so I am not surprised how far off your understanding skills are.

…lol… you then move on about fake leaks (wtf) and then have the audacity to start pointing fingers on who can’t answer straight? LMAO you are fucking stupid.

How can I explain why Xmen wasn’t there or Doom. Im no Capcom or Marvel rep in the first place.

How can I explain reasons that being not in EVO? Since Im no Capcom or Marvel rep again? Are you nuts?

If I said something about that would you take it as credible like you believe fake leakers? Are you that gullible enough.

All I can say is why being not in EVO and without XMen doesn’t mean corporate greed or cash grab.

I explained it by design which you ignore because you want to throw your frustration to Capcom or Marvel from believing fake leaks.

You call them lying assholes right? When they are silent while your believing fake leaks?

You even said they used to create games for the sake of art?

You even said that MVCi is the worst in such gaming generation?


Yes, back then…

Never said this.

I never said that.

Yes, the past MVC’s where artworks. Companies cared more about fans being happy and making a really good product - to feel proud of what they created instead of making an ad for their movies. (I can;t wait to see what out of context interpretation you will show on your reply to this).

Compilation game? fuck, some kids here…

Can anyone here try to read this guy’s post?

LOL Anyone with a brain knows why. The whole X-men ban being due to the FOX/MCU issue is common knowledge. You can ask someone else here as to what they think as the reason for no X-men/Doom and they will tell you the same.

And this is where you fail, because those two factors show it is. Just pick one random dude here or with in the MCU/Netflix threads here, and ask them what they believe the reason. Do it.

This is not because of people believing fake leakers (just stop with that stupid reasoning of yours) this is because this game was a MCU ad than a new installment or successor to the predecessors.

What kind of dimension are you from you mean Atari did tons of games for Art?

Are you even aware of the crash in the 80s?

Are you living in the same history were we are?

You did say ceo and dev are the same and they do games for the sake of art.

So what is MVCi to you? In this gaming generation.

Do you even know why we got omega red instead of Doom in MVSF? Because you have no idea. All you see is in rose tinted glasses.

So you mean MVCi is a compilation game? And you believe the gameplay mechanics isn’t design well?

Are you in the same universe and parallel?

This is not a kickstarter project dude or a passion project.

WTF are you talking about? also… can you explain to me what this “compilation game” you are saying i’ve been wanting?

People maybe even laughing how your fantasy is.

I don’t want to be rude but wtf man your just someone hating capcom or marvel.

You demand closure to find excuses for your frustration.

How come people be lying assholes when they never make you believe in stuff. They never even trick you. Your the one that is tricke by somebody else

Go dasvergen or whoever imposter he have then call him lying asshole rather than capcom and marvel.

Your only riduliculing yourself

As i told you. Go ask someone as to why the X-men/Doom are not in this game, if you get the whole MCU thing, just like i’ve been telling you, then it’s corporate greed because they cared more about selling the MCU.

I’m not going to continue much of this circle jerking with you and how stupid you are. You’ve been going far off into your own world because nothing in your replies is even remotely in context to to anything. You also made a lot of lies about the stuff i said “CEO’s devs are the same”, “contest is better than mvci”, “mvci is the worst game in history”, “i wanted a compilation game”, “fake leakers”… i never said any of these, yet you put this in your post because A. You are a jack ass or B you are so stupid that you just interpret these things from my post because of how unintelligent you are.

I will pause here, and just wait for someone who had the time to read this segment and just see how beyond strange Shakunetsu’s line of thinking and comprehension is.

This is shit dude

Your mouth was shut in launch now all of a sudden after fake leaks last month you rage.

Stop pretending your expose.

From yesterday you suddenly cared to include doom? Amazing! I thought it was just the Xmen

The xmen and doom wasn’t in launch and your mouth was shut,.

So your dumb enough? to justify to lack of Xmen and not in evo is means corporate greed and cash grab then lying assholes? Is that even how low your logic?

Why would I ask if i am even aware that you using everything just to throw hate because frustration from fake leaks since your concerns wasn’t your concerns in launch and dev stage.

You editted your comment because it show you how dumb you are to fall and how your logic fail

because you cannot give clear answers

I edited my comment because I don’t want to overdo the flames. Basing on how you post, I assumed you were a kid, who may hurt himself.

All the rest that i’m leaving out of the quote is another stupid response. As i said, go ask someone else, you can even try the GD or other forums, and come back and lets see what their answer is on what they think is the reason about MVCI’s lack of X-men and evo removal.

If you can’t handle the silent just please do not demand closure either your not helping, your starting deny reality just to get that closure and justify the rage from misconception, while your make yourself looking dumb, since you don’t even have concrete and clear answers what Capcom or Marvel should do.

Here is a friendly advice from last month.

Are you going to go and ask others about why the X-men/Doom, etc are not in this game?

You also quoted someone who is telling me to accept that Infinite is dead and to let go of any hope. He just enforced my case in this argument with you. LOL

This has nothing to do with fake leakers.

You skip my question it shows your dumb while I predict your answers haha

Why would I ask others? If I know the answer and say it a dozen of time and you ignore it because your frustrated gullible and dumb.

I’ll ask you instead…

Guest what? say what you us

a.) You say corporate greed because you have no fucking idea what are those
b.) You say cash grab because you have no fucking idea what are those

Nah your past comments and activity see your the lying asshole hear not Capcom or Marvel

YOUR MOUTH WAS SHUT IN LAUNCH don’t act your suddenly concern with xmen and now doom.

How come Capcom or Marvel become lying assholes like you said? when they were even silent? (He’s gonna ignore this haha because he is dumb and gullible)