The Street Calibur 5 Lounge: The Soul Burns But not as Hard as the FGC is Burning

She can’t be Portuguese, she’s good looking. They lie.

About this bunny, like a few days ago, I was watering some plants in our back, and I didn’t realize it until about 10 seconds later, but this little guy was under one of the plants I was dousing and was blasting him on his side rump.

Honestly, the thing looked more scared than anything. Made me sad…

I’m too much of a wuss man, but hey, who wants to rip out some spines in MK?

I shit you not.

You have to traverse over half of Sector 3, which is a volcano, without using the Varia Suit.

Mind you that at that point of the game, Samus is not looking for survivors, she’s hunting the Lizard.

And Adam does authorize the Ice Beam shortly after entering the sector.

It’s quite frankly impossible to understand. :rofl:

Wow. In any reason that’s not gameplay related, that’s incredibly dumb.

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I wish we played the same games lol

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They reworked Setsuka, she still have just frames, but they only do more damage.
The bulk of her gameplay seems to be on the new stances she has.


If Samsho or Tekken could get an MK character I would be really amazed at least than mobile games.

Some Last blade, Breaker Revenge and World Heroes character could also add for the mix

Oh, and Adam only authorizes it after Samus gets trapped in a boss fight at the Volcano’s crater.

I really should stream that game, it’s so bad that it must be seen to be believed.

Worst part? It could have worked.

The whole point of the Authorization gimmick is that Samus has to limit her weapon usage because the mission is find who sent the distress signal and any other possible survivors.

So Adam could’ve just said “Samus, this area is too hazardous without heat protection. It’s unlikely that survivors escaped this way” until she had to explore it.

Then it’s all a matter of “Samus, activate the Varia Suit on this next sector because of the high temperatures.” When she has to cross it for whatever reason.

All you really need to make the whole gimmick work is to stick with the main objective whenever possible and not be a complete hack of a writer.

It’s seriously impressive how bad the writing is.

Plotholes, unfinished threads, mischaracterization, flat characters, off-screen killing of major characters, this game has it all. It’s a magnum opus of what to not do in storytelling.


It’s not what it seems. I am actually trying to animate 2B getting off the ground.



Coincidentally, I saved this image because I was a fan of how smooth the rocks were. :eyes:



Effectively, yes. Word and exact situation, no. Samus is so messed up with her absolute worship of Adam that she doesn’t even bother to ask.

Samus has to pass through a long lava/fire section, taking heat damage all along the way. Adam presumably watches Samus being slowly boiled alive the whole time (and potentially dying); he only gives her authorization to enable the Varia Suit before the boss fight at the end of the area.

Note that it doesn’t even make story sense for the Varia Suit to be disabled in the first place, even with the hamfisted authorization gimmick. The Varia Suit is purely defensive. There is no reasonable excuse for Adam to not authorize its use at the very beginning of the game, much less the beginning of the first fire area.

Mind, the Varia Suit situation simply encapsulates what is running throughout Other M. Adam doesn’t just treat Samus as if she is completely incompetent, he acts like he absolutely loathes her existence and/or wants her to suffer and fail (at least without his help). Meanwhile, Samus is so messed up with daddy issues that she has to obtain Adam’s permission to continue living.


I like the firefox logo.


It’s one of the rotating screen saver images on my laptop. Also cycles as one of the desktop backgrounds. They change daily.

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My actual Wallpaper right now.


I need to get back into ST/3S… I have a real problem with sticking with a game for longer than 2/3 weeks, so maybe in 2 weeks? Lol


Shit, I screen capped that 8 and half years ago. Time flies…

It seems that Setsuka has 3 special states that she gains as she lands specific attacks/punishments during the match that strenght her specials

I’m sort of the same way… I need to start playing ST on fightcade cause 30A is super dead.

And 3S is getting to the point where I’m recognizing the scope of the game and now understand why people say that it’s a dense and hard game to actually git gud at.

So I’m just messing around in Rev 2 to get an idea for GG characters for strive next year. I wanna hit that game super hard and actually make it a focus

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So we’re getting our last set of characters for SFV tomorrow. Anything any of you have to say about the new characters we’ve gotten this game? Best, worst? Any you want to see in future games or do you think they are all trash that should be one shots?

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Most newcomers in SFV were pretty ok visually but their gameplay is pure cancer ,further enhanced by the way this game’s meta is.

Tough to chose who i want to see in SF6. Does Seth count as a newcomer ? I like his visual design, i would like to see him in SF6 in robo waifu mode. Laura is ok visually as well and i like Rashid in the story also, but both of their gameplay are like i said, pure cancer. I want and don’t want them at the same time in SF 6.