The Street Calibur 5 Lounge: The Soul Burns But not as Hard as the FGC is Burning

He’s been playing.


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Completely agree, I am of course speaking of the people that were outcasts because of the things they like… Also I think it has been proven over and over that racists and bigots are not outcasts, they do what they just don’t broadcast their shittyness to the public… or they try not to.
It is simple really, you draw the line on things that are actual fucking crimes, like racism and pedophilia.


I have a better tier list:

S tier: Not playing SF5

F Tier: Playing SF5.


Damn and peeps said I was crazy thinking Seth was top tier as fuck.

Game still trash though v

I mean, i ain’t no pro like Fuudo but Mika , Balrog and Gill being C tier is just wrong on so many levels.

Apparently that’s Kawano’s list, not Fuudo’s.

Is Seth’s as confirmable as Karin’s?


They aren’t really tournament winning characters anymore.

Still super strong though


Gill has been trash, accept it. He’s alex, but slightly better. Both twitter highlight reel monsters.

Mika been getting nerfs and wholly depends on coin flips to win, especially against top tiers.

Balrog is a bit like Mika. He’s decent, but not really strong at anything one thing. It’ll come down to cheesing it out. He also doesn’t do well against top tiers.

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If it makes you feel better I still don’t think Seth is top tier

you can combine B and C pretty much at this point.

Also zeku is A at least for sure.

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Yes it is that confirmable. It honestly felt easier than Karin’s cause she still needs to hit tenko right. Seth doesn’t have that execution barrier.


The thing we can take from all this is that Urien’s VS2 was a mistake.

Akuma gets nerfed, still S tier. Boy how?


I hadn’t realized since I haven’t touched SF, but Balrog damn near gets bopped by every S and A tier.

Abigail, necalli, Laura, Gief, bison, G, Seth, Akuma, Rashid, Urien etc. All absolutely shitty fucking matchups.

All these bullshit characters running amok I agree with Balrog and Mika in C tier. They simply don’t compete.

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Its odd to me people even questioned seth being anything lower than high tier. You could see week 1 that she was going to be a problem.

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Not sure by the buffed several’s to be more confirmable IIRC.

Off-topic to everything and no one probably cares, but when I was playing MK11 last night with Jacqui’s Upgraded variation, I thought, finally a fun tournament variation that has some sort of combos.

I looked on TYM for tips and see that this variation has been banned in a few online tournaments because it’s apparently too strong compared to the rest of the cast, lol.

This isn’t some ST Akuma shit, it’s just because you have one variation that’s actually decent in a sea of mediocrity.

I really hope they allow custom variations at some point. There will still be a pretty tame combo system (especially compared to X) but at least all characters will have some fun stuff to them.


I knew Urien would be dumb as fuck with VS2. He gets plus on block fireballs that also gives combos.

Akuma gonna Akuma and cant nobody stop his dumbshit. He still gonna demonflip on your ass, body you with excellent buttons, air fireball and VT cheese you. :man_facepalming:t5:


Been playing Samsho again. EGS is stupid and doesn’t register my Hitbox or my sticks though, so I have to play pad. And I’ve realized that it’s way, waaay easier to play Ukyo on pad than on Hitbox. Pertho’s gonna ban me for claiming that though.

I might be switching main to Shiki though, she does the things I like about Ukyo better than he does, is easier to play, and has a WFT that doesn’t suck. Been trying Jubei and Charlotte a bunch too, but they’re just not as fun as Ukyo and Shiki. Haven’t tried any of the DLC characters yet though, I’ll probably do that soon.

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Hitbox makes certain inputs easier and others harder. SF5 gief (and I’m guessing SF4 gief too) are pretty silly when you can cheat your way with the alternate SPD commands.

Tiger Knees are tricky though.