This game was awesome back when I was still playing the ani. Coll. On the ps2. I should pick this game up again and play it on ggpo when I get bored of st4.
Got to time those SRKs and anti airs properly against Gief’s splash. That shit out prioritizes almost everything. Fo reals.
I can’t help but think Gief should be top tier.
Dude has his weaknesses, but come on.
A good solid Ryu can take down a Gief, it can be done.
I don’t know if you can see this but here’s a good recent 2DF match I had recently.
But even with the Ryu match-up does that still constitute being a tier lower? I don’t know about that. Giefs tools in this game and the system just favor him too much.
I don’t think he’s unbeatable. But I think his shortcomings are hardly enough to put him below the likes of Tessa.
This game NEEDS an XBOX LIVE release…so Tessa can destroy ALL! (evil laughs)
Just tried this game out in an emulator with some friends during a session; shit is legit. I’ll be playing a lot more of this in the days to come, and I’m thinking about using Sakura (though Morrigan having an air dash does pique my interest). Any tips for the little lady?
I know I wasn’t using Dan to my fullest ability or the game schematics but personally my last experience had me belived the match up are unmanageable or the system design has short comings.
I’m not sure where tessa is ranked but its anouying how well she exploit tactics and is she barely unexploitable her self. I am not conviced that dan is bad but has the disadvanatge of only producing red gems. But this isn’t too bad because dan red gem commands are decent tools and if other player don’t have such red gem commands have to deal with it as a inconvience.
Why do people play on Speed 3? It totally destroys the game because there are so many scrubs that just use it for speed abuse to eliminate reaction times. That Tessa was alright, but not aggressive enough.
As for Dan, Dan has hardly any tools that he can use to work with. Regardless of red gems or not, leveling him up has no significance. If you’re going for Dan, zone the crap out of the opponent and do plenty of tick throws, dash cancel throws, and air throws. You can try to build meter for supers, but his supers suck anyways. Koryuken super can mess up half the time and it has to be a deep hit in order to get it all on. Random crouch K to super fireball is good. And, never ever mash out his flash combos. If Dan’s flash combo gets blocked, he gets punished easily. Single jab, P P Flash, and Stand K are good poking tools. And if you’re ballsy enough, you can do a meaty Dan’s raging demon on the opponent’s wake up.
Sakura has plenty of tools to work with. Most of her normals are perfect poking tools, but leveling up her specials can be risky. Level 2 and 3 Shoryukens are NOT anti airs. They will AA the opponent but will count as a stalemate fall (the opponent will get hit but will not fall traditionally. the opponent will just fall until he or she lands but cannot move, attack, thrown, or air juggled). Her flash combos aren’t particularly good, but sticking to PPPP flash combo is suffice. Her main supers are Shoryureppa and Shinkuhadouken. Shoryureppa super does insane amount of damage if it is done as a counter and sometimes as a regular normal to super link. Sakura’s dash speed is very good, so dash cancel throws and dash attack K mind games are a plenty for her. Sakura is all about mixups, low game, and overhead game. But, NEVER USE HER SRKs or SRK super as AA, unless its level 1 SRK, because it will never work and you’ll leave your ass wide open from recovery.
Yeah playing it on that speed just seems wrong to me; not saying its a instant win for spammers but I personally wouldn’t do online on Speed 3 settings. And I don’t play it when I record either.
Anyway, my friend play Ibuki; I would too (in fact I may still if to experiment with her) but you said she wasn’t worth it in this game - got a write-up for her?
Well since I am all about tricks than i like dan for that. But I just like him anyway. I can’t agree about his gem but oh well.
Ibuki is a very odd character. Even though she is one of the fastest characters in the game, she has plenty of things that set her really far back. Ibuki is definitely categorized as a rush down character, no doubt. Her offense is mainly cornering opponents. Ibuki has a quick ass dash can put up a lot of mind games. She can dash cancel throws with great speed and even whiff dash attack P knife to set up more mind games. She can push opponents with her dash attack P, crouch P, stand K, Flash Combos, and sweeps. She also has a great advantage in fast recoveries for some of her moves like sweep. After sweeping, she has a good amount of frame advantage to follow up a dash attack P knife into a 2 hit combo and that throws the opponent pretty far to one side of the screen (Sweep to Samurai Super also works too, but it’s a close up one frame link combo). Her crouch P to special moves are pretty good as well (crouch K is also good, but if you fail to cancel it, you leave yourself wide open). For pressure strings, you can do crouch K to QCB + K (her 3S kick, but all three don’t link only one), then with her fast recovery she can follow up with another crouch K to QCB + K. It’s a 2 hit combo, but it really sets the pressure on the opponent to the corner. Her flash combos are alright, but her flash combo with a Guard Breaker Special ending is the best (The upward pen attack Down + S). Not only is it a Guard Breaker (unblockable), but it holds the opponent for a long enough time for Ibuki to recover and follow it up. You can follow it up with a jump throw. Even though the Guard Break is air recoverable afterwards, there’s a 75% chance that Ibuki will land the throw unless the opponent knows how to air recover properly. Her best supers are the Kunai Super and the Samurai Super. Kunai is air to ground and does plenty of damage if you’re able to get all the knives in and you can also link afterwards with a combo if you land before the knives finish. Samurai Super is weak but it’s good for frame reaction countering and normal to super link, but this super does not trade well because you’ll take the trade damage from the opponent while the opponent takes none.
Flaws of Ibuki are too plenty to make her a good character. She has too many moves that leave her way too open for frame countering if her moves are blocked. Half of her flash combos can be frame countered if her flash combos are blocked. Example, if PKK is blocked, a character with a fast activating special or super can counter punish her ass with no hesitation. Her dash attack K and crouch K are really risky because they tend to take forever to recover if they’re blocked. There’s even a flaw where if Ibuki gets her PPP Flash Combo stuffed by Ken, Ken’s 4 hit on his PPPP Flash Combo all link even though 4th hit on any Flash Combo will never link. Her SRK gets easily punished by other SRKs or the lariat because there’s a hefty frame start up, but her SRK at maxed level is very damaging. Ibuki also has a flawed mega crush attack that only does 1 hit and only 1 hit, reason is still unknown. Ibuki cannot Guard Cancel Counter effectively (While blocking hits, forward + S with one super used) because it takes forever to recover. Ibuki also has a weird glitch with her OTG attack (Up + Any Button after opponent lands on the floor for the first time). The OTG attack will actually make the opponent stand, very weird, and the damage output isn’t so good. And, her frog super just fucking sucks. Period.
Ibuki’s best traits are rush downs, damaging Kunai Super, pressure tactics. Even though she has a good number amount of flaws in her character, she has the most speed and recovery time on taking advantage of most of the game’s mechanics. She is a weak and technical character, but always fun to use.
Here’s two fun combos demonstrating Ibuki’s abilities.
more people need to play this on ggpo…
I’m there, but nobody plays me after the third match. Haha.
For Ibuki,
Whiffing the dash attack P is another tool that one can use. To whiff the dash attack knife stab, you must press P after half way into the dash. Normally, the knife will come out and the hit box for it will come out just right after it. But, pressing P after half way through the dash will show the animation for the knife but the hit box for the knife will not extend. Once the dash is complete, Ibuki will return to neutral state without actually stabbing and you’ll be able to do whatever you please, preferably a throw afterward. This is good for ground rush down mix ups.
Her 3S kick (QCB + K) is one of her secret moves that don’t level up. Even though you’re able to kick up to three times, these kicks do not link at all. But, this does not render them useless. You can alternate between high and low kicks and the second kick or third kick as a sweep will trip the opponent leading them to a sweep state. During this period, the opponent is considered as a sweeped character and cannot air recover. There is a one frame bomb combo with this maneuver. After the second QCB + K low sweep, there is a small window where Ibuki can throw a bomb. However, you cannot mash K+S for a bomb throw, or else you’ll throw out the third QCB + K kick. You can throw a bomb right after the second kick finishes and Ibuki becomes neutral, just note that this frame requires tight timing. If the sweep was close enough, the bomb can link after the sweep causing the opponent to be in a bomb state and you can do whatever you want. Since Ibuki initially comes with a Fire Bomb, this gives you time and a new juggle to do something. With a Fire Bomb or Explosion Bomb, it will provide you a new free juggle state and you can even go ahead and do a super or another sweep. But I do wonder, what kind of crazy ass juggle can she do this opportunity…hmm… Too bad the window is tight as hell.
Here’s some sample BnB combos for Zangief. Combo explanations are all on the info.
I saw it earlier; we’re going to try to record some matches tomorrow. If not, next week.
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Pseudo infinite demonstration: Gimmcks that can be done to abuse people who don’t air recover.