'The' Super Gem (Pocket) fighter Thread

General Strats, hmm, where to begin?

Well to begin, the necessity of Gems vary from character to character. Some characters really need it and some really don’t. Often times, players who aim for nabbing all the gems get their asses handed to them because they leave themselves open. So chasing Gems has its pros and cons.

Air Recovering is a necessity, but it must be thought out well. A lot of new players often don’t know about the air recovery system so they end up eating juggling combos that can be avoided such as Ryu / Akuma Air Tatsu to Air throw. And if that’s done in the corner, its a setup for their Pseudo Infinite. Air recovering too often is also a no no because there are characters who seek after air recovery abuse such as Gief. After a FAB in the corner, if the player air recovers from it, Gief can jump and punish with an Air Throw. Another example would be Chun; players at a corner abusing air recovery will allows Chun Li to keep punishing with an Air Throw.

Air Guard Canceling Counter is an all time favorite for turtlers. It can only be done while Air Guarding. Once blocking animation occurs and finishes, you can press any one of the two normals to counter hit, or you can Guard Cancel Throw, or Guard Cancel to Special Move (i.e. Air Tatsu). Obviously, any player who constantly abuses that mechanic will get their asses Air Thrown.

Just let the questions flow.

Okay, I’m going to play Akuma, Morrigan…got some starters on those?

Akuma: To me, Akuma is a rush down character with his dive kick and flash combo pressure. A lot of scrubs tend to just pick him for Air Fireball abuse, which kills the whole essence of Akuma. Smarter and annoying scrubs will abuse his PKKP Flash Combo, whether it hits or not. They piss you off by amping it to Speed 3 so they can grab you on the last P in the Flash Combo (So in essence, they are just abusing the speed of the game not the skill). Akuma has a good set of normals including Stand Kick, Crouch Kick, and Crouch Punch. Dive kick provides pressure and set up for ground throws and Raging Demon. The best super I recommend is the Fireball Super (HCF + S) because that guarantees most of the time for a sure 5 hit in comparison to the Shoryureppa Super. If you execute the Shoryureppa to punish a whiff or something, the Shoryureppa can actually throw off the character and lead to a weird juggle or an opportunity for the other to air recover and punish you back. Air Tatsu to Air Throw in the corner leads to the Pseudo Infinite with repeated jumping forward Air throws. For Akuma, he doesn’t have that many multi hit specials or combos so it’s hard to rack up Gems. However, do try to build meter for 3 supers for Raging Demon. Although Raging Demon is costly and sort of powerful, use it on a guarantee hit because Raging Demon hardly provides any invincibility frames. Guarantee hits, I’m referring to after Dive Kick pressure, after Poison Bomb throw, Bomb Throw Cancel to Raging Demon excluding Freeze, Stone, and Lightning Bombs, and using Raging Demon as a meaty (Raging Demoning half way through a player’s ground recovering frames).

Morrigan: Although my experiment with her is on and off, Morrigan is very versatile. Her standing K is very good in terms of zoning because it can knock back if it stuffs out the other player’s move. Forward P is also another good zoning key because it is similar to standing K and it has a slight longer reach, but a bit slower execution. Also, a missed Forward P is very punishable so be careful. She is quick on her feet with her ground dash, but she can be also tricky with her flying dash like it is in CVS2 SNK Groove for Morrigan. To execute the fly off dash, you hold S while dashing. This leads to some interesting tactics including cross ups, and ground throw to air throw (The frames for this are very tight and it can be air recovered or teched after the ground throw). Her Flash combos are mediocre, but many of her supers make up for it. For a normal to super link, the only way is to do it after crouching P. You can only do it after the first hit during crouch P (You can only cancel the second hit with Specials). Many if not all of supers provide a good amount of invincibility frames and many of them rack up an absurd amount of Gems (Excluding Shoryureppa). To me, Gems aren’t really a big issue for Morrigan because leveling up her Special Moves isn’t much of concern. Her leveling up can be a pro or con; it depends on how you use her.

Now that’s what I’m talking about. Excellent description; you’ve given me a great start-off point.

Another thing, I already know one of my sparring partners is going to use Gief in this game. How should I handle that match-up?

Depending on how aggressive your sparring partner is, you have to always be ahead of Gief. A really aggressive Gief can be a damn hassle because Gief has so many tools that can keep others out and change the momentum of the game.

First off, zoning strats are always up on the table for any game against Gief. Gief’s throws, SPD, and FAB have an absurd amount of range. All of Gief’s throws are command throws or command throw like, excluding neutral throw (Stand P+K). However, his throws (at least most of them) cannot interrupt meaty attacks. So if you see your fist out during a Gief’s FAB super activation frame, that FAB is going to be stuff out most of the time.

Gief abuses turtlers, hands down for sure. With all his throws being command throw or command throw like, he can do some pretty nasty tick throws and setups. One setup would be Gief’s Flash combo (blocked or confirmed) PKK, slight pause to FAB. You can check that out yourself to see how absurd the range is. Another tick setup would be jump in cross up splash, crouch P, slight pause to down P+K throw.

Gief’s stand K is a very good zoning tool for him, so be aware because it can deal nasty damage to your character especially Akuma.

Jumping into Gief is also very risky, but Shotos have a better chance than most characters in the game. A well timed Lariat can stop a jump in or do a trade for Gief. Lariat also has a good amount of invincibility frames so don’t be too close. And DEFINITELY watch out for corner Lariats because a Level 3 Lariat can smack a character silly like a bouncing ball about 3 times and racks up a lot of stun points.

Jump in splash or super jump splash is another common tool that gets abused by Gief players. The splash has a great amount of priority over many moves in the game. A well timed SRK can stop it. When Gief is in the air especially air recovering, be sure to think twice about chasing after him because Gief also has a stone splash (Down Down P while in air). The stone splash is punishment for those who go after Gief, but a missed stone splash leaves him very very punishable.

To keep yourself away, safe rolling (When down, forward or backward P/K/S distance of rolling lies on which button you pressed) and air recovering is very necessary. For air recovery, there are actually two forms of it. One form is the normal P+K when you are knocked out in the air. You will recover in the normal air recovery arc and the arc can be controlled by either forward or backward. There’s also an extensive air recovery which is sort of like Kara technique motion where you do P+K then forward or backward. The extensive air recovery will go farther away from a normal arc or a shorter / sharper arc than that of a normal arc. I’ll get more on the air recovery mechanics next time.

Gief is quite slow compare to other characters available in the game. But when he runs, he isn’t that really slow in ground game. Haha. Zone the shit out of him and keep it safe. Build meter and stock it up; you’ll need it for Counter Hit (While Blocking, Forward + S costs 1 meter) to stop Gief’s abusive Flash Combo pressure whether is PKK or PPK (The drill from Gief has to be blocked low).

Here’s an authentic, non air recoverable, usable combo for Chun Li against Gief.


Recently discovered, usable combo for Hsien Ko.


From looking at the movelist; just discovered there’s two ways to perform Gouki’s Shun Goku Satsu, an ‘easy’ method (seems some supers have the easy input option and a less leniet one).

Not sure if performing it differently affects the damage one way or another.

Nah, doing it the hard way just looks flashier. It’s still the same damage.

Ahh, that kinda blows.

okutabareo, I’m back in GA, got my Saturn, got the game; I’m in practice mode and hopefully I will get matches of this game up soon with my crew.

Recorded some matches with a random guy while waiting for class today; he’s not good or anything but gonna post just to show u what I’m working with.







Oooo, I thought this thread disappeared. Those matches don’t look too shabby. Maybe I should find some way to record my matches on 2DF or GGPO. My matches can get quite hectic. Haha.

Of course not; how could I let this thread disappear after all that info u posted?

In particular I was experimenting with Morrigan’s air dash; to get to work u have to negative edge the S so you can use it, either under attacks, while jumping or whatever. Then hold it down and do the other stuff. Its manageable, especially since I’m using the excellent Saturn controller. Other than that I play her similar to other games, zoning with [air] soul fists, using the air dash for overhead and throw set-ups, etc.

I’m not particularly good with Morrigan but her special dash is quite useful. You can do a normal dash in to throw and then follow it up with a special dash to quick cancel to air throw. The two throws will link and provide a good amount of damage. Although the first throw can be air recovered, the follow up special dash can provide you a step ahead to punish the air recovery, maybe even extra damage with the punishing throw. Special dash to quick whiff throws can provide short hops too!

Yes, that’s what I was thinking. Set-ups particularly into her special command throw (which if I’m not mistaken is not techable). The only problem is just getting used to the negative edging so you can use the air dash at your leisure. If u do the S byitself you’ll just charge up her GB attack; so to mask this, u either jump, do it while performing another attack, etc. Best time to do it is before the start of the round.

You can also special dash for a cross up Mega Crush (PKS) to end those pesky turtlers. Mega Crush requires one super bar and then sacrifices everything for X number hit per pixel life damage. It might not seem a lot, but a good cross up can do about 4 hits or 4 pixel of life which is almost equivalent to a crouch P damage. Mega Crush is unblockable so it is very useful to end some tough rounds. However, you have to make sure you can’t do it as a meaty or else opponent will block it. Yeah, characters waking up from the ground has absurd amount of invincibility frames and blocking priorities. So make sure you do it just right after when the opponent is done waking up and is on neutral frames. Regular blocking in this game is very strange, especially forced blocks.

Speaking of losing gems, I’ve actually been purposely using Mega Crush to rest my bar levels (did it a couple of those vids) to get back lvl. 1 Shadow Blade. I like the other two getting upgraded; I see nothing but improvement there, but lvl 2 and 3 shadowblade has a very annoying tendency to whiff in combos if you’re basically not right up in their hitbox. It does good damage, but the fact it misses so often is an annoyance.

Besides lvl. 1 Shadowblade is better as a AA as well IMO, since it has quick recovery and furthermore, gives you more initiative to act after u knock them out of the sky.

A lot of the leveled up SRKs in the game suck. They have a tendency to whiff or just not practical in damage in comparison to a level 1 SRK. A level 3 SRK can do a large amount of damage if it is deep or close up, but level 1 SRK is an all rounder. Only a few notable level 3 SRKs that are some worthy at max that includes Ryu, Chun Li, Akuma, and Tessa. Ibuki’s SRK does a crap load of damage, but it has a pretty slow start up. Zangief’s lariat always beats it out.

Yeah, I noticed that as well; I wish there some kind of option to select which gems u git rid off but perhaps this might be bad in some cases.

I’m really looking forward to meeting up with my crew on this game and getting some matches in; now that I know how dangerous Gief is in this game it should make fighting against him interesting.