The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The GOAT M. Bison (Raul Julia) spoke with a British accent, so he is British :stuck_out_tongue:


prepares to meet with thunderous fury anyone that dares question @Spoonman 's Raul-Julia-GOAT-based logic


I like Falke trajectory shot’s beside from Venom of GGx she is also the Hawkeye of SFV


She uses staff techniques, trained using Psycho Power.
Her bond with Ed comes from the fact that both have relations with Shadaloo.
Her name (codename) means “hawk” in German.
And here’s her command list!

Name: Falke
Height: 176cm
Weight: 54kg
Blood type: A
Birthday: May, 25
Home Country: Unknown
Favorite things: Milk Tea, Theatre
Dislikes: Shadaloo
Fighting Style: Psycho Power and Bōjutsu

She has the ability to inject Psycho Power into her staff,
called “Harmony”, and then shoot it.
Her ability to shoot Psycho Power instantaneously
is lower compared to Ed and Bison,
but she can charge and increase the power.
She was confined in a Shadaloo’s laboratory and piled up loads of training.
She’s a perfectionist, and deals with everything scrupulously.
She’s well-versed in house chores and cooking, and is unexpectedly family-oriented.

“Harmony” represents the harmony between Falke and Psycho Power.
She has several books,
and always thinks about the best strategy and tactics according to the situation.


@Phantom_Miria on Gorilla-Kun:
Maybe the gorilla is a “proof of concept” to see if the clone’s use of psycho power after Cammy would be successful. Think of it like real life, sometimes products like shampoo or medicine are tested on similar organisms to us before going on to humans. Primates are the most used due their receptive behaviour.

Maybe Shadaloo tested brainwashing and psycho power on a gorilla and disposed the gorilla as they didn’t need it because it was already a success.

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Ryo Redcyclone noticed that the 12 elite dolls had months-based codenames, while trainee dolls had flower-based codenames. Conversely, Cammy and Falke have (or had) animal codenames (“killer bee”). Ryo Redcyclone wonders if there’s some sort of ranking that bestowed animal names upon exceptional subjects, so we could immediately know that both Falke and Cammy are superior to the regular (and even elite) dolls.


It’s just lazy storytelling. At least the original dolls come from somewhere and probably have a more interesting background to tell than just “i grew up in a lab”.

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Shadaloo lab animals are less about where they came from and more about where they are going. Their struggle is one for a future.


In all fairness most Dolls are either ethnic stereotypes or anime tropes.

Like a lot of the SF cast.

Interesting stuff! I never paid attention to the trainee dolls names!

Oh yeah, if you guys have twitter, you might want to follow Ink key on twitter. They make amazing Street Fighter designs. Check out Abigail. I like SFV Abigail, but if this was one of his alt outfits, or the main look, I’d absolutely love it.




Ed not having a hood is a giant mistake


Hear, hear!
He should’ve had that design, but with a more darker threatening colour. It still shows how he’s in this new NS persona but still his own person, hence the lighter body frame and more relaxed version of the military get-pu. His actual design made look like Bison.JR but it was still good

Falke looks like a genderbent Ed from Deviantart. They should’ve done more to differentiate her.

Without the hat, Slightly different hair and a slightly color pallete placement or an inverted could have done wonders in a differentiation of her towards Ed.

I’ll be honest, i prefer by far what we got at the end for all 3, specially Abigail and Ed

These sketch got an (not extremized) urban approach that imho have nothing to do with what SF design is supposed to be

These seem designs coming from the same hand of boring school/work/sport alts or some of the Story Alts

Imho Ed Standard/Battle and Abigail Standard/Battle absolutely destroy these

Btw i will welcome some cool Abigail alt, while Ed work perfect with his canon look

Another image from the CAP! volumes (vol.11, Autumn 1999) in which Cammy and Data make a cameo at the bottom of the page. Knowing DATA being the ultimate Deus ex Machina, no wonder Cammy is so relaxed, DATA’s very presence destroyed Shadaloo!

It’s also worth noting that while Cammy’s leotard is green, it resembles her Alpha/VS series incarnation more with the tie and turtleneck.


all characters should have more than one taunt


Omg that almost erases the stiff animations from my mind. Almost. Capcom are too sweet sometimes.

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I actually ended up really enjoying playing as Falke. Maybe it’s because she’s blonde like Cammy, maybe it’s because she’s a military chick like Cammy, maybe because she’s a Bison clone like Cammy, or maybe because she plays just as boring as Cammy, but I’m really digging her right now.


Say what you want about Shadaloo’s inhumane practices, but when it comes to cultivating females via cloning (Cammy and Falke) or brainwashing (Dolls), they shit out gold.