The Street Calibur 5 Lounge: The Soul Burns But not as Hard as the FGC is Burning

Stop spreading missinformations, we all know that you can activate Crossplay with the flick of a switch and that no FG other than SFV got crossplay, because Sony won’t allow PC/PS4 Crossplay.
It’s not like there are other games who have this kind of crossplay.

The company behind the game already had their infrastructure beforehand since they develope mobile games.

Also, there is an intetesting phenomenon when it comes to small brands (vehicles, games, etc) in that tjey usually add more aggregated value to their products when the can to try to compete with better positioned brands.

In this case crossplay for example.

Is something i was aware but noticed more once i started riding a bike.

My less known brand bike has a lot of stuff that my more expensive yamaha and my harley dont have.
Shit that you would think should be standard by now, lol.


Also, the game is being made by the cheap in many other areas, like how they reused many assets of some mobile games, iirc.

How it launched with the bare minimum, with 9 chars, 0 voice overs, pretty fucked up gameplay, questionable performance, etc.

It has been a costant pricess to get where they are now.


We just came out of a roundtable where all the jap FG developer went “we want crossplay, but Sony is a dick”
I believe the argument is closed there.

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The fact that there are many games with crossplay begs to differ.

Just recently NMS enabled crossplay across pc, lolbone and ps4.

Also until those last couple of years it was the other way around.

Sony trying to push for crossplay while ms not allowing it.
They changed their tune until this gen due fucking over and being last place in sales.

Plus i am very sure that the panel neither mentioned that they want to have xplay, neither threw sony under the bus because that would be business suicide

Eskills pretty much pointed it out, but yeah, the actual dialogue was far less important to me than her introspective moments. They were very much in line with what I expected in a character like her and what has been implied in previous games: she feels intelligent, well-reflected, capable of assessing danger and feeling fear, yet determined to solve this crisis no matter what. Just the sort of mind you need to become the greatest bounty hunter ever, and the bane of the metroids and the space pirates.

The scene after she first hears about the SA-X is one of the best examples. It’s clear that she knows just how horribly outmatched she is at that moment, but she still makes it clear that she needs to eliminate it before it “learns its potential and threatens the galaxy”. She’s likely gonna die in her current state, but she’s the only one who can fix this mess, so she has to push forward. It feels very right to how a character like her, in a game series like Metroid, should think.


It was their second topic, they didn’t say Sony per se, but they all presented a united front saying they all want to do crossplay.
What’s to note is that while there are crossplay games, competitive games are lacking in that aspect, I dare say it’s because competitive games move a bunch units for tournaments.

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Tbh, when i got into BFTG several months ago (maybe like 6 now? It was shortly after they enabled crossplay), i had to turn off crossplay because like 60% of my matches were disconnecting (and in most cases, it seemed unlikely to be RQs), and turning it off fixed it. I don’t know if this has been resolved, but it was a thing for me.

Also, I had two really laggy matches in MK11 two nights ago and a crossplay match was one of them, so i disabled it for piece of mind.

You mean like 13 years ago? Most people could barely download a game and sf4 had the best online play?! When wifi was still good enough for competitive fighters, and most people had terrible internet speeds.

Of course crossplay wasn’t really on the table, Microsoft didn’t really endorse features for Xbox that it didnt get to focus test.

Harada pretty much said without saying that Sony are the main hold up, and that’s been the overall word on the street this generation. We could do it but… “Sony” in so many words.

And that’s incredibly lame.

Rollback and cross play are incredibly important to fighters

Sony has last Year given their Ok for Crossplay.
Since then the excuse of the FG devs with “sony blocks them” vanished.

Sony does not block Crossplay, they have no idea how to enable crossplay right now, would be more true.

Also that argument was stupid to begin with, I never heard of Sony blocking PC/Ps4 Crossplay, you know the two plattform where most FG players are, they only blocked Crossplay with MS.

And whatever you’re smoking, if you think wifi has ever been ,in any shape or form, good for fighters, stop it, or give me some of that weed.


These people can suck a nut. The main reason people say that is because there’s pretty much no sequence breaking.

They did mention they wanted it and technologically speaking, it wasn’t hard, but mentioned other factors that get in the way.

I’ll try to get a transcript or whatever when I’m free.

Edit: They did mention dedicated servers, so Heca ain’t exactly wrong here.

I was under the impression that FGs work on a peer to peer system, the servers are used for factors outside of the match, like rankings and shit, aren’t they?

And @Cipher no, Sony didn’t give the ok to crossplay, Sony got strong armed into allowing crossplay for fortnight, and fortnight only.


The increased linearity compared to most other Metroid games, the massively increased difficulty and heavier action focus, and the storytelling moving from almost all subtext to having a lot of exposition on top, are just as important points as to why some people have complained.

Fusion was my first Metroid, and after having played a lot of the other games I see where people are coming from there. For my part I still really like the game though. It’s quite different from Super Metroid but it has very different strengths as a game too.

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If you mean the Infiltration domestic abuse charges, I honestly don’t recall that Infil said that much, other than he didn’t do it.

The truth was largely revealed when Panda Global published the results of its investigation. In short, the claims against Infil had been carefully taken out of context, exaggerated, and at times outright fabricated.

Infil had decided to leave his wife, and she threatened to file domestic abuse charges if he didn’t stay. He did, so she did. She continues to harass him with threats unless he agrees to stay with her. She wins a couple of low cost fines against Infil (a few hundred dollars each), but Infil apparently won a $100,000 property claim against her?

She then submitted the abuse charges as evidence in her appeal of the property claim, which is also around the time that the story of this “brutal” “unpunished” abuser was “revealed” in the West.

When you combined Panda Global’s investigation with how the story was leaked, it was pretty obvious the whole thing was a carefully constructed campaign against Infil, with a “helpful” person publishing evidence that they’d found of this “brutal crime” that had largely gone unpunished, with the reveal just coincidentally happening around a tournament when Infil would be out of the loop, with the “brutal” beating that required hospitalization being a bruised wrist that she’d demanded the hospital trip for (to create hospital evidence for the abuse claim), with Infil’s ex chiming in about how South Korea ignores domestic abuse, etc.


I think so, but these need servers, and as such they need to be dedicated servers with all the security protocols that entails.

As for what they said… Couldn’t find neither a transcript nor an article. So if I’m linking a random dummy talking about it, I might as well link EC since he’s a SRK bro.

Really pisses me off that EScrubs posted a ton of bullshit SF articles and reveal trash but not a single word about the actual content of the roundtable.

These fools are traaaaash! :face_vomiting:


Honestly hearing that SamSho is getting a third DLC Season is great. SNK gotta stay relevant in the scene while KOFXV is hopefully being cooked up, especially since the rumors about a new Garou or the SNK all-stars thing didn’t pan out as of yet.

I guess that’s why they keep whoring out to other developers like Tencent (with bunny waifu), Ubisoft (For Honor crossover), and WWE (in the mobile KOF gacha)


I just hope it doesn’t end up like there cgi movies lol

But if it’s being…


… cocked up
tenor (3)

hah xD

get out

any idea from where this arcade mod is from


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slam door

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