The Street Calibur 5 Lounge: The Soul Burns But not as Hard as the FGC is Burning

Anyone of you guys grind your teeth when you sleep?

I didn’t think I did, but I woke up feeling like I was trying to compress concrete throughout the night.

I have a mouth guard that I suppose I should finally start using lol.

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With the cross-play talk going on, is there any news on if Strive will be cross play?

Cause if not, the ps5 player base will be next to nothing. But I have a feeling the netcode will be better on ps5.

@PlusFrames I do, I wear an over the teeth retainer than helps like a mouth guard

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Do you have issues sleeping with it?

Na, they’re made of a thin, strong plastic material, like invisaline.

Gives me a lisp, sorta, the only downside


Man, I know you gotta be on that grind 24/7, but not that literally! :rofl:


Grinding wears you down man… at this rate, I’m gonna need dentures in 5 years

Stop playing this song while you sleep :wink:


Bro, I’m trying to make that beat with my teeth :rofl:


I don’t think it was ever fully confirmed in the original story, but Setsuka’s new story in SC6 confirms that she is part Portuguese.


I am severely confused by this statement.

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Missed this. Wanna explain yourself to the class? :rofl:

Besides, we all know glorious PC Wired Race will be the place to be because over half of the dirty console peasants play on WiFi. :face_vomiting:

I’m f—ing joking btw, idgaf about console wars. The wifi stuff is facts tho.

Bruh :rofl::rofl::rofl::joy:


I have read people saying she was Portuguese in the SCV days because of her name “Neve”.
We got confirmation now from the official website


You made that?

I do, if i dont use my mouth guard i end with headaches all day.

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I actually lack robo Juri model sadly.

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If Xrd is any indication, there will be at least crossplay between PS4 and PS5

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Can confirm it’s a Portuguese word. It means Snow.

You can definitely see it’s a localization bungle tho because it’s not a common first name at all in Portuguese-speaking countries. Unlike “Yuki” in Japanese.

It’s almost passable as a surname tho.

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Reminds me of when i see my name used as a surname on some animes, despite it has never been used like that.
I guess they just like how it sounds lol

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It would make more sense for PS4 to have better netcode because it’s not a port like I’m assuming the PS5 version is going to be.

I know that most of the FGC isn’t going to drop $500 on a new system if the original build is on current gen. And i’m just being a pessimistic asshole cause the world keeps talking giant dumps on everyone, so it only makes sense the platform with the smallest player base would have the best netcode.

Didn’t even think about the steam port. So i dunno how much that’ll fracture the player base even more.

GG is a niche game in a niche genre in the US. It’s gotta have cross-play if anybody in NA wants to ever get decent matches at reasonable intervals

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