The Street Calibur 5 Lounge: The Soul Burns But not as Hard as the FGC is Burning

I miss stuff like this


Europe to NA on wired connections works fine on FC2. Join!

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I was actually trying to install FC2 now, hit a snag though.
Gonna try again tomorrow.


I can link you the guide, and even my own guide if you’re on MacOS.

I have a guide, this is just some stupid antivirus-stuff.
It’s late over here too and I have several actual meetings at work tomorrows so I’m hitting the bin reasonably soon regardless.


Yeah my Antivirus (Avast) hates FC. I have to disable it everytime I download a new update.

Kinda late, but I wanted to eat lunch first and got busy later, so I didn’t have time to write all of this.


Because it’s the one 3D Metroid game that isn’t a “FPS” like Prime.

I played a bunch of Fusion and Zero Mission on my phone and I wanted to remember how the gameplay of Other M stacked up to them.

Honestly, it’s really not that bad, there are three huge problems with the gameplay that can’t be traced back to that abysmal travesty of a story.

  • The Fixed Camera.

You have issues with it as early as the tutorial room. Oddly enough, in certain boss rooms, the camera does make an attempt at following Samus, not to mention the first-person mode, so no, there’s really no explanation.

  • The Map.

The bigger/menu map does not rotate nor show rooms with any detail whatsoever besides the location of hidden items.

The mini-map does rotate and show rooms in detail, but you can’t zoom in.

The result is that half of the time you can’t see where you’re going. Both maps are also 2D, so you’re SOL looking at a blue dot and trying to figure whether or not an item is above or below you whenever you’re looking for items.

  • The First-Person Mode.

It’s abysmal. Straight up. At first glance, it looks like an ok idea.

Then you find out that the B button is completely unused in the horizontal control scheme and there’s a Gecko Cheat to allow you to use it as a missile toggle button like the 2D Metroids.

When you use the FPS mode too, you immediately find out that the camera starts locked. You need to hold the B button to allow the camera to move. The B button also is your Lock-On button.

So let’s stop for a minute and see just how boneheaded this is. The button that unlocks the camera is the same button that locks you on to a target and thus allow you to use your Missiles/Grapple Beam, which is the only reason you go into FPS mode to begin with.

It’s obviously extremely easy to go past what you’re targeting because the camera is unlocked when you lock-on. Not to mention how easy it is to lose track of what you’re trying to target because if they move, they’re likely going off-camera. This is hellish on the Lizard (no spoilers) fight. And no, the Lock-On doesn’t really track things. You’re still manually aiming.

Samus also cannot move at all during lock-on, unless she does a Sense Move, which fucks up your aiming because the cinematic nature of it during FPS mode means you’re losing your target 99% of the time.

  • Sense Move.

Straight up busted. You get a dodge and an instant full charge any time you press a directional button anywhere near any hitbox.

It must be seen to be believed. It makes the whole game very trivial. There’s a huge window to trigger the dodge, to the point you can get multiple dodges on the same hitbox. The invul time is damn near eternal. You can literally dodge into things and unleash a charge shot point-blank. There is also no cooldown between attempts, so you can really just mash it.

If bosses throw slow fireballs, it’s even worse. You can make Nightmare an utter joke with it because he throws a series of slow moving fireballs and you can dodge, shoot, dodge, loop ad infinitum on the same fireball.

However, all is not lost.

The game does have its merits. The map overall sucks, backtracking is horrible when not flat-out impossible because of the locked doors and there are no shortcuts in a Metroid game. This is how bad the map design is.

But considering just how damn linear the game is, you’d expect the rooms to suffer PokĂ©mon Sun and Moon levels of corridor syndrome.

It really doesn’t.

The rooms, despite the obvious issue of not being Metroidvania-like at all, because Suckamoto got a story to tell you at all costs, do have some depth and verticality to them.

Level changes, hidden paths, set pieces, hidden items, it really is a fairly decent level design considering the absurd constraints.

This is why it sucks so bad to know Other M is the only 3D Metroid that plays the closest to the 2D ones. The gameplay is rough and unpolished, but it has a lot of potential.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the Prime Trilogy, but it’s not as close to the 2D games.

Yeah I’m not a fan of Avast. When I got my laptop repaired, they had it installed. It was giving all kinds of problems and their VPN is worthless.


Hard disagree. Other M plays nothing like the 2D games outside of shifting the perspective every now and then. It is a largely unfaithful action game that ignores pretty much everything that people liked about original Metroid.

Whereas, the first two Prime games are faithful in almost every way outside of the shift in perspective.

You explore a dark, dreary planet as a solitary protagonist.

You venture out into the world, finding equipment yourself and not being told what you can and can’t use by some dumbfuck NPC.

You’re not force fed some dumbfuck story that tries and fails to make Samus a relatable character with painful dialog and cutscenes. The story is rewarded to you through extremely quick cutscenes or interesting bits of lore hidden throughout the world that you can consume at your own leisure.

The game is just insanely linear and contrived in every way too, which is the biggest no no for a franchise entirely based around exploration and puzzle solving.

You can’t even get anything out of the combat because the dodge mechanic (good lord talk about a game that didn’t need this) makes every single encounter trivial as fuck.

God I hate this fucking game. It does every single thing other than what makes a Metroid game great. The Prime Trilogy is in a different league. Prime is in outer space, Other M is sitting at the bottom of the ocean floor inside a chained shut fridge.

I also feeling like simply calling it a “FPS” isn’t really describing what the Prime games are. It’s kinda like calling Superhot an FPS and calling it a day.


Nonsense. All is possible through the power of good netcode.

And when it isn’t, you pick Makoto and start dashing. :rofl:

Been a while since I did a reaction test. Let’s see how this turns out.



Avast is dogshit.

My old notebook’s sound stopped working once, my uncle tried to reinstall the drivers for it with one of those “200 drivers in 1 disc” CDs.

AVG promptly blocked that shit. He told me it was a false positive and asked to install Avast. I reluctantly allowed it.

Avast did allow the disc to do its thing

Almost immediately, we had to clean out everything from it because the whole thing was a catastrophic failure and the disc was really a “200 virus in 1 CD” disc. :sob:

Fuck Avast.

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Other M is a fucking abomination. Not only is the gameplay boring and unchallenging, the story reduces one of the best female characters in gaming to sissy with massive daddy issues and the emotional range of a piece of cardboard.
Fuck that game.

Also I tested Seong Mina now. She’s still dumb. She even got a new long range low that gives followups on CH. Her FC game and oki are clearly worse but whatever, she had no business having close range offense that stupid when her space control is so dumb.


I miss that Ultra.
It could be a bit quicker, but I really liked that.
Fuck off with U1 being better, this one got the style.

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Quotation marks. Thank you for using them. Because the Prime games are in fact true Metroid games.

What I said was control-wise. They control more like FPS games compared to the more movement-oriented feel of the 2D games.

Also, for the rest of the criticism, which is perfectly valid and actually an understatement of how bad it is

All the other obvious issues with Other M like the boneheaded Authorization mechanic, how stupid linear it is and all the damn locked doors are story-related issues.

Everyone and their mother, including the fetus, know that Metroid Other M is an abomination and its story is an unironic 0/10.



Fuck you, I blocked all Kunzite Overheads you threw at me last time we played. Even got an Steam Achievement over it. :rofl:

Okay, while I absolutely agree that Other M is an abomination that should be tossed off the nearest cliff with no hesitation
I’m gonna say something controversial.

Samus was never a good character whatsoever. Nowhere near the shit Other M did to her, don’t get me wrong, but she wasn’t good before that either. Samus pretty much just “exists”. Which is fine, a female main character for her time was an incredibly big deal. But she was never much beyond that.

Ultra 1 was more versatile but U2 was indeed quite good to look at and it really did fit the character.

I would like to see Fei Long, DeeJay, Elena, Rose and a newcomer(Neo Shadaloo Doll, the gorilla from Neo Shadaloo, Gen apprentice, that black shoto from IV concept design)

I hope they add Fei or DeeJay the most, I like those characters. I expect 3 at the reveal and then 2 later on this year toward CPT finals. Not expecting a 5 man release.


Yeah, it really changed for the worse a few years ago. It was awesome 10 odd years ago.

My old computer had a paid Norton subscription on it and I know it had a virus from how it ran but it couldn’t find anything. Windows XP actually had a pop up saying I had a virus and Norton still wouldn’t find anything even with complete scans.

I uninstalled it, installed Avast, and after several hours (and a few resets), the PC ran like new again.

My computers have been virus free ever since, but there’s a lot of annoying ads popping up constantly from it now, many of which trying to trick me to upgrading to a paid version, which is a new thing for them

Honestly, I swear viruses are made by AV companies. I never understood why someone (other than hackers who target specific sites) would want to make a virus that shuts down random computers, except when you realize that AV companies profit off these damn things


She was never really developed until Fusion, but she was widely perceived as a certified badass.

Other M transforms her into a hot version of the Tekken 7 Monologuing Journalist at her best moments.


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