The Street Calibur 5 Lounge: The Soul Burns But not as Hard as the FGC is Burning

She’s even more top tier than vanilla kat lol

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… Can Falke shoot under aegis?

Edit: She can. Christ. :man_facepalming:t5:

That is actually really cool.

It’s cool but also I’m pissed lmao


All this Other Trash talk got me itching for a real Metroid.

So I grabbed Super Metroid…


But I’m playing Fusion first. :rofl:

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Thanks @Volta and @shahenzan for the Sub F2/B3 tips. I’m blocking the mixup much more often now…

Problem is, when I was labbing various other things to see how he competes against Kitana, I’m left womdering why i’m not playing him instead.

Sub and Kitana are probably my two favourite characters anyway (with Shao being close behind) so I don’t mind… I’m not sure I necessarily want to be another Sub-Zero main in this game because they’e so prevalent, but meh, as long as i have fun, i don’t care too much. I’m going to lab him a bit. I thought he was really boring at launch but haven’t tried his v3 yet.

Edit: nvm, v3 is still boring (though i think it’s his best variation). If they ever allow customs in KL, I’ll try him out again but he’s way too bland for me as is


Let her have it, what else she got :frowning:



Yo, I really like MK11. This isn’t a great set to watch (we were both very cautious and blocking a lot, so it’s super slow), but this was my closest (and favourite) set so far.

I felt like I did a good job adapting, which I don’t know why, but it seems a bit easier to do in this game for some reason.

I understand why some people don’t like it, but this game really suits how I like to play.


I definitely like my Samus’ characterization being closer to the style of the Doom Guy in Doom 2016, with minimal dialogue and traditional characterization but a stronger emphasis on subtler characterization, rather than Other M’s vomit of monologue and highly questionable/extremely poorly explained relationship between Adam and Samus.

Speaking of subtlety, did you know that if you pick the “M” in “Other M” and put it before “Other” you get “M Other”? As in “Mother”?

Got it?

Because the game’s story is about being a “Mother”, or “Motherhood”?

Because, you know, there’s “ThE bABy”?

You know, because Sakamoto is a master of subtlety and giving Samus a motherhood arc was the best idea you could have?

You know?

Because, like, she’s a woman?

And since she’s a woman she is inescapably biologically wired to crave for having children?

You know, Sakamoto and his very subtle writing about his waifu, who’s also very obedient toward her superiors, wanting to have a squid-looking alien child with him?


So what you are saying… is that Other M is the best Metroid game, then? :upside_down_face:


Yes, of course! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Dev’s have said over and over again cross play isn’t hard and can be turned on easily for the most part, this varies from game to game but over all it isn’t some huge hurdle for the devs. The biggest problem is getting the big dog’s on board with it.

I have no clue why they green light certain games with it and restrict other games. I think most dev’s WANT cross play on because it only means more people can have access to there game and play together longer.

take the newly released Rogue company, or even better rocket arena and fortnite

So fighting games cross playing between simple pc/console should be cake. It’s even less to worry about than shooters that have to worry about screen resolution, mobile, tablet, controls and mouse and keyboard vs controllers.

@PlusFrames Yo man, we should play tonight. Are you PC or PS4?

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Sorry man its like 1am where i am… i shouldn’t even be up now lol.

But I’m on PS4 for next time

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Dope. I’ll download it again.

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It’s telling that I visit SNK every day, follow FG news farily regularly… and it’s the first time I’ve heard of Infiltration proving he was innocent, while I found about the accusations… when I was pretty shut off from all this stuff and fighting games where the last thing in my mind.

Is all about cost/benefits.
Most if not all games with crossplay run using their own infrastructure.

Those who doesnt rely on the server space provided by MS, Sony, Nintendo, Steam, etc.
Once you are in that ballpark being able to have crossplay would be really difficult.

If the big honchos dont feel like the projected sales for the game or that having or not crossplay will have an impact on the sales, then they will simply dont bother with it.

Like i said in my post, the difficulty is not on the dev side for the majority of cases, but on the company/legal/financial side.

Though there are cases like with Destiny 2 on Stadia, that due how the game is ran on the Stadia servers (a modified linux) makes it incompatible with the other versions so they are isolated from the rest, while the others maybe dont have real crossplay, due running at different specs/fps but have cross save iirc.

SFV shows that is not that simple.
While we all like to clown SFV for its constant failiures, the truth is that there are technical issues that make having crossplay a difficult thing to handle.

Allowing it is “easy”, making it work well for all involved is a different beast.


Funny thing is that Fusion is also occasionally criticised for “not being a real Metroid-game”.


how did battle for the grid manage to get crossplay though lol