My offer still stands btw.

^-- I was too lazy to PM you for details XD.

ā€œPM? Heā€™s making me work for $10, forget that! Iā€™ll wait for him to post the detailsā€ = p

Yah unless they give me some images and a theme to work with, I really dont pay much attention to stick art request.

Lol, Soular89, thereā€™s a remedy for that, the most random work ever and see who snatches it up XD:

Limited Edition Spongebob LSD Painting TE Template!
Up for grabs people. If you want custom work, but have no idea what you want, you want this. Some fools might have a Shadloo Stick, or Femme Fatale, or even some cheesy Ryu custom stick, but who has an LSD Spongebob? Go to EVO with it, youā€™ll get and insane amount of hype and love. Itā€™ll make you 40% better at SSFIV too*.

Reply/PM for full PSD Template!

*may or may not make you better at SSFIV

Well Iā€™ll posts these here then. I want to put together a Lili template for one of my Tekken 6 Wireless sticks.

Heā€™s what my meager photoshop skills have come up with.

Iā€™m not crazy about those iterations at the moment. Iā€™m definitely not married to that background.

Components of those templates I want to keep:

-That particular pic of Lili
-The white Thorn border

Everything else can go.

Hereā€™s some resources
Hi- Res pics of Lili

Vectors for the borders

The background (I inverted the colors)

As for what Iā€™m going for; This will be on a stick with all white Sanwa buttons and Balltop. Iā€™d like her name to be on there as well. Iā€™d like the text to be fancy looking but not effeminate. Hopefully this is enough information to get someone going in the right direction. Tje biggest issue I ran into trying to di this myself was cutting tha tLili from the background. Te backgrounds tend to be white and she is also wearing white. Magic wand was spazing. Also the ends of her hair were murder.

Thanks in advance.

Damn Rag! For ā€œmeagerā€ skills, thatā€™s looking pretty slick. If I took up your template, I wouldnā€™t change much. Honestly, you could probably do it with a little more work. Hereā€™s exactly what Iā€™d do to it:

  1. Recut Lili, first and foremost.

slaps your hand away from the magic wand That thingā€™s only good if you have a solid background, doesnā€™t share focal colors (white on white), and hair isnā€™t involved. You can mess with its tolerance to get different selection results, but not worth it when you can use the Pen tool. Itā€™s a bit time consuming (pending on the image and how picky you are), and a bit scary, but youā€™ll never go back. You can google a tutorial on it (Iā€™ve been meaning to write one for here). Basically, you pick the pen tool, click on an edge of the character, move a couple pixels along the edge, click again, move a couple pixels, click, etc etc etc etc, until you make your way all the way back to the starting point, click the starting point and itā€™ll close the path. Once you have a pen path, you can right click and do a ā€œmake selection->enterā€ and BAM, your character will be perfectly selected for cutting or clearing. Then, you just gotta repeat the process for finer details like gaps, holes, and hair locks.

-Her hair would take more work. Youā€™re only gonna be able to cut out large sections of the background away from her hair. The rest would have to be lightly erased out and blended to a point where itā€™s not as noticeable.

Step1 would be the bitch and time consuming part, but itā€™s the focus of your stick. The only reason I cringe is the time investment from a gander at the high res picā€¦ that hair is INSANE. Iā€™d anally cut all the lace cuffs out too @@ā€¦ looking at 4-6 hours of cutting.

  1. The background.

Itā€™s perfect! That lace art couldnā€™t be a better find. Inverting it was the right choice too. BUT, you got a white focal and a white frameā€¦ under white buttons? Need some serious colors thrown ontop of it. Iā€™d experiment with gradients at different blend modes (screen/overlay/color burn/etc) until you get something nice.

  1. The white thorn vector.

Perfect. If you right click the vector layer and go to blending options. You can add a bezel or shadow to it, might do some good.

  1. Black stroke vector.

Take it off the frame, its doing too muchā€“especially if the white thorns were bezeled or shadowed, itā€™d be pointless. You could actually ā€œcutā€ a section of the black vector and use it along the top buttons, and cut another to slide under the bottom ones. Fit it and fill it nicely, and youā€™d have one of those fancy ā€œsplash streaksā€ running under your buttons.

Thatā€™s about all Iā€™d do, personally, just experiment with those ideas. That cut job is justā€¦ wow. Why do they have to make Tekken characters look so real = ?

lol , Basically I want all the 3s characters on it, with the 3s logo on the bottom left. Simple eh? IS LIKE 10 FREE DOLLAZ!!! Some vectors for the BGs would be nice XD

HRAP 2 template.

I wonder if some actual roses were there in the BG would help.

That Spongebob stick art is simply amazing.

I can give you images, template and a mock up of what I want if youā€™re still willing.

It would involve cutting some characters out of a full screen picture for better positioning (edges arent too complicated but, beyond my ability) and vector drawing a title(text) unless the font could be found and just re typed but, I havenā€™t been able to find the font.

Hah, thanks.

I kneeeew somebody would dig it. Instead of requests (during this threads closure), should just make more random ones XD.


is it possible for somebody to make a Guts from berserk SE edition template with my GT. Here are a few cool pics.
^^ not sure if that one would fit but it would be cool in red and black
^^ another one that would be cool in red and black.
^^ this one would be sick in black and white, idk if theres a website with a bigger pic of this one though.

I know iā€™ve made a lot of requests but this one i am dying for somebody to do something with, its for the 360 too if that helps? many thanks.

^-- Iā€™d recommend Kinkos. If you want professional quality, gotta go to a pro print shop. You could always print a greyscale(black and white) copy with your printer and see how it looks before throwing the money down too.


My man, hereā€™s your stick. Itā€™s not absolutely done, since I donā€™t know what colors you want. So, I included a rainbow gradient example to show how different colors would look. Personally, I like the black and white look, itā€™s ā€œcleanā€ when compared to the bright characters. You can also have the characters outlined on a colored background(rather than white)ā€¦ not a fan of that option though. Only a handful of colors blend it well, and its almost overkill. Lastly, Iā€™ve packed a more digital-water-color-esque background that was in progress before I abandoned it. Itā€™ll be in the final file, but itā€™s about the same as this one, just a little too much pixelated garbage imo.

Actual size look at the background The characters are at 4 angles, so youā€™ll see different characters pending on how you look at the stick:

Color Option Select:

Lastly, I can return the logoā€™s original color, but I prefer it set in the background than the fore.

Lemme know :china:

PS: Gotta stop taking requests >__<, lmao.

Much better than what I had! Good stuff, Aoi. :tup:

Do one last one! i sent you a PM about stick art :smiley: I have my Sakura art and everything.

Double post :I

I dont like that BG :lol: Dont know what the hell is going on. =/

Well, what would you rather have then oO? Link it+colors+position/size of cast and Iā€™ll throw it on.

Just donā€™t like using other backgrounds, prefer making my own = p

perhaps some nice vector stuff? everything else is fine. oh and what template is that again?

Thatā€™s just it, thereā€™s millions of vector art to choose from (and most good ones are a pain to obtain free), then theyā€™re blended together with a gradient. Gotta give me a better idea of the style youā€™re looking for, the colors, etc. You want rainbows and lace? You want skulls and blood? Reggae icons and tribal? Lmao, Iā€™d be at a loss without more detail. Also, the HRAP template isnā€™t too high a resolution, you could technically copy paste any vector wallpaper behind it with ease, so thereā€™s another option.

I used the HRAP2/3 template, I modded the file to act more like the TE/SE templates (with removable bevel and holes), then cropped it for the example images.