MVCI Bar and Lounge: Maximum Carnage Xmas Special

I actually see something fighting game related being announced, thats not dealing with SFV. Darkstalkers maybe? But you’re right my expectations are pretty low atm.

Nothing is being skipped. The x-men and doom blocking is a counter to every silly/insane reply you give. As i said, try asking about why there are no X-men, unless you know deep down they are going to tell you. Nothing you gave is anything intelligent and there is no need to respond to every block when they are refuted the same way.

Even your reply doesn’t have anything to do with fake leakers as you accuse. My mouth was shut because i had hopes that they would get their shit together. I have been here in these boards talking about MVC for more than 10 years so I am that much of a fan/follower of the series, but i’m not stupid (unlike you). I’m tired of the hoping and pretending that nothing is wrong, when there is. I’m not going to fanboy them anymore because this was all greed. Go and ask what I told you to ask, and stop making wild ass dumb conclusions/interpretations and out of context like reasoning. You really need to seek some mental help if you are not above the age 15 yet.

No I have expose you and the others also do, You are continuously ignoring everyone in the thread to accuse Capcom or Marvel as lying assholes when you believe your fake leakers.

Your a coward and gullible man pointing your hatred to those that isn’t liable and responsible for your false hope.

how can you accuse someone lying without even saying a thing?

Corporate greed and Cash grab isn’t part of this because of microtransaction here isn’t shady.

Everyone had given you clarified answers but you just are just frustrated for believing fake leaks your gullible man. Everyone obviously know here that your rant isn’t the xmen or evo your just using those to find a way to hate capcom because of you believing fake leaks.

You ahve ignore so many people in the thread because of your tantrums and being irrational.

everyone gives already there thoughts regarding Xmen and Evo yet you denied the reality. Your the one that is mental man…

your accusation from the past days were lack of substance and clarity other than obvious tantrums compare to mine that is trivial and historical.

Your mental because you try to twist and fixate everything of your hate and accusation to no xmen and no evo when you never bother about them and you denied most of the people here.

My comments in the past days was even informative, same do others but your frustration made you delusional of what was 15 years ago and your expectation why games were made.

Your talking such thing as 15 years ago which was never happened. those imaginative and fancy thoughts.

I can prove this even not just by comments but also historically.

See you skip the answering those questions because you don’t have decent answers other than no xmen, no evo and silence.

You just skip them and delete your answer because it expose how dumb your answer are.

You don’t answered it your the lying asshole.

Your previous comments prove you and the answers of people.

Yet you ignore people in the board

There’s more going on in this thread than MvCi lobby search.


First I :laughing:

Then I :sob:


Edit: You know the_shakunetsu. You can read this edit to see my answers, and see the troll bait i got for your new stupid post, it’s a huge length. Looking back though, why am i entertaining someone like you who is either than mentally challenge or is just a straight up troll? I’ve already explained why i edited out my previous post 3x, yet you still open your mouth about it being skipped regardless. So right now you are just being an ass.

I have given you a challenge already, go and ask someone about what they think is the reason why the X-men & Doom are in the game, then quote it here. you will see it’s because of the Fox/MCU issue… If you are not going to do that then no matter what walls of stupid posting you make, I have won and have no need to waste my time on someone who is either that stupid or just mentally ill. Seriously, the way you interpret things from what you read and how you just insert far off comments on what you claim are my points shows that there is something mentally wrong with you.

Everyone has already told you here, but you ignored them.

Hey man we understand you.

Is this another of your rephase of hating logical explaination?

  1. Shakunetsu fanboy/adhominem attacks to shakunetsu?

  2. No xmen and No Evo therefore corporate greed and cash grab?

  3. Capcom and Marvel being silent therefore Lying Asshole?

Is this you want to say?

What are the games you say that Capcom did for the sake of art and has wonderful stories back 15 years ago which is better than MVCi?

Why is MVCi for you the most corrupt game of this generation that you said? WTF. Your absurb man.

Your ashamed of yourself deleting post and people already tell and explained it to you in the most decent way. You attack me with ad hominems but everyone explained it to you yet your ignoring them, while believing to fake leaks and being frustrated and blaming it to Capcom and Marvel?

Why would I ask someone when everybody here explained it to you and I myself did also that there were no shady microtransaction and you are falsely accusing.

Activity and previous comment said everyone gave you decent explaination even i.

Here again a logical explaination

The game is rushed and has limited resources plus i got though competition but it didn’t have any force shady microtransaction that lock essential gameplay features and restric you to play it in a standard standalone form and it has everything better than what you describe 15 years ago mvc games like you said stories right? One of your example. It also got a decent standard mode like arcade, versus and the rest same as games from 15 years ago. Right?

No one has told me how this game isn’t a product of greed. You are just seeing things just like you some how saw stuff about fake leakers and all the “wtf are you talking about” responses you gave.

[quote=“The_Shakunetsu, post:2292, topic:184090”]
How can I explain reasons that being not in EVO? Since Im no Capcom or Marvel rep again? Are you nuts?[/quote]

You don’t need to, i told you to ask someone here. Doesn’t even need to be in this thread or the board, you can go to gamefaqs, reedit or where you want . Also, the Fox ban is corporate greed whether you can conceive it or not.

No you didn’t. You just put false “points” in my mouth that I couldn’t even understand what the hell you are talking about.Seek mental help or just go back to school.

If they included X-Men wouldn’t Fox be greedy?

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See your selective man? You skip my previous question and focus on adhominem attack.

Everyone clearly said to you. You ignored them are you before they don’t bother a swering you.

Its you frustration from fakr leak believing them then calling marvel and capcom lying asshole while you said they were silent because your frustrated and desperate that cause your tantrums overboard.

Stop believing fake leakers it make you rage and have issues from things that you didn’t have issues. It’s not healthy for you man.

Looks how many ignored question you have and how many igonored people you have, then how many erase comments you did, plus you can’t even give definite and concrete answers other than no xmen, no evo and silent therefore lying assholes, corporate greed and cash grab. Then bunch of adhominem attacks! Along with fancied perception why MVC games were made 15 years ago! See!

I myself like the xmen and also doom clearly seen in months and a year wishlist but I don’t blame Capcom or Marvel for fake leaks and I don’t accuse them unreasonable because of them not include.

You really are stupid and a lunatic. You think just because not every sentence has their own quote box that means it’s skipped? Nothing is being ignored, your entire wall of text is refuted by just 1 sentence and on top of that the rest of your posts contain false accusations of stuff “i said”: “lying assholes”, “fake leakers”… I never said anything remotely close to that.

I’m done entertaining your dumb ass, you lost the argument and all you are doing is showing that you are likely either mentally handicapped or mentally unstable.

At the end, it is corporate greed and everyone here will tell you why the X-men were banned, if you ask. But you won’t because it is you who skips. Every reply you make, I will just repeat this same line.

What was that amazing mahvel game in 15 years ago pass with wonderful story and funded for art sake? Which you said?

Why would Capcom and Marvel be lying assholes like you said because of fake leakers not being true?

See your ignoring people and focusing adhominem attacks on me.

Fox has no say on video games. It could “promote” their movies which Marvel doesn’t want… but at the end, that is where the problem is. This whole game was about movie promotion more than anything, hence my point about it being greed.

Yeah right therefore no xmen means corporate greed, cash grab and lying assholes like you said? So that make MVCi the most corrupted game of this generation like you said?

What was that amazing mahvel game in 15 years ago pass with wonderful story and funded for art sake? Which you said?

It had great music that people still love today, the longevity, the impact to the gengre of fighting games, the fun factor, and it was cultural building. They really cared to make something that time… unlike now, which is just for the movies.

I’m not ignoring anybody. You are just crazy and interpret any post to be something supportive of you. You even quoted a long post, telling me a long time ago to “stop hoping for the game” as if it supports your side. That is how bizarre your replies are. I edited my past post because i didn’t want to flame bomb you, yet you still want to make it look that i’m “skipping”… You are getting adhomes because you can’t be talked to or rationalized with normally.

Now, go and ask someone why there is a fox ban on this game because this is the last time I am replying to your stupid ass.

WTF can’t be specific and direct see. HahaI was asking what title? Is that hard? Is every answers supposed to be this?

You ignored plenty of people here about that.

While the only thing to you is no xmen, no evo, silent therefore corporate greed, lying assholes and cash grab when their no decisive microtransaction and you call it the most corrupted game of this generation. WTF

Why would I ask I know the answer while you skip clearly hear because your delusional from this comment and yours it obvious you are.

It still doesn’t make sense since Doom never appeared in MVSF but like you said games in 15 years ago those weren’t issue which is false license agreement were issue long ago and it has nothing to do or accuse Capcom or Marvel to be lying assholes because those technicalities can lead to court problems. There where no form of decisive microtransaction related to xmen and any essential gameplay mechanic in MVCi that force you or make your character better than those that purchase the retail format.

But I’m asking;

If Marvel/Disney wanting an MCU focused roster is ‘greed’, then why wouldn’t the inclusion of X-Men characters be an example of Fox’s greed via promotion of their movies?

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Because Fox can’t gain money from the games; they can’t say what they want in terms of games. Disney banned fox characters because they didn’t want to promote their movies… and that is the entire argument. MVCI’s direction was all promotional for the movies; it should have given more care about the community.

I was obviously talking about all the past games prior to this one. Edit: that means Cota until UMVC3.

I never said anything that is in bolded. You really have no shame in your lack of intelligence, don’t you? I know i said in my last post that I am going to ignore you, but i just want to repoint to how much lying you do. Also, why are you still skipping on asking about the Fox ban? Good bye, you lost the argument. i see you are reediting your posts to be more lengthier… and now you will want me to respond to your new edited line… oh i also see you replying just 1 second after i posted this. You are fucking insane. Now, this will be my very last post to you because you clearly are resulting to poking around your bullshit lies about me saying "this and that’…

You said those. Everyone here know you said those. You’ll say anything just to hate MVCi?

See you can’t answer direct your busted and delusional.

What mavhel capcom game was funded for art sake and have better story than MVCi?

Edit? You mean COTA has better story than MVCi and COTA was funded for art sake? WtF?

Where are you from under the rock?

Your delusion you can’t specify this thing which you describe? Because it didn’t exist.

You try to justify an answer using a non-existing mahvel game from 15 years ago as if it is in reality. Sign of?

I edit because I add stuff but not erase unlike you erase comments that expose you. Everyone here edit post to make it longer not to delete. Your the one that ignore everyone here and instead pointing people outside.